This component copies only those frames from the input to the output that match a certain threshold criterion, i.e. where a specified value N exceeds a certain threshold.
Type hierarchy¶
threshold (numeric) [default: 1.0]
Threshold for selection (see also 'invert' option)
adaptiveThreshold (numeric) [default: 0.0]
1/0 = on/off, use an adaptive threshold given by a running average (see adaptationLength[Sec] option).
adaptationLengthSec (numeric) [default: 2.0]
Length of running average for adaptive threshold in seconds
adaptationLength (numeric) [default: 200.0]
Length of running average for adaptive threshold in frames (if set, overrides the adaptationLengthSec; also used as default if neither option is specified)
debugAdaptiveThreshold (numeric) [default: 0.0]
If > 0, the interval (in frames) at which to output the current adaptive threshold to the log at log-level 3.
idx (numeric) [default: 0.0]
The index of element to base the selection decision on. Currently only 1 element is supported, NO vector based thresholds etc. are possible.
invert (numeric) [default: 0.0]
1 = output the frame when element[idx] < threshold ; 0 = output the frame if element[idx] => threshold
allowEqual (numeric) [default: 0.0]
if this option is set to 1, output the frame also, when element[idx] == threshold
removeIdx (numeric) [default: 0.0]
1 = remove field element[idx] in output vector ; 0 = keep it
zeroVec (numeric) [default: 0.0]
1 = instead of not writing output to the output level if selection threshold is not met, output a vector with all values set to 'outputVal', which is 0 by default (removeIdx options still has the same effect).
outputVal (numeric) [default: 0.0]
Value all output elements will be set to when 'zeroVec=1'.