Source code for audformat.core.utils

import collections
import errno
import os
import platform
import re
import sys
import typing as typing

import iso639
import iso3166
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import audeer
import audiofile

from audformat.core import define
from audformat.core.common import to_audformat_dtype
from audformat.core.database import Database
from audformat.core.index import filewise_index
from audformat.core.index import is_filewise_index
from audformat.core.index import is_segmented_index
from audformat.core.index import segmented_index
from audformat.core.scheme import Scheme

# Exclude examples that return a path containing `\`
# from doctest on Windows
if platform.system() in ["Windows"]:  # pragma: no cover
    __doctest_skip__ = [

[docs]def concat( objs: typing.Sequence[typing.Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]], *, overwrite: bool = False, aggregate_function: typing.Callable[[pd.Series], typing.Any] = None, aggregate_strategy: str = "mismatch", ) -> typing.Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]: r"""Concatenate objects. If all objects are conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` and at least one object is segmented, the output has a segmented index. Otherwise, requires that levels and dtypes of all objects match, see :func:`audformat.utils.is_index_alike`. When a :class:`pandas.Index` is concatenated with a single-level :class:`pandas.MultiIndex`, the result is a :class:`pandas.Index`. The new object contains index and columns of all objects. Missing values will be set to ``NaN``. Columns with the same identifier are combined to a single column. This requires that both columns have the same dtype and if ``overwrite`` is set to ``False``, values in places where the indices overlap have to match or one column contains ``NaN``. If ``overwrite`` is set to ``True``, the value of the last object in the list is kept. If ``overwrite`` is set to ``False``, a custom aggregation function can be provided with ``aggregate_function`` that converts the overlapping values into a single value. Args: objs: objects overwrite: overwrite values where indices overlap aggregate_function: function to aggregate overlapping values, that cannot be joined when ``overwrite`` is ``False``. The function gets a :class:`pandas.Series` with overlapping values as input. E.g. set to ``lambda y: y.mean()`` to average the values or to ``tuple`` to return them as a tuple aggregate_strategy: if ``aggregate_function`` is not ``None``, ``aggregate_strategy`` decides when ``aggregate_function`` is applied. ``'overlap'``: apply to all samples that have an overlapping index; ``'mismatch'``: apply to all samples that have an overlapping index and a different value Returns: concatenated objects Raises: ValueError: if level and dtypes of object indices do not match ValueError: if columns with the same name have different dtypes ValueError: if ``aggregate_strategy`` is not one of ``'overlap'``, ``'mismatch'`` ValueError: if ``aggregate_function`` is ``None``, ``overwrite`` is ``False``, and values in the same position do not match Examples: >>> concat( ... [ ... pd.Series([0], index=pd.Index([0])), ... pd.Series([1], index=pd.Index([1])), ... ] ... ) 0 0 1 1 dtype: Int64 >>> concat( ... [ ... pd.Series([0], index=pd.Index([0]), name="col1"), ... pd.Series([1], index=pd.Index([0]), name="col2"), ... ] ... ) col1 col2 0 0 1 >>> concat( ... [ ... pd.Series([1, 1], index=pd.Index([0, 1])), ... pd.Series([1, 1], index=pd.Index([0, 1])), ... ], ... aggregate_function=np.sum, ... ) 0 1 1 1 dtype: Int64 >>> concat( ... [ ... pd.Series([1, 1], index=pd.Index([0, 1])), ... pd.Series([1, 2], index=pd.Index([0, 1])), ... ], ... aggregate_function=np.sum, ... ) 0 1 1 3 dtype: Int64 >>> concat( ... [ ... pd.Series([1, 1], index=pd.Index([0, 1])), ... pd.Series([1, 1], index=pd.Index([0, 1])), ... ], ... aggregate_function=np.sum, ... aggregate_strategy="overlap", ... ) 0 2 1 2 dtype: Int64 >>> concat( ... [ ... pd.Series( ... [0.0, 1.0], ... index=pd.Index( ... [0, 1], ... dtype="int", ... name="idx", ... ), ... name="float", ... ), ... pd.DataFrame( ... { ... "float": [np.nan, 2.0], ... "string": ["a", "b"], ... }, ... index=pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( ... [[0, 2]], ... names=["idx"], ... ), ... ), ... ] ... ) float string idx 0 0.0 a 1 1.0 NaN 2 2.0 b >>> concat( ... [ ... pd.Series( ... [0.0, 1.0], ... index=filewise_index(["f1", "f2"]), ... name="float", ... ), ... pd.DataFrame( ... { ... "float": [1.0, 2.0], ... "string": ["a", "b"], ... }, ... index=segmented_index(["f2", "f3"]), ... ), ... ] ... ) float string file start end f1 0 days NaT 0.0 NaN f2 0 days NaT 1.0 a f3 0 days NaT 2.0 b >>> concat( ... [ ... pd.Series( ... [0.0, 0.0], ... index=filewise_index(["f1", "f2"]), ... name="float", ... ), ... pd.DataFrame( ... { ... "float": [1.0, 2.0], ... "string": ["a", "b"], ... }, ... index=segmented_index(["f2", "f3"]), ... ), ... ], ... overwrite=True, ... ) float string file start end f1 0 days NaT 0.0 NaN f2 0 days NaT 1.0 a f3 0 days NaT 2.0 b """ allowed_values = ["overlap", "mismatch"] if aggregate_strategy not in allowed_values: raise ValueError( "aggregate_strategy needs to be one of: " f"{', '.join(allowed_values)}" ) if not objs: return pd.Series([], index=pd.Index([]), dtype="object") if len(objs) == 1: return objs[0] objs = _maybe_convert_filewise_index(objs) objs = _maybe_convert_single_level_multi_index(objs) _assert_index_alike(objs) # the new index is a union of the individual objects index = union([obj.index for obj in objs]) # list with all columns we need to concatenate columns = [] return_as_frame = False for obj in objs: if isinstance(obj, pd.Series): columns.append(obj) else: return_as_frame = True for column in obj: columns.append(obj[column]) # reindex all columns to the new index columns_reindex = {} overlapping_values = {} for column in columns: # if we already have a column with that name, we have to merge them if in columns_reindex: dtype_1 = columns_reindex[].dtype dtype_2 = column.dtype # assert same dtype if not _is_same_dtype(dtype_1, dtype_2): if == "category": dtype_1 = repr(dtype_1) if == "category": dtype_2 = repr(dtype_2) raise ValueError( "Found two columns with name " f"'{}' " "but different dtypes:\n" f"{dtype_1} " "!= " f"{dtype_2}." ) # Fix changed handling of float32/float64 in pandas>=1.3 if "float64" in [dtype_1, dtype_2]: columns_reindex[] = columns_reindex[].astype( "float64" ) # Handle overlapping values if not overwrite: def collect_overlap(overlapping_values, column, index): """Collect overlap for aggregate function.""" if not in overlapping_values: overlapping_values[] = [] overlapping_values[].append(column.loc[index]) column = column.loc[~column.index.isin(index)] column = column.dropna() return column, overlapping_values # Apply aggregate function only to overlapping entries intersection = intersect( [ columns_reindex[].dropna().index, column.dropna().index, ] ) # We use len() here as index.empty takes a very long time if len(intersection) > 0: # Apply aggregate function # to all overlapping entries if ( aggregate_function is not None and aggregate_strategy == "overlap" ): column, overlapping_values = collect_overlap( overlapping_values, column, intersection, ) columns_reindex[][column.index] = column continue # Find data that differ and cannot be joined combine = pd.DataFrame( { "left": columns_reindex[][intersection], "right": column[intersection], } ) combine.dropna(inplace=True) differ = combine["left"] != combine["right"] if np.any(differ): # Apply aggregate function # to overlapping entries # that do not match in value if ( aggregate_function is not None and aggregate_strategy == "mismatch" ): column, overlapping_values = collect_overlap( overlapping_values, column, intersection[differ], ) columns_reindex[][column.index] = column continue # Raise error if values don't match and are not NaN else: max_display = 10 overlap = combine[differ] msg_overlap = str(overlap[:max_display]) msg_tail = "\n..." if len(overlap) > max_display else "" raise ValueError( "Found overlapping data in column " f"'{}':\n" f"{msg_overlap}{msg_tail}" ) # drop NaN to avoid overwriting values from other column column = column.dropna() else: # Adjust dtype and initialize empty column if pd.api.types.is_integer_dtype(column.dtype): dtype = "Int64" elif pd.api.types.is_bool_dtype(column.dtype): dtype = "boolean" else: dtype = column.dtype columns_reindex[] = pd.Series( index=index, dtype=dtype, ) columns_reindex[].loc[column.index] = column # Apply custom aggregation function # on collected overlapping data # (no overlapping data is collected # when no aggregation function is provided) if len(overlapping_values) > 0: for column in overlapping_values: # Add data of first column # overlapping with all other columns union_index = union([y.index for y in overlapping_values[column]]) overlapping_values[column].insert( 0, columns_reindex[column].loc[union_index] ) # Convert list of overlapping data series to data frame # and apply aggregate function df = pd.concat( overlapping_values[column], axis=1, ignore_index=True, ) dtype = columns_reindex[column].dtype y = df.apply(aggregate_function, axis=1) # Restore the original dtype if possible try: y = y.astype(dtype) except (TypeError, ValueError): columns_reindex[column] = columns_reindex[column].astype(y.dtype) columns_reindex[column].loc[y.index] = y # Use `None` to force `{}` return the correct index, see # df = pd.DataFrame(columns_reindex or None, index=index) if not return_as_frame and len(df.columns) == 1: return df[df.columns[0]] else: return df
[docs]def difference( objs: typing.Sequence[typing.Union[pd.Index]], ) -> pd.Index: r"""Difference of index objects. Returns index items that are not shared by two or more objects. For two objects this is identical to their `symmetric difference`_. If all index objects are conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` and at least one object is segmented, the output is a segmented index. Otherwise, requires that levels and dtypes of all objects match, see :func:`audformat.utils.is_index_alike`. Integer dtypes don't have to match, but the result will always be of dtype ``Int64``. When the symmetric difference of a :class:`pandas.Index` with a single-level :class:`pandas.MultiIndex`, is calculated, the result is a :class:`pandas.Index`. The order of the resulting index depends on the order of ``objs``. If you require :func:`audformat.utils.difference` to be commutative_, you have to sort its output. .. _symmetric difference: .. _commutative: Args: objs: index objects Returns: difference of index objects Raises: ValueError: if level and dtypes of objects do not match Examples: >>> difference( ... [ ... pd.Index([1, 2, 3], name="idx"), ... ] ... ) Index([1, 2, 3], dtype='Int64', name='idx') >>> difference( ... [ ... pd.Index([0, 1], name="idx"), ... pd.Index([1, np.NaN], dtype="Int64", name="idx"), ... ] ... ) Index([0, <NA>], dtype='Int64', name='idx') >>> difference( ... [ ... pd.Index([0, 1], name="idx"), ... pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[1, 2]], names=["idx"]), ... ] ... ) Index([0, 2], dtype='Int64', name='idx') >>> difference( ... [ ... pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( ... [["a", "b", "c"], [0, 1, 2]], ... names=["idx1", "idx2"], ... ), ... pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( ... [["b", "c"], [1, 3]], ... names=["idx1", "idx2"], ... ), ... ] ... ) MultiIndex([('a', 0), ('c', 2), ('c', 3)], names=['idx1', 'idx2']) >>> difference( ... [ ... filewise_index(["f1", "f2", "f3"]), ... filewise_index(["f2", "f3", "f4"]), ... ] ... ) Index(['f1', 'f4'], dtype='string', name='file') >>> difference( ... [ ... segmented_index(["f1"], [0], [1]), ... segmented_index(["f1", "f2"], [0, 1], [1, 2]), ... ] ... ) MultiIndex([('f2', '0 days 00:00:01', '0 days 00:00:02')], names=['file', 'start', 'end']) >>> difference( ... [ ... filewise_index(["f1", "f2"]), ... segmented_index(["f1", "f2"], [0, 0], [pd.NaT, 1]), ... ] ... ) MultiIndex([('f2', '0 days', NaT), ('f2', '0 days', '0 days 00:00:01')], names=['file', 'start', 'end']) """ # noqa: E501 if not objs: return pd.Index([]) objs = [_maybe_convert_int_dtype(obj) for obj in objs] if len(objs) == 1: return objs[0] objs = _maybe_convert_filewise_index(objs) objs = _maybe_convert_single_level_multi_index(objs) _assert_index_alike(objs) index = list(objs[0]) for obj in objs[1:]: index += list(obj) counting = collections.Counter(index) index = [idx for idx, count in counting.items() if count == 1] index = _alike_index(objs[0], index) return index
[docs]def duration( obj: typing.Union[pd.Index, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], *, root: str = None, num_workers: int = 1, verbose: bool = False, ) -> pd.Timedelta: r"""Total duration of all entries present in the object. The object might contain a segmented or a filewise index. For a segmented index the duration is calculated from its start and end values. If an end value is ``NaT`` or the object contains a filewise index the duration is calculated from the media file by calling :func:`audiofile.duration`. Args: obj: object conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` root: root directory under which the files referenced in the index are stored. Only relevant when the duration of the files needs to be detected from the file num_workers: number of parallel jobs. Only relevant when the duration of the files needs to be detected from the file If ``None`` will be set to the number of processors on the machine multiplied by 5 verbose: show progress bar. Only relevant when the duration of the files needs to be detected from the file Returns: duration Examples: >>> index = segmented_index( ... files=["a", "b", "c"], ... starts=[0, 1, 3], ... ends=[1, 2, 4], ... ) >>> duration(index) Timedelta('0 days 00:00:03') """ obj = to_segmented_index( obj, allow_nat=False, root=root, num_workers=num_workers, verbose=verbose, ) if not isinstance(obj, pd.MultiIndex): obj = obj.index # We use len() here as index.empty takes a very long time if len(obj) == 0: return pd.Timedelta(0, unit="s") starts = obj.get_level_values(define.IndexField.START) ends = obj.get_level_values(define.IndexField.END) return (ends - starts).sum()
[docs]def expand_file_path( index: pd.Index, root: str, ) -> pd.Index: r"""Expand path in index with root. It applies :func:`os.path.normpath` to the provided path ``root``, adds a file separator at its end and puts it in front of the file path in the index. Args: index: index conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` root: relative or absolute path added in front of the index file path Returns: index with root added to file path Raises: ValueError: if index is not conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` Examples: >>> expand_file_path(filewise_index(["f1", "f2"]), "/a") Index(['/a/f1', '/a/f2'], dtype='string', name='file') >>> expand_file_path(filewise_index(["f1", "f2"]), "./a") Index(['a/f1', 'a/f2'], dtype='string', name='file') """ # noqa: E501 if len(index) == 0: return index root = os.path.normpath(root) + os.path.sep if is_segmented_index(index): index = index.set_levels(root + index.levels[0], level=0) else: index = root + index return index
[docs]def hash( obj: typing.Union[pd.Index, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], ) -> str: r"""Create hash from object. Objects with the same elements produce the same hash string independent of the ordering of the elements. Args: obj: object Returns: hash string Examples: >>> index = filewise_index(["f1", "f2"]) >>> hash(index) '-4231615416436839963' >>> y = pd.Series(0, index) >>> hash(y) '5251663970176285425' """ # Convert to int64 # to enforce same behavior # across different pandas versions, # see # return str(pd.util.hash_pandas_object(obj).astype("int64").sum())
[docs]def index_has_overlap( obj: typing.Union[pd.Index, pd.DataFrame, pd.Series], ) -> bool: r"""Check if one or more segments in the index overlap. If the index is filewise, the result will always be ``False``. Args: obj: object conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` Returns: ``True`` if overlap is detected, otherwise ``False`` Examples: >>> index = filewise_index(["f1", "f2"]) >>> index_has_overlap(index) False >>> index = segmented_index( ... ["f1", "f2"], ... [0, 1], ... [2, 3], ... ) >>> index_has_overlap(index) False >>> index = segmented_index( ... ["f1"] * 2, ... [0, 1], ... [2, 3], ... ) >>> index_has_overlap(index) True """ index = obj if isinstance(obj, pd.Index) else obj.index if is_filewise_index(index): return False for _, sub_index in iter_by_file(index): sub_index = sub_index.sortlevel(define.IndexField.START)[0] starts = sub_index.get_level_values(define.IndexField.START) ends = sub_index.get_level_values(define.IndexField.END) ends = ends.fillna(pd.Timedelta(sys.maxsize)) if any(ends[:-1] > starts[1:]): return True return False
[docs]def intersect( objs: typing.Sequence[typing.Union[pd.Index]], ) -> pd.Index: r"""Intersect index objects. If all index objects are conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` and at least one object is segmented, the output is a segmented index. Otherwise, requires that levels and dtypes of all objects match, see :func:`audformat.utils.is_index_alike`. Integer dtypes don't have to match, but the result will always be of dtype ``Int64``. When a :class:`pandas.Index` is intersected with a single-level :class:`pandas.MultiIndex`, the result is a :class:`pandas.Index`. The order of the resulting index depends on the order of ``objs``. If you require :func:`audformat.utils.intersect` to be commutative_, you have to sort its output. .. _commutative: Args: objs: index objects Returns: intersection of index objects Raises: ValueError: if level and dtypes of objects do not match Examples: >>> intersect( ... [ ... pd.Index([1, 2, 3], name="idx"), ... ] ... ) Index([], dtype='Int64', name='idx') >>> intersect( ... [ ... pd.Index([1, np.nan], dtype="Int64", name="idx"), ... pd.Index([1, 2, 3], name="idx"), ... ] ... ) Index([1], dtype='Int64', name='idx') >>> intersect( ... [ ... pd.Index([0, 1], name="idx"), ... pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[1, 2]], names=["idx"]), ... ] ... ) Index([1], dtype='Int64', name='idx') >>> intersect( ... [ ... pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( ... [["a", "b", "c"], [0, 1, 2]], ... names=["idx1", "idx2"], ... ), ... pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( ... [["b", "c"], [1, 3]], ... names=["idx1", "idx2"], ... ), ... ] ... ) MultiIndex([('b', 1)], names=['idx1', 'idx2']) >>> intersect( ... [ ... filewise_index(["f1", "f2", "f3"]), ... filewise_index(["f2", "f3", "f4"]), ... ] ... ) Index(['f2', 'f3'], dtype='string', name='file') >>> intersect( ... [ ... segmented_index(["f1"], [0], [1]), ... segmented_index(["f1", "f2"], [0, 1], [1, 2]), ... ] ... ) MultiIndex([('f1', '0 days', '0 days 00:00:01')], names=['file', 'start', 'end']) >>> intersect( ... [ ... filewise_index(["f1", "f2"]), ... segmented_index(["f1", "f2"], [0, 0], [pd.NaT, 1]), ... ] ... ) MultiIndex([('f1', '0 days', NaT)], names=['file', 'start', 'end']) """ if not objs: return pd.Index([]) objs = [_maybe_convert_int_dtype(obj) for obj in objs] if len(objs) == 1: return _alike_index(objs[0]) objs = _maybe_convert_filewise_index(objs) objs = _maybe_convert_single_level_multi_index(objs) _assert_index_alike(objs) # sort objects by length objs_sorted = sorted(objs, key=lambda obj: len(obj)) # return if the shortest obj has no entries if len(objs_sorted[0]) == 0: return _alike_index(objs[0]) # start from shortest object index = list(objs_sorted[0]) for obj in objs_sorted[1:]: index = [idx for idx in index if idx in obj] if len(index) == 0: # break early if no more intersection is possible break index = _alike_index(objs[0], index) # Ensure we have order of first object index = objs[0].intersection(index) if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex): index = set_index_dtypes(index, objs[0].dtypes.to_dict()) return index
[docs]def is_index_alike( objs: typing.Sequence[typing.Union[pd.Index, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]], ) -> bool: r"""Check if index objects are alike. Two index objects are alike if they have the same number of levels and share the same level names. In addition, the dtypes have to match the the same audformat dtypes category, compare :class:`audformat.define.DataType`. Args: objs: objects Returns: ``True`` if index objects are alike, otherwise ``False`` Examples: >>> index1 = pd.Index([1, 2, 3], dtype="Int64", name="l") >>> index2 = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[10, 20]], names=["l"]) >>> is_index_alike([index1, index2]) True >>> is_index_alike([index1, pd.Series(["a", "b"], index=index2)]) True >>> index3 = index2.set_names(["L"]) >>> is_index_alike([index2, index3]) False >>> index4 = index2.set_levels([["10", "20"]]) >>> is_index_alike([index2, index4]) False >>> index5 = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[1], ["a"]], names=["l1", "l2"]) >>> is_index_alike([index2, index5]) False >>> index6 = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([["a"], [1]], names=["l2", "l1"]) >>> is_index_alike([index5, index6]) False """ # noqa: E501 objs = [obj if isinstance(obj, pd.Index) else obj.index for obj in objs] # check names levels = set([obj.names for obj in objs]) if len(levels) > 1: return False # check dtypes dtypes = set() for obj in objs: ds = [to_audformat_dtype(dtype) for dtype in _dtypes(obj)] dtypes.add(tuple(ds)) if len(dtypes) > 1: return False return True
[docs]def iter_by_file( obj: typing.Union[ pd.Index, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, ], ) -> typing.Iterator[ typing.Tuple[ str, typing.Union[pd.Index, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], ], ]: r"""Iterate over object by file. Each iteration returns a file and the according sub-object. Args: obj: object conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` Returns: iterator in form of (file, sub_obj) Examples: >>> index = filewise_index(["f1", "f1", "f2"]) >>> next(iter_by_file(index)) ('f1', Index(['f1'], dtype='string', name='file')) >>> index = segmented_index(["f1", "f1", "f2"], [0, 1, 0], [2, 3, 1]) >>> next(iter_by_file(index)) ('f1', MultiIndex([('f1', '0 days 00:00:00', '0 days 00:00:02'), ('f1', '0 days 00:00:01', '0 days 00:00:03')], names=['file', 'start', 'end'])) >>> obj = pd.Series(["a", "b", "b"], index) >>> next(iter_by_file(obj)) ('f1', file start end f1 0 days 00:00:00 0 days 00:00:02 a 0 days 00:00:01 0 days 00:00:03 b dtype: object) """ is_index = isinstance(obj, pd.Index) index = obj if is_index else obj.index # We use len() here as index.empty takes a very long time if len(index) != 0: files = index.get_level_values("file").drop_duplicates() if is_filewise_index(index): for file in files: sub_index = filewise_index(file) sub_obj = sub_index if is_index else obj.loc[sub_index] yield file, sub_obj else: for file in files: sub_index = index[index.get_loc(file)] sub_obj = sub_index if is_index else obj.loc[sub_index] yield file, sub_obj
[docs]def join_labels( labels: typing.Sequence[typing.Union[typing.List, typing.Dict]], ) -> typing.Union[typing.List, typing.Dict]: r"""Combine scheme labels. Args: labels: sequence of labels to join. For dictionary labels, labels further to the right can overwrite previous labels Returns: joined labels Raises: ValueError: if labels are of different dtype or not ``list`` or ``dict`` Examples: >>> join_labels([{"a": 0, "b": 1}, {"b": 2, "c": 2}]) {'a': 0, 'b': 2, 'c': 2} """ if len(labels) == 0: return [] if not isinstance(labels, list): labels = list(labels) misc_table_ids = [x for x in labels if isinstance(x, str)] if len(misc_table_ids) > 0: raise ValueError( f"The following string values were provided: '" f"{misc_table_ids}'. " "This assumes that labels are defined " "in misc tables with according IDs, " "which is not supported by 'join_labels()'." ) if not ( all([isinstance(x, list) for x in labels]) or all([isinstance(x, dict) for x in labels]) ): raise ValueError(("All labels must be either " "of type 'list' or 'dict'.")) if len(labels) == 1: return labels[0] items = audeer.flatten_list([list(x) for x in labels]) dtypes = sorted(list(set([str(type(x)) for x in items]))) if len(dtypes) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Elements or keys must " f"have the same dtype, " f"but yours have " f"{dtypes}.", ) if isinstance(labels[0], dict): joined_labels = labels[0] for label in labels[1:]: for key, value in label.items(): if key not in joined_labels or joined_labels[key] != value: joined_labels[key] = value else: joined_labels = sorted(list(set(items))) # Check if joined labels have a valid format, # e.g. {0: {'age': 20}, '0': {'age': 30}} is not allowed Scheme(labels=joined_labels) return joined_labels
[docs]def join_schemes( dbs: typing.Sequence[Database], scheme_id: str, ): r"""Join and update scheme of databases. This joins the given scheme of several databases using :func:`audformat.utils.join_labels` and replaces the scheme in each database with the joined one. The dtype of all :class:`audformat.Column` objects that reference the scheme in the databases will be updated. Removed labels are set to ``NaN``. This might be useful, if you want to combine databases with :meth:`audformat.Database.update`. Joining schemes that use labels from a misc table is not supported. Please use :meth:`audformat.Database.update` instead. Args: dbs: sequence of databases scheme_id: scheme ID of a scheme with labels that should be joined Raises: ValueError: if scheme labels are of different dtype or not ``list`` or ``dict`` Examples: >>> db1 = Database("db1") >>> db2 = Database("db2") >>> db1.schemes["scheme_id"] = Scheme(labels=["a"]) >>> db2.schemes["scheme_id"] = Scheme(labels=["b"]) >>> join_schemes([db1, db2], "scheme_id") >>> db1.schemes scheme_id: dtype: str labels: [a, b] """ labels = join_labels([db.schemes[scheme_id].labels for db in dbs]) for db in dbs: db.schemes[scheme_id].replace_labels(labels)
[docs]def map_country(country: str) -> str: r"""Map country to ISO 3166-1. Args: country: country string Returns: mapped string Raises: ValueError: if country is not supported Examples: >>> map_country("gb") 'GBR' >>> map_country("gbr") 'GBR' >>> map_country("United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland") 'GBR' """ try: result = iso3166.countries.get(country.lower()) except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"'{country}' is not supported by ISO 3166-1.") return result.alpha3
[docs]def map_file_path( index: pd.Index, func: typing.Callable[[str], str], ) -> pd.Index: r"""Apply callable to file path in index. Relies on :meth:``, which can be slow. If speed is crucial, consider to change the index directly. In the following example we prefix every file with a folder and add a new extension, compare also :func:`audformat.utils.expand_file_path` and :func:`audformat.utils.replace_file_extension`: .. code-block:: python root = "/root/" ext = ".new" if table.is_filewise: table.df.index = root + table.df.index + ext = audformat.define.IndexField.FILE elif len(table.df.index) > 0: table.df.index = table.df.index.set_levels( root + table.df.index.levels[0] + ext, level=audformat.define.IndexField.FILE, ) Args: index: index with file path conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` func: callable Returns: index modified by ``func`` Raises: ValueError: if index is not conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` Examples: >>> index = filewise_index(["a/f1", "a/f2"]) >>> index Index(['a/f1', 'a/f2'], dtype='string', name='file') >>> map_file_path(index, lambda x: x.replace("a", "b")) Index(['b/f1', 'b/f2'], dtype='string', name='file') """ if len(index) == 0: return index if is_segmented_index(index): index = index.set_levels( index.levels[0].map(func), level=0, ) else: index = return index
[docs]def map_language(language: str) -> str: r"""Map language to ISO 639-3. Args: language: language string Returns: mapped string Raises: ValueError: if language is not supported Examples: >>> map_language("en") 'eng' >>> map_language("eng") 'eng' >>> map_language("English") 'eng' """ result = None if len(language) == 2: try: result = iso639.languages.get(alpha2=language.lower()) except KeyError: pass elif len(language) == 3: try: result = iso639.languages.get(part3=language.lower()) except KeyError: pass else: try: result = iso639.languages.get(name=language.title()) except KeyError: pass if result is not None: result = result.part3 if not result: raise ValueError(f"'{language}' is not supported by ISO 639-3.") return result
[docs]def read_csv( *args, **kwargs, ) -> typing.Union[pd.Index, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]: r"""Read object from CSV file. Automatically detects the index type and returns an object that is conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>`. If conversion is not possible, an error is raised. See :meth:`pandas.read_csv` for supported arguments. Args: *args: arguments **kwargs: keyword arguments Returns: object conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` Raises: ValueError: if CSV file is not conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` Examples: >>> from io import StringIO >>> string = StringIO( ... '''file,start,end,value ... f1,00:00:00,00:00:01,0.0 ... f1,00:00:01,00:00:02,1.0 ... f2,00:00:02,00:00:03,2.0''' ... ) >>> read_csv(string) file start end f1 0 days 00:00:00 0 days 00:00:01 0.0 0 days 00:00:01 0 days 00:00:02 1.0 f2 0 days 00:00:02 0 days 00:00:03 2.0 Name: value, dtype: float64 """ frame = pd.read_csv(*args, **kwargs) drop = [define.IndexField.FILE] if define.IndexField.FILE in frame.columns: files = frame[define.IndexField.FILE].astype("string") else: raise ValueError("Index not conform to audformat.") starts = None if define.IndexField.START in frame.columns: starts = pd.to_timedelta(frame[define.IndexField.START]) drop.append(define.IndexField.START) ends = None if define.IndexField.END in frame.columns: ends = pd.to_timedelta(frame[define.IndexField.END]) drop.append(define.IndexField.END) if starts is None and ends is None: index = filewise_index(files) else: index = segmented_index(files, starts=starts, ends=ends) frame.drop(drop, axis="columns", inplace=True) if len(frame.columns) == 0: return index frame = frame.set_index(index) if len(frame.columns) == 1: return frame[frame.columns[0]] else: return frame
[docs]def replace_file_extension( index: pd.Index, extension: str, pattern: str = None, ) -> pd.Index: r"""Change the file extension of index entries. It replaces all existing file extensions in the index file path by the new provided one. Args: index: index with file path conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` extension: new file extension without ``'.'``. If set to ``''``, the current file extension is removed pattern: regexp pattern to match current extensions. In contrast to ``extension``, you have to include ``'.'``. If ``None`` the default of ``r'\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'`` is used Returns: updated index Examples: >>> index = filewise_index(["f1.wav", "f2.flac"]) >>> replace_file_extension(index, "mp3") Index(['f1.mp3', 'f2.mp3'], dtype='string', name='file') >>> index = filewise_index(["f1.wav.gz", "f2.wav.gz"]) >>> replace_file_extension(index, "") Index(['f1.wav', 'f2.wav'], dtype='string', name='file') >>> replace_file_extension(index, "flac", pattern=r"\.wav\.gz$") Index(['f1.flac', 'f2.flac'], dtype='string', name='file') """ if len(index) == 0: return index if pattern is None: pattern = r"\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" cur_ext = re.compile(pattern) if extension: new_ext = f".{extension}" else: new_ext = "" if is_segmented_index(index): index = index.set_levels( index.levels[0].str.replace(cur_ext, new_ext, regex=True), level="file", ) else: index = index.str.replace(cur_ext, new_ext, regex=True) return index
[docs]def set_index_dtypes( index: pd.Index, dtypes: typing.Union[ str, typing.Dict[str, str], ], ) -> pd.Index: r"""Set the dtypes of an index for the given level names. Args: index: index object dtypes: dictionary mapping level names to new dtype. If a single dtype is given, it will be applied to all levels Raises: ValueError: if level names are not unique ValueError: if level does not exist Returns: index with new dtypes Examples: >>> index1 = pd.Index(["a", "b"]) >>> index1 Index(['a', 'b'], dtype='object') >>> index2 = set_index_dtypes(index1, "string") >>> index2 Index(['a', 'b'], dtype='string') >>> index3 = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( ... [["a", "b"], [1, 2]], ... names=["level1", "level2"], ... ) >>> index3.dtypes level1 object level2 int64 dtype: object >>> index4 = set_index_dtypes(index3, {"level2": "float"}) >>> index4.dtypes level1 object level2 float64 dtype: object >>> index5 = set_index_dtypes(index3, "string") >>> index5.dtypes level1 string[python] level2 string[python] dtype: object """ levels = index.names if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex) else [] if len(set(levels)) != len(levels): raise ValueError( f"Got index with levels " f"{levels}, " f"but names must be unique." ) if not isinstance(dtypes, dict): dtypes = {level: dtypes for level in levels} for name in dtypes: if name not in levels: raise ValueError( f"A level with name " f"'{name}' " f"does not exist. " f"Level names are: " f"{levels}." ) if len(dtypes) == 0: return index if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex): # MultiIndex if any([len(index.levels[index.names.index(level)]) == 0 for level in dtypes]): # set_levels() does not work on empty levels, # so we convert to a dataframe instead df = index.to_frame() for level, dtype in dtypes.items(): if dtype != df[level].dtype: if pd.api.types.is_timedelta64_dtype(dtype): # avoid: TypeError: Cannot cast DatetimeArray # to dtype timedelta64[ns] df[level] = pd.to_timedelta(list(df[level])) else: df[level] = df[level].astype(dtype) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(df) else: for level, dtype in dtypes.items(): # get_level_values() does not work # for levels containing non-unique entries, # hence we access the data directly with # index.levels[idx] idx = index.names.index(level) if dtype != index.levels[idx].dtype: index = index.set_levels( index.levels[idx].astype(dtype), level=level, verify_integrity=False, ) else: # Index dtype = next(iter(dtypes.values())) if dtype != index.dtype: index = index.astype(dtype) return index
[docs]def to_filewise_index( obj: typing.Union[pd.Index, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], root: str, output_folder: str, *, num_workers: int = 1, progress_bar: bool = False, ) -> typing.Union[pd.Index, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]: r"""Convert to filewise index. If input is segmented, each segment is saved to a separate file in ``output_folder``. The directory structure of the original data is preserved within ``output_folder``. If input is filewise no action is applied. Args: obj: object conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` root: path to root folder of data. Even if the file paths of ``frame`` are absolute, this argument is needed in order to reconstruct the directory structure of the original data output_folder: path to folder of the created audio segments. If it's relative (absolute), then the file paths of the returned data frame are also relative (absolute) num_workers: number of threads to spawn progress_bar: show progress bar Returns: object with filewise index Raises: ValueError: if ``output_folder`` contained in path to files of original data Examples: >>> index = segmented_index( ... files=["f.wav", "f.wav"], ... starts=[0, 0.5], ... ends=[0.5, 1], ... ) >>> to_filewise_index(index, ".", "split") Index(['split/f_0.wav', 'split/f_1.wav'], dtype='string', name='file') """ if is_filewise_index(obj): return obj obj = obj.copy() if len(obj) == 0: index = filewise_index() if not isinstance(obj, pd.Index): obj.index = index else: obj = index return obj index = obj if isinstance(obj, pd.Index) else obj.index test_path = index.get_level_values(define.IndexField.FILE)[0] is_abs = os.path.isabs(test_path) test_path = audeer.path(test_path) # keep ``output_folder`` relative if it's relative if test_path.startswith(audeer.path(output_folder)): raise ValueError( f"``output_folder`` may not be contained in path to files of " f"original data: {audeer.path(output_folder)} != {test_path}" ) original_files = index.get_level_values(define.IndexField.FILE) if not is_abs: original_files = [os.path.join(root, f) for f in original_files] starts = index.get_level_values(define.IndexField.START) ends = index.get_level_values(define.IndexField.END) # order of rows within group is preserved: # "" # noqa if isinstance(obj, pd.Index): groups = pd.Series(index=obj, dtype="object").groupby( define.IndexField.FILE, sort=False, ) else: groups = obj.groupby(define.IndexField.FILE, sort=False) new_files = [] for _, group in groups: width = len(str(len(group) - 1)) # -1 because count starts at `0` f = group.index.get_level_values(define.IndexField.FILE)[0] f = os.path.relpath(f, root) if is_abs else f new_files.extend( [ os.path.join( output_folder, "_{}.".format(str(count).zfill(width)).join(f.rsplit(".", 1)), ) for count in range(len(group)) ] ) audeer.mkdir(os.path.dirname(new_files[-1])) def _split_files(original, start, end, segment): signal, sr = file=original, duration=end.total_seconds() - start.total_seconds(), offset=start.total_seconds(), ) audiofile.write(file=segment, signal=signal, sampling_rate=sr) params = [ ([file, start, end, segment], {}) for file, start, end, segment in zip(original_files, starts, ends, new_files) ] audeer.run_tasks( task_func=_split_files, params=params, task_description="To filewise index", num_workers=num_workers, progress_bar=progress_bar, ) index = filewise_index(new_files) if not isinstance(obj, pd.Index): obj.index = index else: obj = index return obj
[docs]def to_segmented_index( obj: typing.Union[pd.Index, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], *, allow_nat: bool = True, files_duration: typing.MutableMapping[str, pd.Timedelta] = None, root: str = None, num_workers: typing.Optional[int] = 1, verbose: bool = False, ) -> typing.Union[pd.Index, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]: r"""Convert to segmented index. If the input a filewise table, ``start`` and ``end`` will be added as new levels to the index. By default, ``start`` will be set to 0 and ``end`` to ``NaT``. If ``allow_nat`` is set to ``False``, all occurrences of ``end=NaT`` are replaced with the duration of the file. This requires that the referenced file exists, or that the durations are provided with ``files_duration``. If file names in the index are relative, the ``root`` argument can be used to provide the location where the files are stored. Args: obj: object conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` allow_nat: if set to ``False``, ``end=NaT`` is replaced with file duration files_duration: mapping from file to duration. If not ``None``, used to look up durations. If no entry is found for a file, it is added to the mapping. Expects absolute file names and durations as :class:`pd.Timedelta` objects. Only relevant if ``allow_nat`` is set to ``False`` root: root directory under which the files referenced in the index are stored num_workers: number of parallel jobs. If ``None`` will be set to the number of processors on the machine multiplied by 5 verbose: show progress bar Returns: object with segmented index Raises: ValueError: if object not conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` FileNotFoundError: if file is not found Examples: >>> index = filewise_index(["f1", "f2"]) >>> to_segmented_index(index) MultiIndex([('f1', '0 days', NaT), ('f2', '0 days', NaT)], names=['file', 'start', 'end']) >>> to_segmented_index( ... index, ... allow_nat=False, ... files_duration={ ... "f1": pd.to_timedelta(1.1, unit="s"), ... "f2": pd.to_timedelta(2.2, unit="s"), ... }, ... ) MultiIndex([('f1', '0 days', '0 days 00:00:01.100000'), ('f2', '0 days', '0 days 00:00:02.200000')], names=['file', 'start', 'end']) """ is_segmented = is_segmented_index(obj) if is_segmented and allow_nat: return obj if isinstance(obj, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): index = obj.index else: index = obj if not is_segmented: index = segmented_index( files=list(index), starts=[0] * len(index), ends=[pd.NaT] * len(index), ) if not allow_nat: ends = index.get_level_values(define.IndexField.END) has_nat = pd.isna(ends) if any(has_nat): # Gather duration values # for all NaT end entries idx_nat = np.where(has_nat)[0] files = index.get_level_values(define.IndexField.FILE) starts = index.get_level_values(define.IndexField.START) def job(file: str) -> pd.Timedelta: if root is not None and not os.path.isabs(file): file = os.path.join(root, file) if files_duration is not None and file in files_duration: return files_duration[file] if not os.path.exists(file): raise FileNotFoundError( errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), file, ) dur = audiofile.duration(file) dur = pd.to_timedelta(dur, unit="s") if files_duration is not None: files_duration[file] = dur return dur params = [([file], {}) for file in files[idx_nat]] durs = audeer.run_tasks( job, params, num_workers=num_workers, progress_bar=verbose, task_description="Read duration", ) # Replace all NaT entries in end # by the collected duration values. # We have to convert ends to a series first # in order to preserve precision of duration values ends = ends.to_series() ends.iloc[idx_nat] = durs # Create a new index index = segmented_index(files, starts, ends) if isinstance(obj, pd.Index): return index obj = obj.reset_index(drop=True) obj.index = index return obj
[docs]def union( objs: typing.Sequence[pd.Index], ) -> pd.Index: r"""Create union of index objects. If all index objects are conform to :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>` and at least one object is segmented, the output is a segmented index. Otherwise, requires that levels and dtypes of all objects match, see :func:`audformat.utils.is_index_alike`. Integer dtypes don't have to match, but the result will always be of dtype ``Int64``. When a :class:`pandas.Index` is combined with a single-level :class:`pandas.MultiIndex`, the result is a :class:`pandas.Index`. The order of the resulting index depends on the order of ``objs``. If you require :func:`audformat.utils.union` to be commutative_, you have to sort its output. .. _commutative: Args: objs: index objects Returns: union of index objects Raises: ValueError: if level and dtypes of objects do not match Examples: >>> union( ... [ ... pd.Index([0, 1], name="idx"), ... pd.Index([1, 2], dtype="Int64", name="idx"), ... ] ... ) Index([0, 1, 2], dtype='Int64', name='idx') >>> union( ... [ ... pd.Index([0, 1], name="idx"), ... pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[1, 2]], names=["idx"]), ... ] ... ) Index([0, 1, 2], dtype='Int64', name='idx') >>> union( ... [ ... pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( ... [["a", "b", "c"], [0, 1, 2]], ... names=["idx1", "idx2"], ... ), ... pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( ... [["b", "c"], [1, 3]], ... names=["idx1", "idx2"], ... ), ... ] ... ) MultiIndex([('a', 0), ('b', 1), ('c', 2), ('c', 3)], names=['idx1', 'idx2']) >>> union( ... [ ... filewise_index(["f1", "f2", "f3"]), ... filewise_index(["f2", "f3", "f4"]), ... ] ... ) Index(['f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f4'], dtype='string', name='file') >>> union( ... [ ... segmented_index(["f2"], [0], [1]), ... segmented_index(["f1", "f2"], [0, 1], [1, 2]), ... ] ... ) MultiIndex([('f2', '0 days 00:00:00', '0 days 00:00:01'), ('f1', '0 days 00:00:00', '0 days 00:00:01'), ('f2', '0 days 00:00:01', '0 days 00:00:02')], names=['file', 'start', 'end']) >>> union( ... [ ... filewise_index(["f1", "f2"]), ... segmented_index(["f1", "f2"], [0, 0], [1, 1]), ... ] ... ) MultiIndex([('f1', '0 days', NaT), ('f2', '0 days', NaT), ('f1', '0 days', '0 days 00:00:01'), ('f2', '0 days', '0 days 00:00:01')], names=['file', 'start', 'end']) """ if not objs: return pd.Index([]) objs = [_maybe_convert_int_dtype(obj) for obj in objs] if len(objs) == 1: return objs[0] objs = _maybe_convert_filewise_index(objs) objs = _maybe_convert_single_level_multi_index(objs) _assert_index_alike(objs) # Combine all index entries and drop duplicates afterwards, # faster than using index.union(), # compare # Use pd.concat() if at least one index has # more than 500 segments # otherwise create index from lists, # compare max_num_seg = max([len(obj) for obj in objs]) if max_num_seg > UNION_MAX_INDEX_LEN_THRES: df = pd.concat([o.to_frame() for o in objs]) index = df.index elif isinstance(objs[0], pd.MultiIndex): names = objs[0].names num_levels = len(names) dtypes = {name: dtype for name, dtype in zip(names, objs[0].dtypes)} values = [[] for _ in range(num_levels)] for obj in objs: for idx in range(num_levels): values[idx].extend(obj.get_level_values(idx)) index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( values, names=names, ) index = set_index_dtypes(index, dtypes) else: name = objs[0].name values = [] for obj in objs: values.extend(obj.to_list()) index = pd.Index(values, name=name) index = set_index_dtypes(index, objs[0].dtype) index = index.drop_duplicates() return index
def _alike_index( index: pd.Index, data: typing.Sequence = [], ) -> pd.Index: if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex): return set_index_dtypes( pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(data, names=list(index.names)), index.dtypes.to_dict(), ) else: return pd.Index( data, dtype=index.dtype,, ) def _assert_index_alike( objs: typing.Sequence[typing.Union[pd.Index, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]], ): r"""Raise if index objects are not alike. Args: objs: objects Raises: ValueError: if index objects are not alike """ if is_index_alike(objs): return objs = [obj if isinstance(obj, pd.Index) else obj.index for obj in objs] msg = "Levels and dtypes of all objects must match." dims = list(dict.fromkeys(obj.nlevels for obj in objs)) if len(dims) > 1: msg += f" Found different number of levels: {dims}." raise ValueError(msg) names = [] for obj in objs: if len(obj.names) > 1: names.append(tuple([name for name in obj.names])) else: names.append(obj.names[0]) names = list(dict.fromkeys(names)) if len(names) > 1: msg += f" Found different level names: {names}." raise ValueError(msg) dtypes = [] for obj in objs: ds = [to_audformat_dtype(dtype) for dtype in _dtypes(obj)] dtypes.append(tuple(ds) if len(ds) > 1 else ds[0]) dtypes = list(dict.fromkeys(dtypes)) if len(dtypes) > 1: msg += f" Found different level dtypes: {dtypes}." raise ValueError(msg) def _dtypes(obj): r"""List of dtypes of object.""" if isinstance(obj, pd.MultiIndex): return list(obj.dtypes) else: return [obj.dtype] def _is_same_dtype(d1, d2) -> bool: r"""Helper function to compare pandas dtype.""" if"bool") and"bool"): # match different bool types, i.e. bool and boolean return True if"int") and"int"): # match different int types, e.g. int64 and Int64 return True if"float") and"float"): # match different float types, e.g. float32 and float64 return True if == "category" and == "category": # match only if categories are the same return d1 == d2 return == def _levels(obj): r"""List of dtypes of object.""" if isinstance(obj, pd.MultiIndex): return list(obj.names) else: return [] def _maybe_convert_filewise_index( objs: typing.Sequence[typing.Union[pd.Index, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]], ) -> typing.Sequence[typing.Union[pd.Index, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]: r"""Convert filewise to segmented index. Checks if all index objects are either filewise or segmented, if this is the case possibly convert filewise to segmented indices Args: objs: list with objects Returns: list with possibly converted index objects """ filewise = np.array([is_filewise_index(obj) for obj in objs]) segmented = np.array([is_segmented_index(obj) for obj in objs]) if (filewise | segmented).all(): if not filewise.all(): objs = [to_segmented_index(obj) for obj in objs] return objs def _maybe_convert_int_dtype( index: pd.Index, ) -> pd.Index: r"""Convert integer dtypes to Int64.""" # Ensure integers are always stored as Int64 levels = _levels(index) dtypes = _dtypes(index) int_dtypes = { level: "Int64" for level, dtype in zip(levels, dtypes) if pd.api.types.is_integer_dtype(dtype) } return set_index_dtypes(index, int_dtypes) def _maybe_convert_single_level_multi_index( objs: typing.Sequence[typing.Union[pd.Index, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]], ) -> typing.Sequence[typing.Union[pd.Index, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]: r"""Convert single-level pd.MultiIndex to pd.Index. If input is a mixture of single-level pd.MultiIndex and pd.Index objects, all objects are converted to pd.Index. Assumes that list is not empty. Args: objs: list with objects Returns: list with possibly converted objects """ indices = [obj if isinstance(obj, pd.Index) else obj.index for obj in objs] is_single_level = indices[0].nlevels == 1 is_mix = len(set(isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex) for index in indices)) == 2 if is_single_level and is_mix: objs = list(objs) for idx, obj in enumerate(objs): if isinstance(obj, pd.MultiIndex): objs[idx] = obj.get_level_values(0) elif not isinstance(obj, pd.Index) and isinstance(obj.index, pd.MultiIndex): objs[idx].index = obj.index.get_level_values(0) return objs