

This component reads pitch data, detects pseudo syllables, and computes pitch direction estimates per syllable. Thereby the classes falling, flat, and rising are distinguished.

Required input fields: F0, F0env, and 'loudness' or 'RMSenergy'.

Type hierarchy



  • ltbs (numeric) [default: 0.2]

    The size of the long-term average buffer in seconds

  • stbs (numeric) [default: 0.05]

    The size of the short-term average buffer in seconds

  • directionMsgRecp (string) [default: None]

    Recipient component(s) for per syllable event-based pitch direction message (rise/fall/rise-fall/fall-rise message are sent only if and as ofter as a such event occurs on a syllable)

  • speakingRateBsize (numeric) [default: 100.0]

    The buffer size for computation of speaking rate (in input frames, typical frame rate 100 fps)

  • F0direction (numeric) [default: 1.0]

    1 = enable output of F0 direction as numeric value (fall: -1.0 / flat: 0.0 / rise: 1.0)

  • directionScore (numeric) [default: 1.0]

    1 = enable output of F0 direction score (short term mean - long term mean)

  • speakingRate (numeric) [default: 0.0]

    1 = enable output of current speaking rate in Hz (is is output for every frame, thus, a lot of redundancy here)

  • F0avg (numeric) [default: 0.0]

    1 = enable output of long term average F0

  • F0smooth (numeric) [default: 0.0]

    1 = enable output of exponentially smoothed F0

  • onlyTurn (numeric) [default: 0.0]

    1 = send pitch direction messages (directionMsgRecp) only during speech turns (voice activity) (according to turnStart/turnEnd messages received from cTurnDetector)

  • turnStartMessage (string) [default: turnStart]

    Use this option to define a custom message name for turn start messages, i.e. if you want to use voice activity start/end messages instead

  • turnEndMessage (string) [default: turnEnd]

    Use this option to define a custom message name for turn end messages, i.e. if you want to use voice activity start/end messages instead

  • F0fieldname (string) [default: F0]

    The name of the F0 data field to use for syllable detection and pitch direction analysis

  • F0envFieldname (string) [default: F0env]

    The name of the F0 envelope data field to use for syllable detection and pitch direction analysis

  • LoudnessFieldname (string) [default: loudness]

    The name of the 'Loudness' data field (see cIntensity component) to use for syllable nuclei detection

  • RMSenergyFieldname (string) [default: pcm_RMSenergy]

    The name of the RMS energy data field to use for syllable detection