This is an example of a cDataSink descendant. It reads data from the data memory and prints it to the console. This component is intended as a template for developers.
model (string) [default: None]
The name of the model file.
printParseableResult (numeric) [default: 0.0]
1 = print easily parseable classification/regression result to stdout
printResult (numeric) [default: 0.0]
1 = print classification/regression result to log
saveResult (string) [default: None]
filename of text file the result(s) will be saved to
instanceName (string) [default: None]
If set, print instance name field to CSV (first column) when saveResult=1, with the given value.
append (numeric) [default: 0.0]
1 = append to CSV file, in case of saveResult=1, instead of overwriting the file (default).
resultRecp (string) [default: None]
List of component(s) to send 'classificationResult' messages to (use , to separate multiple recepients), leave blank (NULL) to not send any messages
resultMessageName (string) [default: svm_result]
Freely defineable name that is sent with 'classificationResult' message
showStatsDebug (numeric) [default: 0.0]
1 = show internal values for debugging and sanity checks.
ignoreLogitModel (numeric) [default: 0.0]
1 = don't use a logistic model for probability estimates, if one is contained in the model.
winningClassMethodName (string) [default: vote]
prob = use probabilties instead of votes to determine the winning class, if a logistic model is used. vote = use the standard majority voting based on the distance