Source code for audformat.core.scheme

import datetime
import random
import string
import typing

import pandas as pd

from audformat.core import common
from audformat.core import define

[docs]class Scheme(common.HeaderBase): r"""A scheme defines valid values of an annotation. Allowed values for ``dtype`` are: ``'bool'``, ``'int'``, ``'float'``, ``'object'``, ``'str'``, ``'time'``, and ``'date'`` (see :class:`audformat.define.DataType`). Values can be restricted to a set of labels provided by a list, dictionary or a table ID of a :class:`audformat.MiscTable`, where the values of the index are used as labels. A continuous range can be limited by a minimum and maximum value. Args: dtype: if ``None`` derived from ``labels``, otherwise set to ``'str'`` labels: list, dictionary or table ID of a corresponding :class:`audformat.MiscTable` containing labels as index. If a table ID is provided, ``dtype`` has to be specified minimum: minimum value maximum: maximum value description: scheme description meta: additional meta fields Raises: BadValueError: if an invalid ``dtype`` is passed ValueError: if ``labels`` are not passed as string, list, or dictionary ValueError: if ``labels`` is a table ID, but ``dtype`` is not specified ValueError: if ``labels`` are not of same data type ValueError: ``dtype`` does not match type of ``labels`` if ``labels`` is a list or dictionary ValueError: when assigning a scheme, that contains a table ID as ``labels``, to a database, but the corresponding misc table is not part of the database, or the given table ID is not a misc table, or its index is multi-dimensional, or its index contains duplicates, or ``dtype`` does not match type of labels from misc table, or ``dtype`` is set to ``bool``, or the misc table has a column that is already assigned to a scheme with labels from another misc table Examples: >>> Scheme() {dtype: str} >>> Scheme(labels=["a", "b", "c"]) dtype: str labels: [a, b, c] >>> Scheme(define.DataType.INTEGER) {dtype: int} >>> Scheme("float", minimum=0, maximum=1) {dtype: float, minimum: 0, maximum: 1} >>> # Use index of misc table as labels >>> import audformat >>> db = audformat.Database("mydb") >>> db["speaker"] = audformat.MiscTable(pd.Index(["spk1", "spk2"], name="speaker")) >>> Scheme("str", labels="speaker") {dtype: str, labels: speaker} """ # noqa: E501 # Mapping for dtype input argument, # e.g. to allow `str` besides `'str'`. # This behavior is only for convenience # and not mentioned in the docstring _dtypes = { "bool": define.DataType.BOOL, bool: define.DataType.BOOL, "str": define.DataType.STRING, str: define.DataType.STRING, "int": define.DataType.INTEGER, int: define.DataType.INTEGER, "float": define.DataType.FLOAT, float: define.DataType.FLOAT, "time": define.DataType.TIME, pd.Timedelta: define.DataType.TIME, "date": define.DataType.DATE, datetime.datetime: define.DataType.DATE, pd.Timestamp: define.DataType.DATE, } def __init__( self, dtype: str = None, *, labels: typing.Union[dict, list, str] = None, minimum: typing.Union[int, float] = None, maximum: typing.Union[int, float] = None, description: str = None, meta: dict = None, ): super().__init__(description=description, meta=meta) self._db = None self._id = None if dtype is not None: if dtype in self._dtypes: dtype = self._dtypes[dtype] define.DataType._assert_has_attribute_value(dtype) if dtype is None and labels is None: dtype = define.DataType.STRING if labels is not None: self._check_labels(labels) if isinstance(labels, str): # Labels from misc table if dtype is None: raise ValueError( "'dtype' has to be provided " "when using a misc table as labels." ) if dtype == define.DataType.BOOL: raise ValueError( "'dtype' cannot be 'bool' " "when using a misc table as labels." ) else: # Labels from list or dictionary dtype_labels = self._dtype_from_labels(labels) if dtype is not None and dtype != dtype_labels: raise ValueError( "Data type is set to " f"'{dtype}', " "but data type of labels is " f"'{dtype_labels}'." ) dtype = dtype_labels self.dtype = dtype r"""Data type. Possible return values are given by :class:`audformat.define.DataType`. """ self.labels = labels r"""Labels or ID of misc table holding the labels""" self.minimum = minimum if self.is_numeric else None r"""Minimum value""" self.maximum = maximum if self.is_numeric else None r"""Maximum value""" @property def is_numeric(self) -> bool: r"""Data type is numeric. Returns: ``True`` if data type is numeric """ return self.dtype in (define.DataType.INTEGER, define.DataType.FLOAT) @property def labels_as_list(self) -> typing.List: r"""Scheme labels as list. If scheme does not define labels an empty list is returned. Returns: list of labels """ if self.labels is None: return [] else: return self._labels_to_list(self.labels) @property def uses_table(self) -> bool: r"""Scheme has labels stored in a misc table. If property is ``True`` the attribute ``labels`` is set to an ID of a :class:`audformat.MiscTable` where the actual label values are stored. Returns: ``True`` if scheme has labels stored in a misc table """ return isinstance(self.labels, str)
[docs] def draw( self, n: int, *, str_len: int = 10, p_none: bool = None, ) -> list: r"""Randomly draws values from scheme. Args: n: number of values str_len: string length if drawing from a string scheme without labels p_none: probability for drawing an invalid value Returns: list with values """ x = None if self.labels is None: if self.dtype == define.DataType.BOOL: x = [random.choice([False, True]) for _ in range(n)] elif self.dtype == define.DataType.DATE: x = [ pd.to_datetime(round(random.random(), 2), unit="s") for _ in range(n) ] elif self.dtype == define.DataType.INTEGER: minimum = self.minimum or 0 maximum = self.maximum or minimum + 100 x = [random.randrange(minimum, maximum) for _ in range(n)] elif self.dtype == define.DataType.FLOAT: minimum = self.minimum or 0.0 maximum = self.maximum or minimum + 1.0 x = [random.uniform(minimum, maximum) for _ in range(n)] elif self.dtype == define.DataType.TIME: x = [ pd.to_timedelta(round(random.random(), 2), unit="s") for _ in range(n) ] else: seq = string.ascii_letters + string.digits x = [ "".join([random.choice(seq) for _ in range(str_len)]) for _ in range(n) ] else: labels = self._labels_to_list() x = [random.choice(labels) for _ in range(n)] if p_none is not None: for idx in range(len(x)): if random.random() <= p_none: x[idx] = None return x
[docs] def to_pandas_dtype( self, ) -> typing.Union[ str, pd.api.types.CategoricalDtype, ]: r"""Convert data type to :mod:`pandas` data type. If ``labels`` is not ``None``, :class:`pandas.CategoricalDtype` is returned. Otherwise the following rules are applied: * ``str`` -> ``str`` * ``int`` -> ``Int64`` (to allow NaN) * ``float`` -> ``float`` * ``time`` -> ``timedelta64[ns]`` * ``date`` -> ``datetime64[ns]`` Returns: :mod:`pandas` data type """ if self.labels is not None: labels = self._labels_to_list() if len(labels) > 0 and isinstance(labels[0], int): # allow nullable labels = pd.array(labels, dtype="int64") dtype = pd.api.types.CategoricalDtype( categories=labels, ordered=False, ) else: dtype = common.to_pandas_dtype(self.dtype) return dtype
[docs] def replace_labels( self, labels: typing.Union[dict, list, str], ): r"""Replace labels. If scheme is part of a :class:`audformat.Database` the dtype of all :class:`audformat.Column` objects that reference the scheme will be updated. Removed labels are set to ``NaN``. Args: labels: new labels Raises: ValueError: if scheme does not define labels ValueError: if dtype of new labels does not match dtype of scheme ValueError: if ``labels`` is a misc table ID and the scheme is already assigned to a database, but the corresponding misc table is not part of the database, or the given table ID is not a misc table, or its index is multi-dimensional, or its index contains duplicates, or the misc table has a column that is already assigned to a scheme with labels from another misc table Examples: >>> speaker = Scheme( ... labels={ ... 0: {"gender": "female"}, ... 1: {"gender": "male"}, ... } ... ) >>> speaker dtype: int labels: 0: {gender: female} 1: {gender: male} >>> speaker.replace_labels( ... { ... 1: {"gender": "male", "age": 33}, ... 2: {"gender": "female", "age": 44}, ... } ... ) >>> speaker dtype: int labels: 1: {gender: male, age: 33} 2: {gender: female, age: 44} """ if self.labels is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot replace labels when " "scheme does not define labels." ) self._check_labels(labels) if not isinstance(labels, str) or self._db is not None: # Check change of data type # for list, dict and assigned misc table dtype_labels = self._dtype_from_labels(labels) if dtype_labels != self.dtype: raise ValueError( "Data type of labels must not change: \n" f"'{self.dtype}' \n" f"!=\n" f"'{dtype_labels}'" ) self.labels = labels if self._db is not None and self._id is not None: labels = self._labels_to_list(labels) for table in list(self._db.tables.values()) + list( self._db.misc_tables.values() ): for column in table.columns.values(): if column.scheme_id == self._id: y = column._table.df[column._id] y = new_categories=labels, ordered=False, ) column._table.df[column._id] = y
def _check_labels( self, labels: typing.Union[dict, list, str], ): r"""Raise label related errors.""" if not isinstance(labels, (dict, list, str)): raise ValueError( "Labels must be passed " "as a dictionary, list or ID of a misc table." ) if self._db is not None and isinstance(labels, str): table_id = labels if table_id not in self._db: raise ValueError( f"The misc table '{table_id}' used as scheme labels " "needs to be assigned to the database." ) if table_id not in self._db.misc_tables: raise ValueError( f"The table '{table_id}' used as scheme labels " "needs to be a misc table." ) for column in self._db.misc_tables[table_id].columns.values(): if column.scheme_id is not None: scheme = self._db.schemes[column.scheme_id] if scheme.uses_table: raise ValueError( f"The misc table " f"'{table_id}' " f"cannot be used as scheme labels " f"when one of its columns is " f"assigned to a scheme that " f"uses labels from a misc table." ) if self._db[table_id].index.nlevels > 1: raise ValueError( f"Index of misc table '{table_id}' used as scheme labels " "is only allowed to have a single level." ) if sum(self._db[table_id].index.duplicated()) > 0: raise ValueError( f"Index of misc table '{table_id}' used as scheme labels " "is not allowed to contain duplicates." ) dtype_labels = self._dtype_from_labels(labels) if self.dtype != dtype_labels: raise ValueError( "Data type is set to " f"'{self.dtype}', " "but data type of labels in misc table is " f"'{dtype_labels}'." ) def _dtype_from_labels( self, labels: typing.Union[dict, list, str], ) -> str: r"""Derive audformat dtype from labels.""" if isinstance(labels, str): # misc table # dtype is stored in the levels dictionary # as audformat dtypes. # In addition, a misc table used as labels # is only allowed to have a one dimensional index, # so we need to get only the first entry of the dict. levels = self._db[labels].levels dtype = next(iter(levels.values())) else: # dict or list labels = self._labels_to_list(labels) if len(labels) > 0: dtype = type(labels[0]) else: dtype = "str" if not all(isinstance(x, dtype) for x in labels): raise ValueError("All labels must be of the same data type.") dtype = common.to_audformat_dtype(dtype) define.DataType._assert_has_attribute_value(dtype) return dtype def _labels_to_dict( self, labels: typing.Union[dict, list, str] = None, ) -> typing.Dict: r"""Return actual labels as dict.""" if labels is None: labels = self.labels if isinstance(labels, str): if self._db is None or labels not in self._db: labels = {} else: labels = self._db[labels].df.to_dict("index") elif isinstance(labels, list): labels = {label: {} for label in labels} return labels def _labels_to_list( self, labels: typing.Union[dict, list, str] = None, ) -> typing.List: r"""Convert labels to actual labels as list.""" return list(self._labels_to_dict(labels))
[docs] def __contains__(self, item: typing.Any) -> bool: r"""Check if scheme contains data type of item. ``None``, ``NaT`` and ``NaN`` always match Returns: ``True`` if item is covered by scheme """ if item is not None and not pd.isna(item): if self.labels is not None: labels = self._labels_to_dict() return item in labels if self.is_numeric: item = float(item) if self.minimum is not None and not item >= self.minimum: return False if self.maximum is not None and not item <= self.maximum: return False return True