

This component saves data to an uncompressed PCM WAVE file

Type hierarchy



  • blocksize_sec (numeric) [default: 1.0]

    The size of the data blocks to read at once, in seconds

  • filename (string) [default: output.wav]

    The filename of the PCM wave file to write data to. Set to '?' to disable this sink component.

  • sampleFormat (string) [default: 16bit]

    openSMILE uses float for all data internally. Thus you must specify your desired sample format for the wave files here. Available formats:

    • '8bit' : 8-bit signed

    • '16bit' : 16-bit signed

    • '24bit' : 24-bit signed

    • '24bitp' : 24-bit signed packed in 3 bytes

    • '32bit' : 32-bit signed integer

    • 'float' : 32-bit float

  • flushData (numeric) [default: 0.0]

    1/0 (on/off) : flush data to disk and update wave header after writing a frame to the output file (default behaviour is to flush only when the file is closed and openSMILE is being terminated via Ctrl+C or at the end-of-input in offline mode)