import typing
import pandas as pd
import audobject
from auglib.core import observe
[docs]class Time(audobject.Object):
r"""Represent timestamp or timespan.
Different time formats are supported,
but calling the object always returns
the value expressed as number of samples.
value: timestamp or timespan
unit: literal specifying the format
(see :meth:`auglib.utils.to_samples`)
ValueError: if ``unit`` is not supported
>>> Time(0.5, "seconds")(sampling_rate=8)
>>> Time(1000, "ms")(sampling_rate=8)
>>> Time(16, "samples")()
>>> Time(0.5, "relative")(length=64)
>>> # generate randomized values
>>> seed(0)
>>> t = Time(observe.FloatUni(0.25, 0.75), "relative")
>>> t(length=64)
>>> t(length=64)
def __init__(
value: typing.Union[int, float, observe.Base],
unit: str,
self.value = value
self.unit = unit.strip()
if self.unit not in ("samples", "relative"):
# raises ValueError if unit is not supported
pd.to_timedelta(0, unit=self.unit)
[docs] def __call__(
sampling_rate: int = None,
length: int = None,
allow_negative: bool = False,
) -> int:
r"""Convert timestamp or timespan to number of samples.
If ``unit`` is set to ``'samples'``,
no argument must be given.
In case of ``'relative'``,
a value for ``length`` has to be provided.
In any other case,
a value for ``sampling_rate`` is required.
sampling_rate: sampling rate in Hz
length: reference point if unit is ``relative``
(in number of samples)
allow_negative: allow negative values
number of samples
ValueError: if ``allow_negative`` is ``False``
and computed value is negative
ValueError: if ``length`` is not provided,
but ``unit`` is ``'samples'``
ValueError: if ``sampling_rate`` is not provided,
but ``unit`` is not ``'samples'`` or ``'relative'``
ValueError: if ``sampling_rate`` is not an integer
or not greater than zero
if sampling_rate is not None:
if not isinstance(sampling_rate, int) or sampling_rate <= 0:
raise ValueError(
"Sampling rate must be an integer and greater than zero, "
f"not {sampling_rate} Hz"
value = observe.observe(self.value)
if self.unit == "samples":
num_samples = int(value)
elif self.unit == "relative":
if length is None:
raise ValueError(
"Unit is set to 'relative', "
"but no value is provided for 'length'."
num_samples = int(length * value)
if sampling_rate is None:
raise ValueError(
f"Unit is set to '{self.unit}', "
f"but no value is provided for 'sampling_rate'."
value = pd.to_timedelta(value, unit=self.unit).total_seconds()
num_samples = int(value * sampling_rate)
if num_samples < 0 and not allow_negative:
raise ValueError(
f"Number of samples takes on negative value "
f"'{num_samples}'. "
f"If this is expected, "
f"set 'allow_negative=True' "
f"to avoid this error.",
return num_samples