
An audformat database consists of a header, several tables, and media files. On hard disk all of them are stored inside a single folder. The header is stored as a YAML file, the tables contain labels stored in (possibly) multiple CSV files, and the media files are usually stored in sub-folders. Each table column is linked to a scheme and/or to a rater. Each table row is linked to a media file, or a specific segment in a media file. If no links to media files are given, the table is called miscellaneous table, or short misc table. The database is implemented as audformat.Database.

Parts of a database stored in audformat on the hard disk.




Meta information, schemes, list of raters


Table with files or file segments as index and columns holding annotations


Misc table with unspecified index and columns holding annotations


Audio/Video files referenced in the tables

The connection between the header, media files and a table is highlighted in the following sketch:

audformat table

Connection between header definitions and table entries.

The connection between the header and a misc table is highlighted in the following sketch:

audformat misc table

Connection between header definitions and misc table entries.

The annotations stored in the tables can be accessed as pandas.DataFrame. The following sketch shows an example instance of a database:

Header and Tables

Example content of tables and there connection to the header.