Reference section

This section (SMILExtract command-line options) documents available command-line options and describes the general usage of the SMILExtract command-line tool. A documentation of the configuration file format can be found in Section Configuration files. If you are interested what is going on inside openSMILE, which components exist besides those that are instantiable and connectable via the configuration files, and to learn more about the terminology used, then you should read Section openSMILE architecture which describes the program architecture in detail. Section Components consists of a comprehensive list of all components included with openSMILE and provides detailed documentation for each component. Finally, Section SMILEapi C API and wrappers covers the SMILEapi which allows to seamlessly integrate openSMILE into other applications.

SMILExtract command-line options

The SMILExtract binary is a very powerful command-line utility which includes all the built-in openSMILE components. Using a single ini-style configuration file, various modes of operation can be configured. This section describes the command-line options available when calling SMILExtract. Some options take an optional parameter, denoted by [parameter-type], while some require a mandatory parameter, denoted by <parameter-type>.

Usage: SMILExtract [-option (value)] …

Show this usage information

-C, -configfile <string>
Path to openSMILE config file.
Default: ’smile.conf’

-l, -loglevel <int>
Verbosity level of log messages (MSG, WRN, ERR, DBG) (0-9). 1: only important messages, 2,3: more detailed messages, 4,5: very detailed debug messages (if -debug is enabled), 6+: currently unused.
Default: 2

-t, -nticks <int>
Number of ticks (component loop iterations) to process (-1 = infinite) (Note: this only works for single thread processing, i.e. nThreads=1 set in the config file). This option is not intended for normal use. It is for debugging component execution code only.
Default: -1

-d, -debug
Show debug log-messages (DBG) (this is only available if the binary was compiled as a debug build)
Default: off

-L, -components
Show full component list (this list includes plugins, if they are detected correctly), and exit.

-H, -configHelp [componentName:string]
Show the documentation of configuration options of all available components (including plugins) and exit. If the optional string parameter is given, then only documentation of components beginning with the given string will be shown.

-configDflt [string]
Show default configuration file section templates for all components available (empty parameter), or selected components beginning with the string given as parameter. In conjunction with the ’cfgFileTemplate’ option a comma separated list of components can be passed as parameter to ’configDflt’, to generate a template configuration file with the listed components.

Experimental functionality to print a configuration file template containing the components specified in a comma separated string as argument to the ’configDflt’ option.

If this option is set, then option descriptions will be included in the generated template configuration files.
Default: off

-c, -ccmdHelp
Show user defined command-line option help in addition to the standard usage information (as printed by ’-h’). Since openSMILE provides means to define additional command-line options in the configuration file, which are available only after parsing the configuration file, and additional command-line option has been introduced to show a help on these options. A typical command-line to show this help would be SMILExtract -c -C myconfigfile.conf.

Print detailed documentation of registered config types in JSON format. This option is intended for external tools that want to consume the on-line help content programmatically.
Default: off

-logfile <string>
Specifies the path and filename of a log file. Make sure the path of the file is writeable.
Default: off

If this option is specified, openSMILE will append log messages to an existing log-file instead of overwriting the log-file at every program start (which is the default behaviour).

If this option is specified, no log-output is displayed in the console. Logging to the log file, if enabled, is not affected by this option.

openSMILE architecture

The SMILExtract binary is the main application which can run all configuration files. If you take a look at the source code of it (which is found in opensmile/progsrc/smilextract/SMILExtract.cpp), you will see that it is fairly short. It uses the classes from the openSMILE API to create the components and run the configurations. These API functions can be used in custom applications, such as GUI front-ends etc. Therefore, they will be described in more detail in the developer’s documentation in Section Developer’s documentation. However, to obtain a general understanding what components make openSMILE run, how they interact, and in what phases the program execution is split, a brief overview is given in this section.

openSMILE’s application flow can be split into three general phases:

Pre-config phase

Command-line options are read and the configuration file is parsed. Also, usage information is displayed, if requested, and a list of built-in components is generated.

Configuration phase

The component manager is created and instantiates all components listed in its instances configuration array. The configuration process is then split into 3 phases, where components first register with the component manager and the data memory, then perform the main configuration steps such as opening of input/output files, allocation of memory, etc., and finally finalise their configuration (e.g. set the names and dimensions of their output fields, etc.). Each of the 3 phases is passed through several times, since some components may depend on other components having finished their configuration (e.g. components that read the output from another component and need to know the dimensionality of the output and the names of the fields in the output). Errors, due to mis-configurations, bogus input values, or inaccessible files, are likely to happen during this phase.

Execution phase

When all components have been initialised successfully, the component manager starts the main execution loop (also referred to as tick-loop). Every component has a tick() method, which implements the main incremental processing functionality and reports on the status of the processing via its return value.

In one iteration of the execution loop, the component manager calls all tick() functions in series (Note: the behaviour is different, when components are run in multiple threads). The loop is continued as long as at least one component’s tick() method returns a non-zero value (which indicates that data was processed by this component).

If all components indicate that they did not process data, it can be safely assumed that no more data will arrive and the end of the input has been reached (this may be slightly different for on-line settings, however, it is up to the source components to return a positive return value or pause the execution loop, while they are waiting for data).

When the end of the input is reached, the component manager signals the end-of-input condition to the components by running one final iteration of the execution loop. After that, the execution loop will be ran anew, until all components report a failure status. This second phase is referred to end-of-input processing. It is mainly used for off-line processing, e.g. to compute features from the last (but incomplete) frames, to mean normalise a complete sequence, or to compute functionals from a complete sequence.

openSMILE contains three classes which cannot be instantiated from the configuration files. These are the command-line parser (ccommand-lineParser), the configuration manager (cConfigManager), and the component manager (cComponentManager). We will now briefly describe the role of each of these in a short paragraph. The order of the paragraph corresponds to the order the classes are created during execution of the SMILExtract program.

The command-line parser

This class parses the command-line and provides options in an easily accessible format to the calling application. Simple command-line syntax checks are also performed. After the configuration manager has been initialised and the configuration has been parsed, the command-line is parsed a second time, to also get the user-defined command-line options set in the current configuration file.

The configuration manager

The configuration manager loads the configuration file, which was specified on the SMILExtract command-line. Thereby, configuration sections are split and then parsed individually. The configuration sections are stored in an abstract representation as ConfigInstance classes (the structure of these classes is described by a ConfigType class). Thus, it is easy to add additional parsers for formats other than the currently implemented ini-style format.

The component manager

The component manager is responsible for instantiating, configuring, and executing the components. The details have already been described in the above section on openSMILE’s application flow. Moreover, the component manger is responsible for enumerating and registering components in plugins. Therefore, a directory called plugins is scanned for binary plugins. The plugins found are registered, and become useable exactly in the same way as built-in components. A single plugin binary thereby can contain multiple openSMILE components.

The components instantiated by the component manager are all descendants of the cSmileComponent class. They have two basic means of standardised communication: a) directly and asynchronously, via smile messages, and b) indirectly and synchronously via the data memory.

Method a) is used to send out-of-line data, such as events and configuration changes directly from one smile component to another. Classifier components, for example, send a ‘classificationResult’ message which can be caught by other components (esp. custom plug-ins), to change their behaviour or send the message to external sources.

Method b) is the standard method for handling of data in openSMILE. The basic principle is that of a data source producing a frame of data and writing it to the data memory. A data processor reads this frame, applies some fancy algorithm to it, and writes a modified output frame back to a different location in the data memory. This step can be repeated for multiple data processors. Finally, a data sink reads the frame and passes it to an external source or interprets (classifies) it in some way. The advantage of passing data indirectly is that multiple components can read the same data, and data from past frames can stored efficiently in a central location for later use.

Incremental processing

Overview on openSMILE's component types and openSMILE's basic architecture.

Fig. 4 Overview on openSMILE’s component types and openSMILE’s basic architecture.

The data-flow in openSMILE is handled by the cDataMemory component. This component manages multiple data memory ‘levels’ internally. These levels are independent data storage locations, which can be written to by exactly one component and read by an arbitrary number of components. From the outside (the component side) the levels appear to be a \(N x \infty\) matrix, with \(N\) rows, whereby \(N\) is the frame size. Components can read/write frames (columns) at/to any location in this virtual matrix. Data memory levels can be stored internally either as ring-buffers (isRb=1) or regular buffers (isRb=0) and their size can be either fixed (growDyn=0) or growing dynamically at runtime (growDyn=1). For fixed-size ring buffers, a write operation only succeeds if there are empty frames in the buffer (frames that have not been written to yet, or frames that have been read by all components reading from the level), and a read operation only succeeds if the referred frame index lies no more than the ring buffer size in the past. For fixed-size regular buffers, writes will succeed until the buffer is full, after that writes will always fail. For dynamically growing levels, writes always succeed, except when the application is out-of-memory. Be aware that there is no limitation on the amount of memory allocated for dynamically growing levels. In almost all cases, a fixed-size ring buffer is the recommended level configuration.

Fig. 4 shows the overall data-flow architecture of openSMILE, where the data memory is the central link between all dataSource, dataProcessor, and dataSink components.

Partially filled buffers.

Fig. 5 Incremental processing with ring-buffers. Partially filled buffers.

Filled buffers with warped read/write pointers.

Fig. 6 Incremental processing with ring-buffers. Filled buffers with warped read/write pointers.

The ring-buffer based incremental processing is illustrated in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. Three levels are present in this setup: wave, frames, and pitch. A cWaveSource component writes samples to the ‘wave’ level. The write positions in the levels are indicated by a red arrow. A cFramer produces frames of size 3 from the wave samples (non-overlapping), and writes these frames to the ‘frames’ level. A cPitch (a component with this name does not exist, it has been chosen here only for illustration purposes) component extracts pitch features from the frames and writes them to the ‘pitch’ level. In Fig. 6 the buffers have been filled, and the write pointers have been warped. Data that lies more than ‘buffersize’ frames in the past has been overwritten.

Incremental computation of high-level features such as statistical functionals.

Fig. 7 Incremental computation of high-level features such as statistical functionals.

Fig. 7 shows the incremental processing of higher order features. Functionals (max and min) over two frames (overlapping) of the pitch features are extracted and saved to the level ‘func’.

The size of the buffers must be set correctly to ensure smooth processing for all blocksizes. A ‘blocksize’ thereby is the size of the block a reader or writer reads/writes from/to the dataMemory at once. In the above example, the read blocksize of the functionals component would be 2 because it reads two pitch frames at once. The input level buffer of ‘pitch’ must be at least 2 frames long, otherwise the functionals component will never be able to read a complete window from this level.

openSMILE handles automatic adjustment of the buffersizes. Therefore, readers and writers must register with the data memory during the configuration phase and publish their read and write blocksizes. The minimal buffersize is computed based on these values. If the buffersize of a level is set smaller than the minimal size, the size will be increased to the minimum possible size. If the specified size (via configuration options) is larger than the minimal size, the larger size will be used.


This automatic buffersize setting only applies to ring-buffers. If you use non-ring buffers, or if you want to process the full input (e.g. for functionals of the complete input, or mean normalisation) it is always recommended to configure a dynamically growing non-ring buffer level (see cDataWriter configuration in the Configuring components section for details).

openSMILE terminology

In the context of the openSMILE data memory, various terms are used which require clarification and a precise definition, such as ‘field’, ‘element’, ‘frame’, and ‘window’.

You have learnt about the internal structure of the dataMemory in Section Incremental processing. Thereby a level in the data memory represents a unit which contains numeric data, frame meta data, and temporal meta data. Temporal meta data is present on the one hand for each frame, thereby describing frame timestamps and custom per frame meta information. On the other hand, temporal meta data is present globally, describing the global frame period and timing mode of the level.

If we view the numeric contents of the data memory level as a 2D \(<\)nFields x nTimestemps\(>\) matrix, where ‘frames’ correspond to the columns of this matrix, and ‘windows’ or ‘contours’ correspond the rows of this matrix. The frames are also referred to as (column-)‘vectors’ in some places. (Note: when exporting data to files, the data, viewed as matrix, is transposed, i.e. for text-based files (CSV, ARFF), the rows of the file correspond to the frames.) The term ‘elements’, as used in openSMILE, refers to the actual elements of the frames/vectors. The term ‘field’ refers to a group of elements that belong together logically and where all elements have the same name. This principle shall be illustrated by an example: A feature frame containing the features ‘energy’, ‘F0’, and ‘MFCC’ 1-6, will have \(1+1+6=8\) elements, but only \(3\) fields: the field ‘energy’ with a single element, the field ‘F0’ with a single element, and the (array-) field ‘MFCC’ with 6 elements (called ‘MFCC[0]’ – ‘MFCC[1]’).

Configuration files

openSMILE configuration files follow an INI-style file format. The file is divided into sections, which are introduced by a section header:


The section header, as opposed to the standard INI format, always contains two parts, the section name (first part) and the section type (second part). The two parts of the section header are separated by a colon (:). The section body (the part after the header line up to the next header line or the end of the file) contains attributes (which are defined by the section type; a description of the available types can be seen using the -H command-line option as well as in Section Components). Attributes are given as name = value pairs. An example of a generic configuration file section is given here:

[instancename:configType]     <-- this specifies the header
variable1 = value             <-- example of a string variable
variable2 = 7.8               <-- example of a "numeric" variable
variable3 = X                 <-- example of a "char" variable
subconf.var1 = myname         <-- example of a variable in a sub type
myarr[0] = value0             <-- example of an array
myarr[1] = value1
anotherarr = value0;value1    <-- example of an implicit array
noarray = value0\;value1      <-- use \; to quote the separator ';'
strArr[name1] = value1        <-- associative arrays, name=value pairs
strArr[name2] = value2

; line-comments may be expressed by ; // or # at the beginning
/* multi-line comments (C style):
   NOTE: comments must start at the beginning of a line  and must end
   at the end of a line. Comments within a line are not supported. */
variable4 = value // end-of-line comments

In principal, config type names can be arbitrary strings. However, for consistency, the names of the components and their corresponding configuration type names are identical. Thus, to configure a component cWaveSource you need a configuration section of type cWaveSource.

In every openSMILE configuration file, there is one mandatory section which configures the component manager. This is the component that instantiates and runs all other components. The following sub-section describes this section in detail.

Enabling components

The components which will be run, can be specified by configuring the cComponentManager component, as shown in the following listing (the section must be called componentInstances):

[componentInstances:cComponentManager]     <-- don't change this
; one data memory component must always be specified!
; the default name is 'dataMemory'
; if you call your data memory instance 'dataMemory',
; you will not have to specify the reader.dmInstance variables
; for all other components!
; NOTE: you may specify more than one data memory component
; configure the default data memory:
instance[dataMemory].type = cDataMemory
; configure a sample data source (name = source1):
instance[source1].type = cExampleSource

The associative array instance is used to configure the list of components. The component instance names are specified as the array keys and are freely definable. They can contain all characters except for ], however, it is recommended to only use alphanumeric characters, _, and -. The component types (i.e. which component to instantiate), are given as value to the type option.


For each component instance specified in the instance array, a configuration section must exist in the file (except for the data memory components!), even if it is empty (e.g. if you want to use default values only). In this case, you need to specify only the header line [name:type].

Configuring components

The parameters of each component can be set in the configuration section corresponding to the specific component. For a wave source, for example, (which you instantiate with the line

instance[source1].type = cWaveSource

in the component manager configuration) you would add the following section (note that the name of the configuration section must match the name of the component instance, and the name of the configuration type must match the component’s type name):

 ; the following sets the level this component writes to
 ; the level will be created by this component
 ; no other components may write to a level having the same name
writer.dmLevel = wave
filename = input.wav

This sets the file name of the wave source to input.wav. Further, it specifies that this wave source component should write to a data memory level called wave. Each openSMILE component, which processes data has at least a data reader (of type cDataReader), a data writer (of type cDataWriter), or both. These sub-components handle the interface to the data memory component(s). The most important option, which is mandatory, is dmLevel, which specifies the level to write to or to read from. Writing is only possible to one level and only one component may write to each level. We would like to note at this point that the levels do not have to be specified implicitly by configuring the data memory—in fact, the data memory is the only component which does not have and does not require a section in the configuration file—rather, the levels are created implicitly through writer.dmLevel = newlevel. Reading is possible from more than one level. Thereby, the input data will be concatenated frame-wise to one single frame containing data from all input levels. To specify reading from multiple levels, separate the level names with the array separator ’;’, e.g.:

reader.dmLevel = level1;level2

The next example shows the configuration of a cFramer component frame, which creates (overlapping) frames from raw wave input, as read by the wave source:

reader.dmLevel = wave
writer.dmLevel = frames
frameSize = 0.0250
frameStep = 0.010

The component reads from the level wave, and writes to the level frames. It will create frames of 25ms length at a rate of 10ms. The actual frame length in samples depends on the sampling rate, which will be read from meta-information contained in the wave level. For more examples please see Section Default feature sets.

Including other configuration files

To include other configuration files into the main configuration file use the following command on a separate line at the location where you want to include the other file:


This include command can be used anywhere in the configuration file (as long it is on a separate line). It simply copies the lines of the included file into the main file while loading the configuration file into openSMILE .

Linking to command-line options

openSMILE allows for defining of new command-line options for the SMILExtract binary in the configuration file. To do so, use the \cm command as value, which has the following syntax:

\cm[longoption(shortoption){default value}:description text]

The command may be used as illustrated in the following example:

myAttrib1 = \cm[longoption(shortopt){default}:descr. text]
myAttrib2 = \cm[longoption{default}:descr. text]

The shortopt argument and the default value are optional. Note that, however, either default and/or descr. text are required to define a new option. If neither of the two is specified, the option will not be added to the command-line parser. You can use this mode to reference options that were already added, i.e. if you want to use the value of an already existing option which has been defined at a prior location in the config file:

myAttrib2 = \cm[longoption]

An example for making a filename configurable via the command-line, is given here:

filename = \cm[filename(F){default.file}:use this option to specify the filename for the XYZ component]

You can call SMILExtract -c -C yourconfigfile.conf to see your command-line options appended to the general usage output.


When specifying command-line options as a value to an option, the \cm command is the only text allowed at the right side of the equal sign! Something like key = value \cm[...] is currently not allowed. The \cm command may also only appear in the value field of an assignment and (since version 2.0) also instead of a filename in the config file include command.

Defining variables

This feature is not yet supported, but is planned for addition. This should help avoid duplicate values and increase maintainability of configuration files. A current workaround is to define a command-line option with a given default value instead of a variable.


Single line comments may be initiated by the following characters at the beginning of the line (only whitespaces may follow the characters): ; # // %

If you want to comment out a partial line, please use //. Everything following the double slash on this line (and the double slash itself) will be considered a comment and will be ignored.

Multi-line comments are now supported via the C-style sequences /* and */. In order to avoid parser problems here, please make sure these sequences are on a separate line, e.g.

myAttrib2 = \cm[longoption]

and not:

myAttrib2 = \cm[longoption]*/

The latter case is supported, however, you must ensure that the closing */ is not followed by any whitespaces.

IDE support for configuration files

A community-provided extension for Visual Studio Code is available at

The extension integrates the on-line help system of openSMILE into the IDE and also provides syntax highlighting, statement completion, diagnostics and code navigation features for config files.


This section contains a list of all components in openSMILE and available options for each component. You may also access the same information via openSMILE’s inbuilt help system. From the command-line you can get a list of available components (and a short description for each) with the command

SMILExtract -L

All available configuration options for a specific component (replace cMyComponentName by the actual name), as well as the description of their use and meaning, can be obtained with the command

SMILExtract -H cMyComponentName

SMILEapi C API and wrappers

The command-line SMILExtract application is handy to perform feature extraction on a set of files for research purposes or to run openSMILE as part of a demonstrator. A seamless integration of openSMILE functionality into applications is not possible with this approach, however. For these usecases, openSMILE provides a C API called SMILEapi which can be called directly from other applications. All functionality available in the SMILExtract command-line tool is also available programmatically via SMILEapi. In addition, it allows to pass and retrieve audio, features or smile messages to and from openSMILE in real-time.

The SMILEapi library is built as part of the normal build process, the binaries are created under build/progsrc/smileapi. By default, it is built as a shared library (SMILEapi.dll on Windows). A static library can be built instead by setting the CMake build flag SMILEAPI_STATIC_LINK=ON. Applications linking to SMILEapi need to include the public header progsrc/include/smileapi/SMILEapi.h which defines all types and functions in the API. For details and usage of the API, see the in-line documentation in the header file.

openSMILE also comes with Python and C# wrappers around SMILEapi. These can be found in progsrc/smileapi/python and progsrc/smileapi/dotnet, respectively. The Android and iOS sample applications (progsrc/android-template and progsrc/ios-template) are both based on the SMILEapi, as well, and can serve as a reference on how to call SMILEapi in mobile apps.


If you intend to use openSMILE from within Python and don’t require the advanced, low-level functionality that SMILEapi provides, we highly recommend to check out the standalone opensmile Python package. It comes as a pip-installable Python module and provides an easier-to-use interface with e.g. support for NumPy types.

Feature names

openSMILE follows a strict naming scheme for features (data fields). Each component (except the sink components) assigns names to its output fields. All cDataProcessor descendants have two options to control the naming behaviour, namely ‘nameAppend’ and ‘copyInputName’. ‘nameAppend’ specifies a suffix which is appended to the field name of the previous level. A ‘–’ is inserted between the two names (if ‘nameAppend’ is not empty or (null)). ‘copyInputName’ controls whether the input name is copied and the suffix ‘nameAppend’ and any internal hard-coded names are appended (if it is set to 1), or if the input field name is discarded and only the component’s internal names and an appended suffix are used.

The field naming scheme is illustrated by the following example. Let’s assume you start with an input field ‘pcm’. If you then compute delta regression coefficients from it, you end up with the name ‘pcm-de’. If you apply functionals (extreme values max and min only), then you will end up with two new fields: ‘pcm-de-max’ and ‘pcm-de-min’. Theoretically, if the ‘copyInputName’ is always set, and a suitable suffix to append is specified, the complete processing chain can be deducted from the field name. In practice, however, this would lead to quite long and redundant feature names, since most speech and music features base on framing, windowing, and spectral transformation. Thus, most of these components do not append anything to the input name and do only copy the input name. In order to discard the ‘pcm’ from the wave input level, components that compute features such as mfcc, pitch, etc. discard the input name and use only a hard-coded name or a name controlled via ‘nameAppend’.

Feature extraction algorithms

As you might have noted, this document does not describe details of the feature extraction algorithms implemented in openSMILE. There are two resources to get more details on the algorithms:

  1. Read the source!

  2. Read the book Real-time Speech and Music Classification by Large Audio Feature Space Extraction by F. Eyben published by Springer 6 (eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-27299-3). All important algorithms are described in detail there and a precise and most up-to-date summary of standard acoustic parameter sets up to ComParE 2013 and GeMAPS is given. It is also a good reading for people who are new to the field of audio analysis and machine learning for audio.