Source code for audformat.core.define

from audformat.core.common import DefineBase

[docs]class DataType(DefineBase): r"""Data types of column content. Specifies string values representing data types of different columns within a table or misc table. Those string values have to be provided as ``dtype`` argument to :class:`audformat.Scheme`, and are returned by :attr:`audformat.Scheme.dtype`. The exact string values are part of the :ref:`scheme specifications <data-header:Scheme>`, and should never be changed by a user. Use ``DATE`` to handle time and date information, e.g. as provided by :class:`datetime.datetime`. Use ``TIME`` to handle duration values. """ BOOL = "bool" """Bool data type.""" DATE = "date" """Date data type. Data type to store date information, e.g. as provided by :class:`datetime.datetime`. """ INTEGER = "int" """Integer data type.""" FLOAT = "float" """Float data type.""" OBJECT = "object" """Object data type. This should be used if no other data type fits. Inside :mod:`pandas` it is stored as the ``object`` data type, compare :attr:`pandas.DataFrame.dtypes`. """ STRING = "str" """String data type.""" TIME = "time" """Time data type. Data type to store durations, e.g. as provided by :class:`pandas.Timedelta`. """
[docs]class Gender(DefineBase): r"""Gender scheme definitions. Specifies string values representing gender labels that are recommended to use with a scheme that contains gender labels, e.g. ``audformat.Scheme('str', labels=['female', 'male'])``. The exact string values are not part of the :ref:`scheme specifications <data-header:Scheme>`, and can be changed if desired. """ CHILD = "child" """Child gender label. Female and male children have a voice more common to each other than to a female or male grown up. Hence, we provide a common child label. """ FEMALE = "female" """Female gender label.""" MALE = "male" """Male gender label.""" OTHER = "other" """Other gender label. Should include labels that are not covered by female, male, or child, e.g. diverse. """
[docs]class IndexField(DefineBase): r"""Index fields of a table. Specifies the string values representing column/field names for a filewise and segmented index. The exact string values are part of the :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>`, and should never be changed by a user. """ FILE = "file" """File index field. Name of the index column listing files in a filewise or segmented table. """ START = "start" """Start index field. Name of the index column listing start times in a segmented table. """ END = "end" """End index field. Name of the index column listing end times in a segmented table. """
[docs]class IndexType(DefineBase): r"""Index types of a table. Specifies the string values representing a filewise or segmented index. Those string values are returned by :attr:`audformat.Table.type` and :func:`audformat.index_type`. The exact string values are part of the :ref:`table specifications <data-tables:Tables>`, and should never be changed by a user. """ FILEWISE = "filewise" """Filewise index type.""" SEGMENTED = "segmented" """Segmented index type."""
[docs]class License(DefineBase): r"""Common public licenses recommended to use with your data. Specifies string values representing public licences that are recommended to use with the database. If those string values are provided as ``license`` argument to :class:`audformat.Database` the corresponding ``license_url`` argument does not need to be provided but is set automatically. The exact string values are not part of the :ref:`database specifications <data-header:Database>`, and can be changed if desired. """ CC0_1_0 = "CC0-1.0" """Creative Commons 1.0 Universal.""" CC_BY_4_0 = "CC-BY-4.0" """Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.""" CC_BY_NC_4_0 = "CC-BY-NC-4.0" """Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.""" CC_BY_NC_SA_4_0 = "CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0" """Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0.""" CC_BY_SA_4_0 = "CC-BY-SA-4.0" """Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0."""
LICENSE_URLS = { License.CC0_1_0: "", License.CC_BY_4_0: "", License.CC_BY_NC_4_0: "", License.CC_BY_NC_SA_4_0: "", License.CC_BY_SA_4_0: "", }
[docs]class MediaType(DefineBase): r"""Media type of table. Specifies string values representing media types of different tables or misc tables. Those string values have to be provided as ``type`` argument to :class:`audformat.Media`. The exact string values are part of the :ref:`media specifications <data-header:Media>`, and should never be changed by a user. """ AUDIO = "audio" """Audio media type.""" OTHER = "other" """Other media type.""" VIDEO = "video" """Video media type."""
[docs]class RaterType(DefineBase): r"""Rater type of column. Specifies string values representing rater types of different columns in a tables or misc table. Those string values have to be provided as ``type`` argument to :class:`audformat.Rater`. The exact string values are part of the :ref:`rater specifications <data-header:Rater>`, and should never be changed by a user. """ HUMAN = "human" """Human rater type.""" MACHINE = "machine" """Machine rater type.""" OTHER = "other" """Other rater type.""" TRUTH = "ground truth" """Ground truth rater type.""" VOTE = "vote" """Vote rater type."""
[docs]class SplitType(DefineBase): r"""Split type of table. Specifies string values representing split types of different tables or misc table. Those string values have to be provided as ``type`` argument to :class:`audformat.Split`. The exact string values are part of the :ref:`split specifications <data-header:Split>`, and should never be changed by a user. """ TRAIN = "train" """Train split type.""" DEVELOP = "dev" """Dev split type.""" OTHER = "other" """Other split type.""" TEST = "test" """Test split type."""
[docs]class TableStorageFormat(DefineBase): r"""Storage format of tables. Specifies string values used as file extensions of the CSV and PKL files that are used to store a table or misc table. Those string values have to be provided as ``storage_format`` argument to :meth:``, :meth:``, :meth:``, and when loading with to :meth:`audformat.Database.load`, :meth:`audformat.MiscTable.load`, :meth:`audformat.Table.load`, only files with an extension matching the string values are considered. The exact string values for CSV files are part of the :ref:`audformat specifications <data-format:Database>`, and should never be changed by a user. """ CSV = "csv" """File extension for tables stored in CSV format.""" PICKLE = "pkl" """File extension for tables stored in PKL format."""
[docs]class Usage(DefineBase): r"""Usage permission of database. Specifies string values representing usage of a database. Those string values have to be provided as ``usage`` argument to :class:`audformat.Database`, and returned by :attr:`audformat.Database.usage`. The exact string values are part of the :ref:`database specifications <data-header:Database>`, and should never be changed by a user. """ COMMERCIAL = "commercial" """Commercial usage.""" OTHER = "other" """Other usage.""" RESEARCH = "research" """Research only usage.""" RESTRICTED = "restricted" """Restricted usage.""" UNRESTRICTED = "unrestricted" """Unrestricted usage."""