

This component computes CHROMA features from a semi-tone scaled spectrum generated by the 'cTonespec' component.

Type hierarchy



  • nameAppend (string) [default: chroma]

    A string suffix to append to the input field names (default: empty)

  • copyInputName (numeric) [default: 0.0]

    1 = copy the input name (and optionally append a suffix, see 'nameAppend' option), 0 = discard the input name and use only the 'nameAppend' string as new name.

  • octaveSize (numeric) [default: 12.0]

    The size of an octave, i.e. the number of output bins, or the interval to which the input bins are mapped via warping.

  • silThresh (numeric) [default: 0.001]

    Chroma 'floor', i.e. silence threshold. If at least on element of the (unnormalised) chroma vector falls below the threshold, the vector will not be normalised, and a 0 vector will be output instead.