Source code for

import os
import tempfile
import typing

import numpy as np
import soundfile

import audeer
import audmath

from audiofile.core.convert import convert
from audiofile.core.utils import MAX_CHANNELS
from audiofile.core.utils import SNDFORMATS
from audiofile.core.utils import duration_in_seconds
from audiofile.core.utils import file_extension

[docs]def convert_to_wav( infile: str, outfile: str = None, offset: typing.Union[float, int, str, np.timedelta64] = None, duration: typing.Union[float, int, str, np.timedelta64] = None, bit_depth: int = 16, normalize: bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> str: """Convert any audio/video file to WAV. It uses soundfile for reading WAV, FLAC, MP3, OGG files, and sox or ffmpeg for reading all other files. If ``duration`` and/or ``offset`` are specified the resulting WAV file will be shortened accordingly. ``duration`` and ``offset`` support all formats mentioned in :func:`audmath.duration_in_seconds`, like ``'2 ms'``, or ``pd.to_timedelta(2, 's')``. The exception is that float and integer values are always interpreted as seconds and strings without unit always as samples. If ``duration`` and/or ``offset`` are negative, they are interpreted from right to left, whereas ``duration`` starts from the end of the signal for ``offset=None``. If the signal is shorter than the requested ``duration`` and/or ``offset`` only the part of the signal overlapping with the requested signal is returned, e.g. for a file containing the signal ``[0, 1, 2]``, ``duration=2``, ``offset=-4`` will return ``[0]``. ``duration`` and ``offset`` are evenly rounded after conversion to samples. It then uses :func:`soundfile.write` to write the WAV file, which limits the number of supported channels to 65535. Args: infile: audio/video file name outfile: WAV file name. If ``None`` same path as ``infile`` but file extension is replaced by ``'wav'`` duration: return only a specified duration offset: start reading at offset bit_depth: bit depth of written file in bit, can be 8, 16, 24 normalize: normalize audio data before writing overwrite: force overwriting if ``outfile`` is identical to ``outfile`` kwargs: pass on further arguments to :func:`soundfile.write` Returns: absolute path to resulting WAV file Raises: FileNotFoundError: if ffmpeg binary is needed, but cannot be found RuntimeError: if ``file`` is missing, broken or format is not supported RuntimeError: if ``infile`` would need to be overwritten and ``overwrite`` is ``False`` ValueError: if ``duration`` is a string that does not match a valid '<value><unit>' pattern or the provided unit is not supported Examples: >>> path = convert_to_wav("stereo.flac") >>> os.path.basename(path) 'stereo.wav' """ infile = audeer.safe_path(infile) if outfile is None: outfile = audeer.replace_file_extension(infile, "wav") else: outfile = audeer.safe_path(outfile) if infile == outfile and not overwrite: raise RuntimeError( f"'{infile}' would be overwritten. " "Select 'overwrite=True', " "or provide an 'outfile' argument." ) signal, sampling_rate = read( infile, offset=offset, duration=duration, ) write( outfile, signal, sampling_rate, bit_depth=bit_depth, normalize=normalize, **kwargs, ) return outfile
[docs]def read( file: str, duration: typing.Union[float, int, str, np.timedelta64] = None, offset: typing.Union[float, int, str, np.timedelta64] = None, always_2d: bool = False, dtype: str = "float32", **kwargs, ) -> typing.Tuple[np.array, int]: """Read audio file. It uses :func:`` for WAV, FLAC, MP3, and OGG files. All other audio files are first converted to WAV by sox or ffmpeg. ``duration`` and ``offset`` support all formats mentioned in :func:`audmath.duration_in_seconds`, like ``'2 ms'``, or ``pd.to_timedelta(2, 's')``. The exception is that float and integer values are always interpreted as seconds and strings without unit always as samples. If ``duration`` and/or ``offset`` are negative, they are interpreted from right to left, whereas ``duration`` starts from the end of the signal for ``offset=None``. If the signal is shorter than the requested ``duration`` and/or ``offset`` only the part of the signal overlapping with the requested signal is returned, e.g. for a file containing the signal ``[0, 1, 2]``, ``duration=2``, ``offset=-4`` will return ``[0]``. ``duration`` and ``offset`` are evenly rounded after conversion to samples. Args: file: file name of input audio file duration: return only the specified duration offset: start reading at offset always_2d: if ``True`` it always returns a two-dimensional signal even for mono sound files dtype: data type of returned signal, select from ``'float64'``, ``'float32'``, ``'int32'``, ``'int16'`` kwargs: pass on further arguments to :func:`` Returns: * a two-dimensional array in the form ``[channels, samples]``. If the sound file has only one channel and ``always_2d=False``, a one-dimensional array is returned * sample rate of the audio file Raises: FileNotFoundError: if ffmpeg binary is needed, but cannot be found RuntimeError: if ``file`` is missing, broken or format is not supported ValueError: if ``duration`` is a string that does not match a valid '<value><unit>' pattern or the provided unit is not supported Examples: .. plot:: :context: reset :include-source: false import numpy as np from import read .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> signal, sampling_rate = read("mono.wav", always_2d=True) >>> sampling_rate 8000 >>> signal.shape (1, 12000) >>> signal, sampling_rate = read("mono.wav") >>> signal.shape (12000,) >>> import audplot >>> audplot.waveform(signal) .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> signal, sampling_rate = read("mono.wav", duration=0.5) >>> # Extend signal to original length >>> signal = np.pad(signal, (0, 8000)) >>> audplot.waveform(signal) .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> signal, sampling_rate = read("mono.wav", duration=-0.5) >>> # Extend signal to original length >>> signal = np.pad(signal, (8000, 0)) >>> audplot.waveform(signal) .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> signal, sampling_rate = read("mono.wav", offset="4000", duration="4000") >>> # Extend signal to original length >>> signal = np.pad(signal, (4000, 4000)) >>> audplot.waveform(signal) .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> # Use audresample for resampling and remixing >>> import audresample >>> signal, sampling_rate = read("stereo.wav") >>> signal.shape (2, 12000) >>> target_rate = 16000 >>> signal = audresample.resample(signal, sampling_rate, target_rate) >>> signal.shape (2, 24000) >>> signal = audresample.remix(signal, mixdown=True) >>> signal.shape (1, 24000) >>> audplot.waveform(signal) """ # noqa: E501 file = audeer.safe_path(file) # Parse offset and duration values if ( duration is not None or isinstance(duration, str) or (offset is not None and isinstance(offset, str)) or (offset is not None and offset != 0) ): # Import sampling_rate here to avoid circular imports from import sampling_rate as get_sampling_rate sampling_rate = get_sampling_rate(file) if duration is not None: duration = duration_in_seconds(duration, sampling_rate) if np.isnan(duration): duration = None if offset is not None and offset != 0: offset = duration_in_seconds(offset, sampling_rate) if np.isnan(offset): offset = None # Support for negative offset/duration values # by counting them from end of signal # if offset is not None and offset < 0 or duration is not None and duration < 0: # Import duration here to avoid circular imports from import duration as get_duration signal_duration = get_duration(file) # offset | duration # None | < 0 if offset is None and duration is not None and duration < 0: offset = max([0, signal_duration + duration]) duration = None # None | >= 0 if offset is None and duration is not None and duration >= 0: if np.isinf(duration): duration = None # >= 0 | < 0 elif offset is not None and offset >= 0 and duration is not None and duration < 0: if np.isinf(offset) and np.isinf(duration): offset = 0 duration = None elif np.isinf(offset): duration = 0 else: if np.isinf(duration): offset = min([offset, signal_duration]) duration = np.sign(duration) * signal_duration orig_offset = offset offset = max([0, offset + duration]) duration = min([-duration, orig_offset]) # >= 0 | >= 0 elif offset is not None and offset >= 0 and duration is not None and duration >= 0: if np.isinf(offset): duration = 0 elif np.isinf(duration): duration = None # < 0 | None elif offset is not None and offset < 0 and duration is None: offset = max([0, signal_duration + offset]) # >= 0 | None elif offset is not None and offset >= 0 and duration is None: if np.isinf(offset): duration = 0 # < 0 | > 0 elif offset is not None and offset < 0 and duration is not None and duration > 0: if np.isinf(offset) and np.isinf(duration): offset = 0 duration = None elif np.isinf(offset): duration = 0 elif np.isinf(duration): duration = None else: offset = signal_duration + offset if offset < 0: duration = max([0, duration + offset]) else: duration = min([duration, signal_duration - offset]) offset = max([0, offset]) # < 0 | < 0 elif offset is not None and offset < 0 and duration is not None and duration < 0: if np.isinf(offset): duration = 0 elif np.isinf(duration): duration = -signal_duration else: orig_offset = offset offset = max([0, signal_duration + offset + duration]) duration = min([-duration, signal_duration + orig_offset]) duration = max([0, duration]) # Convert to samples # # Handle duration first # and returned immediately # if duration == 0 if duration is not None and duration != 0: duration = audmath.samples(duration, sampling_rate) if duration == 0: from import channels as get_channels channels = get_channels(file) if channels > 1 or always_2d: signal = np.zeros((channels, 0)) else: signal = np.zeros((0,)) return signal, sampling_rate if offset is not None and offset != 0: offset = audmath.samples(offset, sampling_rate) else: offset = 0 tmpdir = None if file_extension(file) not in SNDFORMATS: # Convert file formats not recognized by soundfile to WAV first. # # NOTE: this is faster than loading them with librosa directly. # In addition, librosa seems to have an issue with the precision of # the returned magnitude # ( # # It might be the case that MP3 files will be supported by soundfile in # the future as well. For a discussion on MP3 support in the underlying # libsndfile see with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="audiofile") as tmpdir: tmpfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, "tmp.wav") # offset and duration have to be given in seconds if offset != 0: offset /= sampling_rate if duration is not None and duration != 0: duration /= sampling_rate convert(file, tmpfile, offset, duration) signal, sampling_rate = tmpfile, dtype=dtype, always_2d=always_2d, **kwargs, ) else: start = offset # duration == 0 is handled further above with immediate return if duration is not None: stop = duration + start else: stop = None signal, sampling_rate = file, start=start, stop=stop, dtype=dtype, always_2d=always_2d, **kwargs, ) # [samples, channels] => [channels, samples] signal = signal.T return signal, sampling_rate
[docs]def write( file: str, signal: np.array, sampling_rate: int, bit_depth: int = 16, normalize: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """Write (normalized) audio files. Save audio data provided as an array of shape ``(channels, samples)`` or ``(samples,)`` to a WAV, FLAC, NP3, or OGG file. ``channels`` can be up to 65535 for WAV, 255 for OGG, 2 for MP3, and 8 for FLAC. For monaural audio the array can be one-dimensional. It uses :func:`soundfile.write` to write the audio files. Args: file: file name of output audio file. The format (WAV, FLAC, MP3, OGG) will be inferred from the file name signal: audio data to write sampling_rate: sample rate of the audio data bit_depth: bit depth of written file in bit, can be 8, 16, 24 for WAV and FLAC files, and in addition 32 for WAV files normalize: normalize audio data before writing kwargs: pass on further arguments to :func:`soundfile.write` Raises: RuntimeError: for non-supported bit depth or number of channels Examples: >>> sampling_rate = 8000 >>> signal = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (1, 1000)) >>> write("mono.wav", signal, sampling_rate) >>> signal = np.random.uniform(-1.2, 1.2, (2, 1000)) >>> write("stereo.flac", signal, sampling_rate, normalize=True) """ # noqa: E501 file = audeer.safe_path(file) file_type = file_extension(file) # Check for allowed precisions if file_type == "wav": depth_mapping = { 8: "PCM_U8", 16: "PCM_16", 24: "PCM_24", 32: "PCM_32", } elif file_type == "flac": depth_mapping = { 8: "PCM_S8", 16: "PCM_16", 24: "PCM_24", } if file_type in ["wav", "flac"]: bit_depths = sorted(list(depth_mapping.keys())) if bit_depth not in bit_depths: raise RuntimeError( f'"bit_depth" has to be one of ' f'{", ".join([str(b) for b in bit_depths])}.' ) subtype = depth_mapping[bit_depth] else: subtype = None # Check if number of channels is allowed for chosen file type if signal.ndim > 1: channels = np.shape(signal)[0] else: channels = 1 if channels > MAX_CHANNELS[file_type]: if file_type != "wav": hint = " Consider using 'wav' instead." else: hint = "" raise RuntimeError( "The maximum number of allowed channels " f"for '{file_type}' is {MAX_CHANNELS[file_type]}.{hint}" ) if normalize: signal = signal / np.max(np.abs(signal)) soundfile.write(file, signal.T, sampling_rate, subtype=subtype, **kwargs)