

This component computes Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) from a critical band spectrum (see 'cMelspec'). An I-DCT of type-II is used from transformation from the spectral to the cepstral domain. Liftering of cepstral coefficients is supported. HTK compatible values can be computed.

Type hierarchy



  • nameAppend (string) [default: mfcc]

    A string suffix to append to the input field names (default: empty)

  • firstMfcc (numeric) [default: 1.0]

    The first MFCC to compute

  • lastMfcc (numeric) [default: 12.0]

    The last MFCC to compute

  • nMfcc (numeric) [default: 12.0]

    Use this option to specify the number of MFCC, instead of specifying lastMfcc

  • melfloor (numeric) [default: 1e-08]

    The minimum value allowed for melspectra when taking the log spectrum (this parameter will be forced to 1.0 when htkcompatible=1)

  • doLog (numeric) [default: 1.0]

    This defaults to 1 (on), set it to 0 to disable the log() operation on the (power) spectrum before applying the DCT. Note: If disabled, the output cannot be considered Cepstral coefficients anymore!

  • cepLifter (numeric) [default: 22.0]

    Parameter for cepstral 'liftering', set this to 0.0 to disable cepstral liftering

  • htkcompatible (numeric) [default: 1.0]

    1 = append the 0-th coefficient at the end instead of placing it as the first element of the output vector

  • inverse (numeric) [default: 0.0]

    1/0 = on/off : comutation of inverse MFCC (i.e. input is MFCC array)

  • nBands (numeric) [default: 26.0]

    number of mel/bark bands to create when computing the inverse MFCC (must be the same as the number of bands the forward transform was performed on).

  • printDctBaseFunctions (numeric) [default: 0.0]

    1/0 = on/off: print the dct base functions in octave compatible syntax to standard output