Source code for audformat.core.database

import datetime
import itertools
import os
import shutil
import typing

import oyaml as yaml

    from yaml import CLoader as Loader
except ImportError:  # pragma: nocover
    from yaml import Loader
import pandas as pd

import audeer
import audiofile

from audformat.core import define
from audformat.core import utils
from audformat.core.attachment import Attachment
from audformat.core.column import Column
from audformat.core.common import HeaderBase
from audformat.core.common import HeaderDict
from audformat.core.common import is_relative_path
from audformat.core.errors import BadIdError
from audformat.core.errors import BadKeyError
from audformat.core.errors import TableExistsError
from audformat.core.index import filewise_index
from import Media
from audformat.core.rater import Rater
from audformat.core.scheme import Scheme
from audformat.core.split import Split
from audformat.core.table import MiscTable
from audformat.core.table import Table

[docs]class Database(HeaderBase): r"""Database object. A database consists of a header holding raters, schemes, splits, and other meta information. In addition, it links to a number of tables listing files and labels. For a start see how to :ref:`create a database <create-a-database>` and inspect the :ref:`example of the emodb database <emodb-example>`. Args: name: name of database source: data source (e.g. link to website) usage: permission of usage, see :class:`audformat.define.Usage`. Set to ``'other'`` if none of the other fields fit. expires: expiry date languages: list of languages. Will be mapped to ISO 639-3 strings with :func:`audformat.utils.map_language` description: database description author: database author(s) organization: organization(s) maintaining the database license: database license. You can use a custom license or pick one from :attr:`audformat.define.License`. In the later case, ``license_url`` will be automatically set if it is not given license_url: URL of database license meta: additional meta fields Raises: BadValueError: if an invalid ``usage`` value is passed ValueError: if language is unknown Examples: >>> db = Database( ... "mydb", ... "", ... define.Usage.COMMERCIAL, ... languages=["English", "de"], ... ) >>> db name: mydb source: usage: commercial languages: [eng, deu] >>> labels = ["positive", "neutral", "negative"] >>> db.schemes["emotion"] = Scheme(labels=labels) >>> db.schemes["match"] = Scheme(dtype="bool") >>> db.raters["rater"] = Rater() >>>["audio"] = Media( ... define.MediaType.AUDIO, ... format="wav", ... sampling_rate=16000, ... ) >>> index = filewise_index(["f1.wav", "f2.wav"]) >>> db["table"] = Table(index, media_id="audio") >>> db["table"]["column"] = Column( ... scheme_id="emotion", ... rater_id="rater", ... ) >>> db["table"]["column"].set(["neutral", "positive"]) >>> index = pd.Index([], dtype="string", name="idx") >>> db["misc-table"] = MiscTable(index) >>> db["misc-table"]["column"] = Column(scheme_id="match") >>> db name: mydb source: usage: commercial languages: [eng, deu] media: audio: {type: audio, format: wav, sampling_rate: 16000} raters: rater: {type: human} schemes: emotion: dtype: str labels: [positive, neutral, negative] match: {dtype: bool} tables: table: type: filewise media_id: audio columns: column: {scheme_id: emotion, rater_id: rater} misc_tables: misc-table: levels: {idx: str} columns: column: {scheme_id: match} >>> list(db) ['misc-table', 'table'] >>> db.get("emotion") emotion file f1.wav neutral f2.wav positive """ def __init__( self, name: str, source: str = "", usage: str = define.Usage.UNRESTRICTED, *, expires: = None, languages: typing.Union[str, typing.Sequence[str]] = None, description: str = None, author: str = None, organization: str = None, license: typing.Union[str, define.License] = None, license_url: str = None, meta: dict = None, ): define.Usage._assert_has_attribute_value(usage) if license_url is None and license in define.License._attribute_values(): license_url = define.LICENSE_URLS[license] languages = [] if languages is None else audeer.to_list(languages) for idx in range(len(languages)): languages[idx] = utils.map_language(languages[idx]) = name r"""Name of database""" super().__init__(description=description, meta=meta) self.source = source r"""Database source""" self.usage = usage r"""Usage permission. Possible return values are given by :class:`audformat.define.Usage`. """ self.expires = expires r"""Expiry date""" self.languages = languages r"""List of included languages""" = author r"""Author(s) of database""" self.organization = organization r"""Organization that created the database""" self.license = license r"""License of database""" self.license_url = license_url r"""URL of database license""" self.attachments = HeaderDict( value_type=Attachment, set_callback=self._set_attachment, ) r"""Dictionary of attachments. Raises: RuntimeError: if the path of a newly assigned attachment overlaps with the path of an existing attachment """ = HeaderDict(value_type=Media) r"""Dictionary of media information""" self.raters = HeaderDict(value_type=Rater) r"""Dictionary of raters""" self.schemes = HeaderDict( value_type=Scheme, set_callback=self._set_scheme, ) r"""Dictionary of schemes""" self.splits = HeaderDict(value_type=Split) r"""Dictionary of splits""" self.tables = HeaderDict( value_type=Table, set_callback=self._set_table, ) r"""Dictionary of audformat tables""" self.misc_tables = HeaderDict( value_type=MiscTable, set_callback=self._set_table, ) r"""Dictionary of miscellaneous tables""" self._files_duration = {} self._name = None self._root = None @property def files(self) -> pd.Index: r"""Files referenced in the database. Includes files from filewise and segmented tables. Returns: files """ index = utils.union( [table.files.drop_duplicates() for table in self.tables.values()] ) # Sort alphabetical index, _ = index.sortlevel() return index @property def is_portable( self, ) -> bool: r"""Check if database can be moved to another location. To be portable, media must not be referenced with an absolute path, and not contain ``\``, ``.``, or ``..``. If a database is portable it can be moved to another folder or updated by another database. Returns: ``True`` if the database is portable """ if len(self.files) == 0: return True return all(is_relative_path(f) for f in self.files) @property def root(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: r"""Database root directory. Returns ``None`` if database has not been stored yet. Returns: root directory """ return self._root @property def segments(self) -> pd.MultiIndex: r"""Segments referenced in the database. Returns: segments """ index = utils.union( [table.df.index for table in self.tables.values() if table.is_segmented] ) # Sort alphabetical index, _ = index.sortlevel() return index
[docs] def drop_files( self, files: typing.Union[ str, typing.Sequence[str], typing.Callable[[str], bool], ], num_workers: typing.Optional[int] = 1, verbose: bool = False, ): r"""Drop files from tables. Iterate through all tables and remove rows with a reference to listed or matching files. Args: files: list of files or condition function num_workers: number of parallel jobs. If ``None`` will be set to the number of processors on the machine multiplied by 5 verbose: show progress bar """ audeer.run_tasks( lambda x: x.drop_files(files, inplace=True), params=[([table], {}) for table in self.tables.values()], num_workers=num_workers, progress_bar=verbose, task_description="Drop files", )
[docs] def drop_tables( self, table_ids: typing.Union[str, typing.Sequence[str]], ): r"""Drop (miscellaneous) tables by ID. Args: table_ids: table IDs to drop Raises: audformat.errors.BadIdError: if a table with provided ID does not exist in the database RuntimeError: if a misc table that is used in a scheme would be removed """ table_ids = audeer.to_list(table_ids) for table_id in table_ids: if table_id in self.tables: self.tables.pop(table_id) elif table_id in self.misc_tables: schemes = [ scheme._id for scheme in self.schemes.values() if scheme.labels == table_id ] if len(schemes) > 0: schemes = [f"'{scheme}'" for scheme in schemes] raise RuntimeError( f"Misc table '{table_id}' is used " "as scheme(s): " f"{', '.join(schemes)}, " "and cannot be removed." ) self.misc_tables.pop(table_id) else: available_tables = {**self.tables, **self.misc_tables} raise BadIdError("table", table_id, available_tables)
[docs] def files_duration( self, files: typing.Union[str, typing.Sequence[str]], *, root: str = None, ) -> pd.Series: r"""Duration of files in the database. Use ``db.files_duration(db.files).sum()`` to get the total duration of all files in a database. Or ``db.files_duration(db[table_id].files).sum()`` to get the total duration of all files assigned to a table. .. note:: Durations are cached, i.e. changing the files on disk after calling this function can lead to wrong results. The cache is cleared when the database is reloaded from disk. Args: files: file names root: root directory under which the files are stored. Provide if file names are relative and database was not saved or loaded from disk. If ``None`` :attr:`audformat.Database.root` is used Returns: mapping from file to duration Raises: ValueError: if ``root`` is not set when using relative file names with a database that was not saved or loaded from disk """ root = root or self.root def duration(file: str) -> pd.Timedelta: # expand file path if os.path.isabs(file): full_file = file else: if root is None: raise ValueError( f"Found relative file name " f"{file}, " f"but db.root is None. " f"Please save database or " f"provide a root folder." ) full_file = os.path.join(root, file) # check cache full_file = audeer.path(full_file) if full_file in self._files_duration: return self._files_duration[full_file] # calculate duration and cache it dur = audiofile.duration(full_file) dur = pd.to_timedelta(dur, unit="s") self._files_duration[full_file] = dur return dur files = audeer.to_list(files) y = pd.Series( files, index=files, name=define.IndexField.FILE, ).map(duration) return y
[docs] def get( self, scheme: str, additional_schemes: typing.Union[str, typing.Sequence] = [], *, tables: typing.Union[str, typing.Sequence] = None, splits: typing.Union[str, typing.Sequence] = None, strict: bool = False, map: bool = True, original_column_names: bool = False, aggregate_function: typing.Callable[[pd.Series], typing.Any] = None, aggregate_strategy: str = "mismatch", ) -> pd.DataFrame: r"""Get labels by scheme. Return all labels from columns assigned to a :class:`audformat.Scheme` with name ``scheme``. The request can be limited to specific ``tables`` and/or ``splits``. By providing ``additional_schemes`` the result can be enriched with labels from other schemes (searched in all tables). If ``strict`` is ``False``, a scheme is defined more broadly and does not only match schemes of the database, but also columns with the same name or labels of a scheme with the requested name as key. If at least one returned label belongs to a segmented table, the returned data frame has a segmented index. An ``aggregate_function`` can be provided that specifies how values are combined if more than one value is found for the same file or segment. Args: scheme: scheme ID for which labels should be returned. The search can be restricted to specific tables and splits by the ``tables`` and ``splits`` arguments. Or extended to columns with that same name or the name of a label in the scheme using the `strict` argument additional_schemes: scheme ID or sequence of scheme IDs for which additional labels should be returned. The search is not affected by the ``tables`` and ``splits`` arguments tables: limit search for ``scheme`` to selected tables splits: limit search for ``scheme`` to selected splits strict: if ``False`` the search is extended to columns that match the name of the scheme or the name of a label in the scheme map: if ``True`` and a requested scheme has labels with mappings, those will be returned original_column_names: if ``True`` keep the original column names (possibly results in multiple columns). For mapped schemes, the column name before mapping is returned, e.g. when requesting ``'gender'`` it might return a column named ``'speaker'`` aggregate_function: callable to aggregate overlapping values. The function gets a :class:`pandas.Series` with overlapping values as input. E.g. set to ``lambda y: y.mean()`` to average the values or to ``tuple`` to return them as a tuple aggregate_strategy: if ``aggregate_function`` is not ``None``, ``aggregate_strategy`` decides when ``aggregate_function`` is applied. ``'overlap'``: apply to all samples that have an overlapping index; ``'mismatch'``: apply to all samples that have an overlapping index and a different value Returns: data frame with values Raises: ValueError: if different labels are found for a requested scheme under the same index entry ValueError: if ``original_column_names`` is ``True`` and two columns in the returned data frame have the same name and cannot be joined due to overlapping data or different data type TypeError: if labels of different data type are found for a requested scheme Examples: Return all labels that match a requested scheme. >>> import audb >>> db = audb.load( ... "emodb", version="1.4.1", only_metadata=True, full_path=False, verbose=False ... ) >>> db.get("emotion").head() emotion file wav/03a01Fa.wav happiness wav/03a01Nc.wav neutral wav/03a01Wa.wav anger wav/03a02Fc.wav happiness wav/03a02Nc.wav neutral >>> db.get("transcription").head() transcription file wav/03a01Fa.wav Der Lappen liegt auf dem Eisschrank. wav/03a01Nc.wav Der Lappen liegt auf dem Eisschrank. wav/03a01Wa.wav Der Lappen liegt auf dem Eisschrank. wav/03a02Fc.wav Das will sie am Mittwoch abgeben. wav/03a02Nc.wav Das will sie am Mittwoch abgeben. >>> db.get("emotion", ["transcription"], map=False).head() emotion transcription file wav/03a01Fa.wav happiness a01 wav/03a01Nc.wav neutral a01 wav/03a01Wa.wav anger a01 wav/03a02Fc.wav happiness a02 wav/03a02Nc.wav neutral a02 Non-existent schemes are ignored. >>> db.get("emotion", ["non-existing"]).head() emotion non-existing file wav/03a01Fa.wav happiness NaN wav/03a01Nc.wav neutral NaN wav/03a01Wa.wav anger NaN wav/03a02Fc.wav happiness NaN wav/03a02Nc.wav neutral NaN Limit to a particular table or split. >>> db.get("emotion", tables=["emotion.categories.train.gold_standard"]).head() emotion file wav/03a01Fa.wav happiness wav/03a01Nc.wav neutral wav/03a01Wa.wav anger wav/03a02Fc.wav happiness wav/03a02Nc.wav neutral >>> db.get("emotion", splits=["test"]).head() emotion file wav/12a01Fb.wav happiness wav/12a01Lb.wav boredom wav/12a01Nb.wav neutral wav/12a01Wc.wav anger wav/12a02Ac.wav fear Return requested scheme name independent of column ID. >>> db["emotion"].columns emotion: {scheme_id: emotion, rater_id: gold} emotion.confidence: {scheme_id: confidence, rater_id: gold} >>> db.get("confidence").head() confidence file wav/03a01Fa.wav 0.90 wav/03a01Nc.wav 1.00 wav/03a01Wa.wav 0.95 wav/03a02Fc.wav 0.85 wav/03a02Nc.wav 1.00 If ``strict`` is ``True`` only values that have an attached scheme are returned. >>> db.get("emotion.confidence").head() emotion.confidence file wav/03a01Fa.wav 0.90 wav/03a01Nc.wav 1.00 wav/03a01Wa.wav 0.95 wav/03a02Fc.wav 0.85 wav/03a02Nc.wav 1.00 >>> db.get("emotion.confidence", strict=True).head() Empty DataFrame Columns: [emotion.confidence] Index: [] If more then one value exists for the requested scheme and index entry, an error is raised and ``aggregate_function`` can be used to combine the values. >>> # Add a shuffled version of emotion ratings as `random` column >>> db["emotion"]["random"] = Column(scheme_id="emotion") >>> db["emotion"]["random"].set( ... db["emotion"]["emotion"].get().sample(frac=1, random_state=1) ... ) >>> db.get("emotion") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Found overlapping data in column 'emotion': left right file wav/03a01Nc.wav neutral disgust wav/03a01Wa.wav anger neutral wav/03a02Fc.wav happiness neutral wav/03a02Ta.wav sadness boredom wav/03a02Wb.wav anger sadness wav/03a04Ad.wav fear neutral wav/03a04Fd.wav happiness anger wav/03a04Nc.wav neutral sadness wav/03a04Wc.wav anger boredom wav/03a05Aa.wav fear sadness ... >>> db.get("emotion", aggregate_function=lambda y: y[0]).head() emotion file wav/03a01Fa.wav happiness wav/03a01Nc.wav neutral wav/03a01Wa.wav anger wav/03a02Fc.wav happiness wav/03a02Nc.wav neutral Alternatively, use ``original_column_names`` to return column IDs. >>> db.get("emotion", original_column_names=True).head() emotion random file wav/03a01Fa.wav happiness happiness wav/03a01Nc.wav neutral disgust wav/03a01Wa.wav anger neutral wav/03a02Fc.wav happiness neutral wav/03a02Nc.wav neutral neutral """ # noqa: E501 def append_series(ys, y, column_id): if y is not None: if original_column_names: = column_id ys.append(y) def dtypes_of_categories(objs): dtypes = [ obj.dtype.categories.dtype for obj in objs if isinstance(obj.dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype) ] return sorted(list(set(dtypes))) def empty_frame(name): return pd.DataFrame( {name: []}, index=filewise_index(), dtype="object", ) def empty_series(name): return pd.Series( index=filewise_index(), dtype="object", name=name, ) def scheme_in_column(scheme_id, column, column_id): # Check if scheme_id # is attached to a column, # or identical with the column name return ( scheme_id == column_id and not strict or (column.scheme_id is not None and scheme_id == column.scheme_id) ) requested_scheme = scheme additional_schemes = audeer.to_list(additional_schemes) if tables is None: tables = list(self.tables) else: tables = audeer.to_list(tables) if splits is not None: splits = audeer.to_list(splits) # --- Check if requested scheme is stored as label in other schemes scheme_mappings = [] for scheme_id, scheme in self.schemes.items(): # Labels stored as misc table if scheme.uses_table and scheme_id in self.misc_tables: for column_id, column in self[scheme_id].columns.items(): if scheme_in_column( requested_scheme, column, column_id, ): scheme_mappings.append((scheme_id, column_id)) # Labels stored in scheme elif ( not strict and isinstance(scheme.labels, dict) # Skip simple mappings like {'a0': 'a text'} and isinstance(list(scheme.labels.values())[0], dict) ): labels = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( scheme.labels, orient="index", ) if requested_scheme in labels: scheme_mappings.append((scheme_id, requested_scheme)) # --- Get data for requested schemes ys = [] for table_id in tables: # Handle non-existing tables if table_id not in self.tables: continue else: table = self[table_id] # Limit search by split if splits is not None and table.split_id not in splits: continue for column_id, column in table.columns.items(): y = None # Scheme directly stored in column if scheme_in_column(requested_scheme, column, column_id): if requested_scheme in self.schemes: labels = self.schemes[requested_scheme].labels # If map=True we want to expand scheme labels like # {'a': 'Full a', 'b': 'Full b'}, # nut not scheme labels like # {'a': {'d': 1}, 'b': {'d': 2}} if ( map is True and requested_scheme in self.schemes and isinstance(labels, dict) # Ensure simple mappings like {'a0': 'a text'} and not isinstance(list(labels.values())[0], dict) # map=requested_scheme can only be performed # if scheme is assigned and column.scheme_id == requested_scheme ): y = column.get(map=requested_scheme) else: y = column.get() = requested_scheme append_series(ys, y, column_id) # Get series based on label of scheme else: for scheme_id, mapping in scheme_mappings: if scheme_in_column(scheme_id, column, column_id): if column.scheme_id is None: y = empty_series(requested_scheme) else: y = column.get(map=mapping) = requested_scheme append_series(ys, y, column_id) # --- Ensure we have a common dtype for requested scheme dtypes = dtypes_of_categories(ys) if len(dtypes) > 0: if len(dtypes) > 1: # Don't know if this can ever be triggered, # but make sure we raise the same error as # pd.api.types.union_categoricals raise TypeError( # pragma: nocover f"Cannot join labels for scheme '{requested_scheme}' " "with different data types: " f"{', '.join(dtypes)}" ) dtype = dtypes[0] # Convert everything to categorical data for n, y in enumerate(ys): if not isinstance(y.dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype): ys[n] = y.astype( pd.CategoricalDtype(y.array.dropna().unique().astype(dtype)) ) # Find union of categorical data data = [y.array for y in ys] try: data = pd.api.types.union_categoricals(data) except TypeError: dtypes = [str(dtype) for dtype in dtypes_of_categories(data)] raise TypeError( f"Cannot join labels for scheme '{requested_scheme}' " "with different data types: " f"{', '.join(dtypes)}" ) ys = [y.astype(data.dtype) for y in ys] # --- Combine all labels index = utils.union([y.index for y in ys]) obj = utils.concat( ys, aggregate_function=aggregate_function, aggregate_strategy=aggregate_strategy, ) obj = obj.loc[index] if len(obj) == 0: obj = empty_frame(requested_scheme) elif isinstance(obj, pd.Series): obj = obj.to_frame() # --- Append additional schemes objs = [obj] for scheme in additional_schemes: if len(obj) == 0: obj = empty_frame(scheme) else: obj = self.get( scheme, strict=strict, map=map, original_column_names=original_column_names, aggregate_function=aggregate_function, ) objs.append(obj) if len(objs) > 1: obj = utils.concat(objs) obj = obj.loc[index] if len(obj) == 0: obj.index = filewise_index() return obj
[docs] def map_files( self, func: typing.Callable[[str], str], num_workers: typing.Optional[int] = 1, verbose: bool = False, ): r"""Apply function to file names in all tables. If speed is crucial, see :func:`audformat.utils.map_file_path` for further hints how to optimize your code. Args: func: map function num_workers: number of parallel jobs. If ``None`` will be set to the number of processors on the machine multiplied by 5 verbose: show progress bar """ def job(table): table.map_files(func) audeer.run_tasks( job, params=[([table], {}) for table in self.tables.values()], num_workers=num_workers, progress_bar=verbose, task_description="Map files", )
[docs] def pick_files( self, files: typing.Union[ str, typing.Sequence[str], typing.Callable[[str], bool], ], num_workers: typing.Optional[int] = 1, verbose: bool = False, ): r"""Pick files from tables. Iterate through all tables and keep only rows with a reference to listed files or matching files. Args: files: list of files or condition function num_workers: number of parallel jobs. If ``None`` will be set to the number of processors on the machine multiplied by 5 verbose: show progress bar """ audeer.run_tasks( lambda x: x.pick_files(files, inplace=True), params=[([table], {}) for table in self.tables.values()], num_workers=num_workers, progress_bar=verbose, task_description="Pick files", )
[docs] def pick_tables( self, table_ids: typing.Union[str, typing.Sequence[str]], ): r"""Pick (miscellaneous) tables by ID. Args: table_ids: table IDs to pick Raises: audformat.errors.BadIdError: if a table with provided ID does not exist in the database RuntimeError: if a misc table that is used in a scheme would be removed """ table_ids = audeer.to_list(table_ids) available_tables = {**self.tables, **self.misc_tables} for table_id in table_ids: if table_id not in available_tables: raise BadIdError("table", table_id, available_tables) drop_ids = [t for t in list(self) if t not in table_ids] self.drop_tables(drop_ids)
[docs] def save( self, root: str, *, name: str = "db", indent: int = 2, storage_format: str = define.TableStorageFormat.CSV, update_other_formats: bool = True, header_only: bool = False, num_workers: typing.Optional[int] = 1, verbose: bool = False, ): r"""Save database to disk. Creates a header ``<root>/<name>.yaml`` and for every table a file ``<root>/<name>.<table-id>.[csv,pkl]``. Existing files will be overwritten. If ``update_other_formats`` is provided, it will overwrite all existing files in others formats as well. Args: root: root directory (possibly created) name: base name of files indent: indent size storage_format: storage format of tables. See :class:`audformat.define.TableStorageFormat` for available formats update_other_formats: if ``True`` it will not only save to the given ``storage_format``, but update all files stored in other storage formats as well header_only: store header only num_workers: number of parallel jobs. If ``None`` will be set to the number of processors on the machine multiplied by 5 verbose: show progress bar """ root = audeer.path(root, follow_symlink=True) audeer.mkdir(root) ext = ".yaml" header_path = os.path.join(root, name + ext) with open(header_path, "w") as fp: self.dump(fp, indent=indent) if not header_only: # Store (misc) tables def job(obj_id, obj): path = os.path.join(root, f"{name}.{obj_id}") path, storage_format=storage_format, update_other_formats=update_other_formats, ) objs = {**self.tables, **self.misc_tables} audeer.run_tasks( job, params=[([obj_id, obj], {}) for obj_id, obj in objs.items()], num_workers=num_workers, progress_bar=verbose, task_description="Save tables", ) self._name = name self._root = root
[docs] def update( self, others: typing.Union["Database", typing.Sequence["Database"]], *, copy_attachments: bool = False, copy_media: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, ) -> "Database": r"""Update database with other database(s). In order to :ref:`update a database <update-a-database>`, *license* and *usage* have to match. Labels and values of *schemes* with the same ID are combined. *Media*, *raters*, *schemes*, *splits*, and *attachments* that are not part of the database yet are added. Other fields will be updated by applying the following rules: ============= ===================================== **field** **result** ------------- ------------------------------------- author ',' description db.description expires min(db.expires, other.expires) languages db.languages + other.languages license_url db.license_url meta db.meta + other.meta name organization 'db.organization, other.organization' source 'db.source, other.source' ============= ===================================== Args: others: database object(s) copy_attachments: if ``True`` it copies the attachment files associated with ``others`` to the current database root folder copy_media: if ``True`` it copies the media files associated with ``others`` to the current database root folder overwrite: overwrite table values where indices overlap Returns: the updated database Raises: ValueError: if database has different license or usage ValueError: if different media, rater, scheme, split, or attachment with same ID is found ValueError: if schemes cannot be combined, e.g. labels have different dtype ValueError: if tables cannot be combined (e.g. values in same position overlap or level and dtypes of table indices do not match) RuntimeError: if ``copy_media`` or ``copy_attachments`` is ``True``, but one of the involved databases was not saved (contains files but no root folder) RuntimeError: if any involved database is not portable """ if isinstance(others, Database): others = [others] def assert_equal( other: Database, field: str, ): r"""Assert fields are equal.""" value1 = self.__dict__[field] value2 = other.__dict__[field] if value1 != value2: raise ValueError( "Cannot update database, " "found different value for " f"'db.{field}':\n" f"{value1}\n" "!=\n" f"{value2}" ) def join_dict( field: str, ds: typing.Sequence[dict], ): r"""Join list of dictionaries. Raise error if dictionaries have same key with different values. """ d = ds[0].copy() for d_other in ds[1:]: for key, value in d_other.items(): if key in d: if d[key] != value: raise ValueError( "Cannot update database, " "found different value for " f"'db.{field}['{key}']':\n" f"{d[key]}\n" "!=\n" f"{d_other[key]}" ) else: d[key] = value return d def join_field( other: Database, field: str, op: typing.Callable, ): r"""Join two fields of db header.""" value1 = self.__dict__[field] value2 = other.__dict__[field] if value1 != value2: if value1 and value2: self.__dict__[field] = op([value1, value2]) elif value1: self.__dict__[field] = value1 elif value2: self.__dict__[field] = value2 # assert equal fields for other in others: assert_equal(other, "license") assert_equal(other, "usage") # can only join databases with relative paths for database in [self] + others: if not database.is_portable: raise RuntimeError( f"You can only update with databases that are portable. " f"The database '{}' is not portable." ) # join schemes with labels for other in others: for scheme_id in other.schemes: if scheme_id in self.schemes: other_scheme = other.schemes[scheme_id] self_scheme = self.schemes[scheme_id] # join labels from misc tables # by combining the index of all tables, # column values will be updated # later when the tables are joined if other_scheme.uses_table or self_scheme.uses_table: if other_scheme.uses_table != self_scheme.uses_table: raise ValueError( f"Cannot join scheme " f"'{scheme_id}' " f"when one is using a misc table " f"and the other is not." ) if other_scheme.labels != self_scheme.labels: raise ValueError( f"Cannot join scheme " f"'{scheme_id}' " f"when using misc tables " f"with different IDs: " f"'{self_scheme.labels}' " f"!= " f"'{other_scheme.labels}'." ) other_table = other[other_scheme.labels] self_table = self[self_scheme.labels] index = utils.union( [ other_table.index, self_table.index, ], ) other_table.extend_index(index, inplace=True) self_table.extend_index(index, inplace=True) # ensure same index order in both tables other_table._df = other_table.df.reindex(index) self_table._df = self_table.df.reindex(index) # join other labels elif ( other_scheme.labels is not None and self_scheme.labels is not None ): utils.join_schemes([self, other], scheme_id) # join fields for other in others: join_field(other, "author", ", ".join) join_field(other, "expires", min) join_field(other, "languages", itertools.chain.from_iterable) # remove duplicates whilst preserving order self.languages = list(dict.fromkeys(self.languages)) join_field(other, "media", lambda x: join_dict("media", x)) join_field(other, "meta", lambda x: join_dict("meta", x)) join_field(other, "organization", ", ".join) join_field(other, "schemes", lambda x: join_dict("schemes", x)) join_field(other, "source", ", ".join) join_field(other, "splits", lambda x: join_dict("splits", x)) join_field(other, "raters", lambda x: join_dict("raters", x)) join_field( other, "attachments", lambda x: join_dict("attachments", x), ) # join tables for other in others: for table_id in list(other.misc_tables) + list(other.tables): table = other[table_id] if table_id in self.tables: self[table_id].update(table, overwrite=overwrite) else: self[table_id] = table.copy() if copy_attachments or copy_media: if self.root is None: raise RuntimeError( f"You can only update a saved database. " f"'{}' was not saved yet." ) # copy attachment files if copy_attachments: for other in others: if other.root is None: raise RuntimeError( f"You can only update with saved databases. " f"The database '{}' was not saved yet." ) for attachment_id in other.attachments: for file in other.attachments[attachment_id].files: src_file = os.path.join(other.root, file) dst_file = os.path.join(self.root, file) dst_dir = os.path.dirname(dst_file) audeer.mkdir(dst_dir) shutil.copy(src_file, dst_file) # copy media files if copy_media: for other in others: if len(other.files) > 0 and other.root is None: raise RuntimeError( f"You can only update with saved databases. " f"The database '{}' was not saved yet." ) for file in other.files: src_file = os.path.join(other.root, file) dst_file = os.path.join(self.root, file) dst_dir = os.path.dirname(dst_file) audeer.mkdir(dst_dir) shutil.copy(src_file, dst_file) return self
[docs] def __contains__( self, table_id: str, ) -> bool: r"""Check if (miscellaneous) table exists. Args: table_id: table identifier """ return table_id in self.tables or table_id in self.misc_tables
[docs] def __getitem__( self, table_id: str, ) -> typing.Union[MiscTable, Table]: r"""Get (miscellaneous) table from database. Args: table_id: table identifier Raises: BadKeyError: if table does not exist """ if table_id in self.tables: return self.tables[table_id] elif table_id in self.misc_tables: return self.misc_tables[table_id] raise BadKeyError( table_id, list(self.tables) + list(self.misc_tables), )
[docs] def __eq__( self, other: "Database", ) -> bool: r"""Comparison if database equals another database.""" if self.dump() != other.dump(): return False for table_id in list(self.tables) + list(self.misc_tables): if self[table_id] != other[table_id]: return False return True
[docs] def __iter__( self, ) -> typing.Union[MiscTable, Table]: r"""Iterate over (miscellaneous) tables of database.""" yield from sorted(list(self.tables) + list(self.misc_tables))
[docs] def __setitem__( self, table_id: str, table: typing.Union[MiscTable, Table], ) -> typing.Union[MiscTable, Table]: r"""Add table to database. Args: table_id: table identifier table: the table Raises: BadIdError: if table has a ``split_id`` or ``media_id``, which is not specified in the underlying database TableExistsError: if setting a miscellaneous table when a filewise or segmented table with the same ID exists (or vice versa) """ if isinstance(table, MiscTable): self.misc_tables[table_id] = table else: self.tables[table_id] = table return table
[docs] @staticmethod def load( root: str, *, name: str = "db", load_data: bool = False, num_workers: typing.Optional[int] = 1, verbose: bool = False, ) -> "Database": r"""Load database from disk. Expects a header ``<root>/<name>.yaml`` and for every table a file ``<root>/<name>.<table-id>.[csv|pkl]`` Media files should be located under ``root``. Args: root: root directory name: base name of header and table files load_data: if ``False``, :class:`audformat.Table` data is only loaded on demand, e.g. when :meth:`audformat.Table.get` is called for the first time. Set to ``True`` to load all :class:`audformat.Table` data immediately num_workers: number of parallel jobs. If ``None`` will be set to the number of processors on the machine multiplied by 5 verbose: show progress bar Returns: database object Raises: FileNotFoundError: if the database header file cannot be found under ``root`` RuntimeError: if a CSV table file is newer than the corresponding PKL file """ ext = ".yaml" root = audeer.path(root, follow_symlink=True) path = os.path.join(root, name + ext) if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError(path) with open(path, "r") as fp: header = yaml.load(fp, Loader=Loader) db = Database.load_header_from_yaml(header) params = [] table_ids = [] if "tables" in header and header["tables"]: for table_id in header["tables"]: table_ids.append(table_id) if "misc_tables" in header and header["misc_tables"]: for table_id in header["misc_tables"]: table_ids.append(table_id) for table_id in table_ids: table = db[table_id] if load_data: table_path = os.path.join(root, name + "." + table_id) params.append(([table, table_path], {})) else: table._df = None if params: def job(obj, obj_path): obj.load(obj_path) # load all objects into memory audeer.run_tasks( job, params=params, num_workers=num_workers, progress_bar=verbose, task_description="Load tables", ) db._name = name db._root = root return db
[docs] @staticmethod def load_header_from_yaml(header: dict) -> "Database": r"""Load database header from YAML. Args: header: YAML header definition Returns: database object """ # for backward compatibility if len(header) == 1: # pragma: no cover id = next(iter(header)) header = header[id] header["name"] = id db = Database( name=header["name"], source=header["source"], usage=header["usage"], ) header_dicts = [ "attachments", "media", "misc_tables", "raters", "schemes", "tables", "splits", ] db.from_dict(header, ignore_keys=header_dicts) if "attachments" in header and header["attachments"]: for attachment_id, attachment_d in header["attachments"].items(): attachment = Attachment(attachment_d["path"]) attachment.from_dict(attachment_d) db.attachments[attachment_id] = attachment if "media" in header and header["media"]: for media_id, media_d in header["media"].items(): media = Media() media.from_dict(media_d)[media_id] = media if "splits" in header and header["splits"]: for split_id, split_d in header["splits"].items(): split = Split() split.from_dict(split_d) db.splits[split_id] = split if "misc_tables" in header and header["misc_tables"]: for table_id, table_d in header["misc_tables"].items(): table = MiscTable(None) table.from_dict(table_d, ignore_keys=["columns"]) if "columns" in table_d and table_d["columns"]: tmp_callback = table.columns.set_callback table.columns.set_callback = None for column_id, column_d in table_d["columns"].items(): column = Column() column.from_dict(column_d) column._id = column_id column._table = table table.columns[column_id] = column table.columns.set_callback = tmp_callback db.misc_tables[table_id] = table if "raters" in header and header["raters"]: for rater_id, rater_d in header["raters"].items(): rater = Rater() rater.from_dict(rater_d) db.raters[rater_id] = rater if "schemes" in header and header["schemes"]: misc_table_schemes = {} for scheme_id, scheme_d in header["schemes"].items(): # ensure to load first all non misc table schemes # as they might be needed # when checking the column schemes # of the underlying misc table scheme = Scheme() scheme.from_dict(scheme_d) if scheme.uses_table: misc_table_schemes[scheme_id] = scheme else: db.schemes[scheme_id] = scheme for scheme_id, scheme in misc_table_schemes.items(): db.schemes[scheme_id] = scheme # restore order of scheme IDs order = list(header["schemes"]) db.schemes = HeaderDict( sorted( db.schemes.items(), key=lambda item: order.index(item[0]), ), value_type=Scheme, set_callback=db._set_scheme, ) if "tables" in header and header["tables"]: for table_id, table_d in header["tables"].items(): table = Table() table.from_dict(table_d, ignore_keys=["is_segmented", "columns"]) if "columns" in table_d and table_d["columns"]: tmp_callback = table.columns.set_callback table.columns.set_callback = None for column_id, column_d in table_d["columns"].items(): column = Column() column.from_dict(column_d, ignore_keys=["has_confidence"]) column._id = column_id column._table = table table.columns[column_id] = column # for backward compatibility we insert # confidences as a regular column if "has_confidence" in column_d: # pragma: no cover column = Column() column._id = "@" + column_id column._table = table table.columns["@" + column_id] = column table.columns.set_callback = tmp_callback db[table_id] = table return db
def _set_attachment( self, attachment_id: str, attachment: Attachment, ) -> Attachment: attachment._db = self attachment._id = attachment_id for other_id in list(self.attachments): attachment._check_overlap(self.attachments[other_id]) return attachment def _set_scheme( self, scheme_id: str, scheme: Scheme, ) -> Scheme: scheme._db = self scheme._id = scheme_id if hasattr(scheme, "labels") and scheme.labels is not None: scheme._check_labels(scheme.labels) return scheme def _set_table( self, table_id: str, table: typing.Union[MiscTable, Table], ) -> typing.Union[MiscTable, Table]: if isinstance(table, MiscTable) and table_id in self.tables: raise TableExistsError(self[table_id].type, table_id) elif isinstance(table, Table) and table_id in self.misc_tables: raise TableExistsError("miscellaneous", table_id) if table.split_id is not None and table.split_id not in self.splits: raise BadIdError("split", table.split_id, self.splits) if table.media_id is not None and table.media_id not in raise BadIdError("media", table.media_id, table._db = self table._id = table_id return table