

This component computes CENS (energy normalised and smoothed chroma features) from raw Chroma features generated by the 'cChroma' component.

Type hierarchy



  • nameAppend (string) [default: CENS]

    A string suffix to append to the input field names (default: empty)

  • copyInputName (numeric) [default: 0.0]

    1 = copy the input name (and optionally append a suffix, see 'nameAppend' option), 0 = discard the input name and use only the 'nameAppend' string as new name.

  • window (string) [default: han]

    The window function to use for temporal CENS smoothing; one of these: han (Hanning), ham (Hamming), bar (Bartlett)

  • downsampleRatio (numeric) [default: 10.0]

    The integer ratio at which to downsample the resulting sequence of vectors. I.e. a value of 4 will average 4 frames and output 1 CENS frame.

  • winlength (numeric) [default: 41.0]

    The length of the CENS smoothing window, in frames.

  • winlength_sec (numeric) [default: 0.41]

    The length of the CENS smoothing window, in seconds. This will be rounded upwards (ceil) to the closest length in frames. It overrides winlength, if set.

  • l2norm (numeric) [default: 1.0]

    1/0 = enable/disable normalisation of CENS vectors by their L2-norm.