

This component computes an N-band Mel/Bark/Semitone-frequency spectrum (critical band spectrum) by applying overlapping triangular filters equidistant on the Mel/Bark/Semitone-frequency scale to an FFT magnitude or power spectrum.

Type hierarchy



  • nBands (numeric) [default: 26.0]

    The number of Mel/Bark/Semitone band filters the filterbank from 'lofreq'-'hifreq' contains.

  • lofreq (numeric) [default: 20.0]

    The lower cut-off frequency of the filterbank (Hz)

  • hifreq (numeric) [default: 8000.0]

    The upper cut-off frequency of the filterbank (Hz)

  • usePower (numeric) [default: 0.0]

    Set this to 1, to use the power spectrum instead of magnitude spectrum, i.e. if set this squares the input data

  • showFbank (numeric) [default: 0.0]

    If this is set to 1, the bandwidths and centre frequencies of the filters in the filterbank are printed to openSMILE log output (console and/or file)

  • htkcompatible (numeric) [default: 1.0]

    1 = enable htk compatible output (audio sample scaling -32767..+32767 instead of openSMILE's -1.0..1.0)

  • inverse (numeric) [default: 0.0]

    [NOT YET FULLY TESTED] 1 = compute fft magnitude spectrum from mel spectrum; Note that if this option is set, 'nBands' specifies the number of fft bands to create!

  • specScale (string) [default: mel]

    The frequency scale to design the critical band filterbank in (this is the scale in which the filter centre frequencies are placed equi-distant):

    • mel = Mel-frequency scale (m = 1127 ln (1+f/700))

    • bark = Bark scale approximation (Critical band rate z): z = [26.81 / (1.0 + 1960/f)] - 0.53

    • bark_schroed = Bark scale approximation due to Schroeder (1977): 6*ln( f/600 + [(f/600)^2+1]^0.5 )

    • bark_speex = Bark scale approximation as used in Speex codec package

    • semi = semi-tone scale with first note (0) = 'firstNote' (default 27.5Hz) (s=12*log(f/firstNote)/log(2)) [experimental]

    • log = logarithmic scale with base 'logScaleBase' (default = 2)

    • lin(ear) = linear Hz scale.

  • bwMethod (string) [default: lr]

    The method to use to compute filter bandwidth:

    • lr : use centre frequencies of left and right neighbours (standard way for mel-spectra and mfcc)

    • erb : bandwidth based on critical bandwidth approximation (ERB), choose this option for computing HFCC instead of MFCC.

    • custom: use the 'halfBwTarg' option to specify a custom effective rectangular bandwidth of the triangular filters - this bandwidth is constant for all filters and independent of the center frequency.

  • halfBwTarg (numeric) [default: 1.0]

    If bwMethod=='custom' then this options gives the effective rectangular bandwidth of the triangular filters in the target frequency scale (default mel). If showFbank=1 the actual bandwidth in Hz for each center frequency will be printed at startup.

  • logScaleBase (numeric) [default: 2.0]

    The base for log scales (a log base of 2.0 - the default - corresponds to an octave target scale)

  • firstNote (numeric) [default: 27.5]

    The first note (in Hz) for a semi-tone scale

  • overrideFrameSizeSec (numeric) [default: 0.0]

    In case that the original FFT frame size in seconds cannot automatically be read from the input level meta data (i.e. for average spectra in a multi-frame-size setting), use this to manually override it and force the filters to be created based on the given frame size assumption.