
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Version 1.0.4 (2024-07-08)

  • Fixed: preserve order of segments in index after augmentation with auglib.Augment.augment()

  • Fixed: ensure transforms work with signals stored in a read-only numpy.array

  • Fixed: return correct float types with numpy>=2.0

Version 1.0.3 (2024-05-14)

  • Fixed: broken links on the landing page of the documentation

Version 1.0.2 (2024-01-30)

  • Fixed: auglib.transform.PinkNoise when applied to signals with odd sample length

Version 1.0.1 (2024-01-26)

  • Fixed: missing audio examples in documentation

  • Fixed: add missing entries to the changelog of 1.0.0

Version 1.0.0 (2024-01-26)

  • Added: public release

  • Added: support for MacOS

  • Added: support for Windows

  • Added: audio examples and figures to the docstrings of all transforms

  • Added: depend on scipy

  • Added: sampling_rate as argument to __call__() of transforms that require a sampling rate

  • Added: support for Python 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11

  • Added: auglib.utils.rms_db()

  • Changed: auglib.Augment.augment() now stores augmented segments as single files in cache

  • Changed: auglib.Augment.augment() now uses allow_nat=True when calculating the hash of an index, which is used to store/find augmented files in cache

  • Changed: depend on audeer>=2.0.0

  • Changed: convert code base to pure Python

  • Changed: switch to MIT License

  • Fixed: support overlapping segments

  • Fixed: ensure the duration argument of auglib.transform.AppendValue and auglib.transform.PrependValue is first observed when calling the transform

  • Removed: sounddevice dependency

  • Removed: auglib.AudioBuffer

  • Removed: auglib.set_exception_handling()

Version 0.12.2 (2023-07-31)

  • Fixed: changes to the correction of start and end in auglib.Augment.augment() as introduced in auglib v0.12.1

Version 0.12.1 (2023-07-27)

  • Changed: require audmath >=1.3.0

  • Changed: require audinterface >=1.0.4

  • Changed: use audmath.samples() to convert from duration to samples

  • Fixed: add missing “Returns” section to documentation of auglib.AudioBuffer.from_array()

Version 0.12.0 (2023-04-12)

  • Added: auglib.transform.Fade

  • Changed: use version 2.0.3 of the auglib C++ library

  • Changed: split API documentation into sub-pages for each function/class

  • Changed: if loop_aux is True in auglib.transform.Mix the aux buffer is now first looped before read_pos_aux and read_dur_aux are applied

  • Fixed: gain_base_db in auglib.transform.Mix was not applied to all samples of the base buffer starting at the length of the aux buffer and ending at read_dur_aux

Version 0.11.2 (2022-12-08)

  • Changed: require audobject >=0.7.6

  • Fixed: missing unit attribute in auglib.transform.BabbleNoise

Version 0.11.1 (2022-10-17)

  • Fixed: preserve_level argument was missing for auglib.transform.BabbleNoise and auglib.transform.PrependValue

Version 0.11.0 (2022-10-13)

  • Added: auglib.transform.BabbleNoise

  • Added: auglib.transform.Prepend

  • Added: auglib.transform.PrependValue

  • Added: auglib.transform.Resample

  • Added: auglib.transform.Shift

  • Added: snr_db argument to auglib.transform.Mix auglib.transform.PinkNoise, auglib.transform.Tone, auglib.transform.WhiteNoiseGaussian, auglib.transform.WhiteNoiseUniform to specify the signal-to-noise ratio between the incoming and added signal

  • Added: end_pos and fill_pos to auglib.transform.Trim to allow any kind of cropping, zero padding, and signal repetition

  • Added: preserve_level argument to all transforms. If True it ensures that the transformed signal has the same root-mean-square value as the incoming signal

  • Added: auglib.AudioBuffer.rms() and auglib.AudioBuffer.rms_db()

  • Added: sampling_rate argument to auglib.AudioBuffer.write()

  • Added: Noise with fixed SNR example in the documentation

  • Added: Band-Pass Filtered Noise example in the documentation

  • Changed: allow a transform object as input for the aux argument in transforms that have this argument

  • Changed: auglib.transform.Trim no longer supports providing a start_pos that is larger than the buffer length

  • Changed: auglib.transform.Trim with argument fill="loop" no longer loops the whole input signal, but only the trimmed version specified by start_pos and/or end_pos. For cycling through a signal use auglib.transform.Shift instead

  • Changed: raise ValueError if sampling_rate argument is not greater than zero or not an integer

  • Changed: serializing a transform that contains a buffer as aux argument will raise a ValueError

  • Changed: when applied to an input signal auglib.transform.Function raises a RuntimeError if it would result in an empty augmented signal

  • Changed: depend on audformat>=0.15.2

  • Fixed: read_dur_aux in auglib.transform.Append does now allow to be None

Version 0.10.5 (2022-06-15)

  • Added: pitch shift example

  • Added: constant pitch examples

  • Fixed: correct examples for pedalboard>=0.4.0

Version 0.10.4 (2022-01-26)

  • Changed: depend on audformat>=0.13.0

  • Fixed: do not sort augmented index

Version 0.10.3 (2022-01-21)

  • Fixed: Ci job for Python package publication

Version 0.10.2 (2022-01-21)

  • Changed: use audinterface>=0.8.0

Version 0.10.1 (2021-12-30)

  • Changed: use Python 3.8 as default Python version

Version 0.10.0 (2021-11-17)

  • Changed: Augment.augment() caches augmented index

  • Fixed: Augment.augment() supports transforms that change the segment length

  • Fixed: Augment.augment() supports index with relative file names

Version 0.9.0 (2021-10-25)

  • Added: auglib.transform.Function

  • Added: Examples section to Getting Started part of the documentation

  • Added: External Solutions section to Getting Started part of the documentation

  • Added: auglib.observe.Base

  • Added: auglib.observe.Bool

  • Added: auglib.observe.FloatNorm

  • Added: auglib.observe.FloatUni

  • Added: auglib.observe.IntUni

  • Added: auglib.observe.List

  • Added: auglib.observe.observe

  • Added: num_repeat argument to auglib.transform.Mix

  • Added: auglib.seed()

  • Added: auglib.transform.Base

  • Added: auglib.Time

  • Added: fill argument to auglib.transform.Trim

  • Added: auglib.transform.Mask

  • Added: seed argument to auglib.Augment

  • Added: documentation on how to implement a transform under auglib.transform

  • Added: documentation on how to implement an observable under auglib.observe

  • Added: auglib.AudioBuffer.duration

  • Added: multi-channel support for auglib.Augment

  • Changed: auglib.AudioBuffer.to_array() returns 2d array

  • Changed: hide and AudioBuffer.obj

  • Changed: make sampling_rate a keyword argument in auglib.utils.to_samples()

  • Changed: increase code coverage to 100%

  • Changed: use short ID for flavor folders in cache

  • Deprecated: auglib.Int

  • Deprecated: auglib.IntList

  • Deprecated: auglib.Float

  • Deprecated: auglib.FloatList

  • Deprecated: auglib.Number

  • Deprecated: auglib.Str

  • Deprecated: auglib.StrList

  • Deprecated: auglib.NumpyTransform

  • Deprecated: auglib.utils.random_seed()

  • Deprecated: auglib.Transform

  • Deprecated: auglib.Source

  • Deprecated: auglib.source.FromArray

  • Deprecated: auglib.source.Read

  • Deprecated: auglib.Sink

  • Deprecated: auglib.sink.Play

  • Deprecated: auglib.sink.Write

  • Deprecated:

  • Removed: scipy dependency

  • Removed: humanfriendly dependency

  • Removed: auglib.transform.FilterDesign

  • Removed: auglib.transform.ToneShape

  • Removed: auglib.ExceptionHandling

  • Removed: auglib.LibraryException

  • Removed: auglib.LibraryExceptionWarning

Version 0.8.4 (2021-08-04)

  • Changed. Updated underlying binary with latest auglib updates. Main change: ClipByRatio transform does not raise exceptions anymore when the computed threshold is too low.

Version 0.8.3 (2021-07-20)

  • Added: set cache root with $AUGLIB_CACHE_ROOT

  • Changed: switched from audata to audformat

Version 0.8.2 (2020-12-04)

Version 0.8.1 (2020-11-17)

Version 0.8.0 (2020-10-29)

Version 0.7.1 (2020-10-23)

  • Changed: remove outdated example from README

  • Fixed: remove unused as_db argument form auglib.FloatUni

Version 0.7.0 (2020-10-09)

  • Removed: previously deprecated auglib.AudioModifier is now removed.

Version 0.6.3 (2020-10-09)

  • Changed: Now using the audobject package to serialize auglib.Transform objects to YAML.

  • Fixed: Safer guards against the usage of negative time values whenever auglib.core.utils.to_samples is called.

  • Fixed: Potential bug when using auglib.Transform.Trim with a duration member greater than the actual input buffer size.

Version 0.6.2 (2020-10-08)

  • Fixed: missing documentation for auglib.Transform.Trim

Version 0.6.1 (2020-10-08)

  • Added: auglib.Transform.Trim.

  • Changed: made private (changed into auglib.Transform._call()).

Version 0.6.0 (2020-09-29)

  • Added: auglib.Augment

  • Changed: use audeer helper functions

  • Changed: implement usage example with jupyter-sphinx

  • Changed: mark auglib.AudioModifier as deprecated

  • Removed: tests for auglib.AudioModifier

Version 0.5.3 (2020-09-29)

  • Added: documentation on supported bit rates to auglib.transform.AMRNB

  • Added: link to documentation to Python package

Version 0.5.2 (2020-08-31)

Version 0.5.1 (2020-07-16)

  • Changed: Avoid automatically enabling the force_overwrite option in AudioModifier.apply_on_index. The user is now required to set this manually.

Version 0.5.0 (2020-04-24)

  • Added: compressDynamicRange: option to restore original peak.

Version 0.4.3 (2020-04-14)

  • Fixed: Replace utils.mk_dirs with audeer.mkdir (improve thread-safety)

Version 0.4.1 (2020-04-09)

  • Added: IntList and FloatList as companions to StrList.

  • Fixed: FloatNorm now provided with class members.

Version 0.4.0 (2020-03-04)

  • Added: transform BandStop

Version 0.3.8 (2020-02-27)

  • Fixed: FloatNorm properly draws from truncated distribution

Version 0.3.7 (2020-02-26)

  • Added: transform CompressDynamicRange

  • Changed: remove support for Python 3.5

  • Changed: publish package in ci-job

Version 0.3.5 (2020-02-04)

  • Changed: allow random filter order

Version 0.3.4 (2020-01-16)

  • Changed: allow random filter order

Version 0.3.3 (2020-01-15)

  • Added: Bool and BoolRand class

  • Changed: copyright years

Version 0.3.2 (2019-12-09)

  • Fixed: update release instructions to avoid obsolete files in wheel package

Version 0.3.1 (2019-12-09)

  • Changed: api documentation with toc-tree

Version 0.3.0 (2019-12-09)

  • Added: AudioModifier interface

  • Added: relative position argument

  • Changed: re-structured package

Version 0.2.3 (2019-11-22)

  • Added: unit relative to randomize position relative to buffer length

  • Fixed: read_pos_dur bug in mix function

Version 0.2.2 (2019-11-14)

  • Added: handling of exceptions thrown by c library

  • Fixed: read_pos_aux bug in mix function

Version 0.2.1 (2019-11-12)

  • Fixed: dependency to is properly resolved if called outside the root directory

Version 0.2.0 (2019-11-04)

  • Changed: implemented transforms as classes

Version 0.1.5 (2019-10-11)

  • Added: libSoundTouch shared library

  • Fixed: high pass filter

Version 0.1.4 (2019-09-30)

  • Changed: rely on typehints in docstring

Version 0.1.3 (2019-09-26)

  • Added: clip_by_ratio()

  • Changed: Tone constructor

  • Changed: [low,high,band]_pass() arguments

  • Changed: clip() arguments

Version 0.1.2 (2019-09-23)

  • Added: add icon

Version 0.1.1 (2019-09-23)

  • Added: advanced usage example

  • Added: AudioBuffer.from_file() to read from an audio file

  • Added: AudioBuffer.to_file() to save buffer to a an audio file

  • Changed: AudioBuffer.FromArray() to AudioBuffer.from_array()

Version 0.1.0 (2019-09-08)

  • Added: initial release