Source code for audplot.core.api

import math
import typing
import warnings

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

# The scipy implementation is faster,
# but scipy is not an official dependency of audplot
    from scipy.special import ndtri as inverse_normal_distribution
except ModuleNotFoundError:  # pragma: nocover
    from audmath import inverse_normal_distribution

import audmetric

[docs]def cepstrum( cc_matrix: np.ndarray, hop_duration: float, *, channel: int = 0, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes = None, cmap: str = "magma", ) -> matplotlib.image.AxesImage: r"""Cepstrum. Args: cc_matrix: cepstral coefficients matrix with magnitude values hop_duration: hop duration in seconds channel: channel index ax: pre-existing axes for the plot. Otherwise, calls :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca()` internally cmap: color map Returns: Image object Examples: .. plot:: :context: reset :include-source: false from audplot import cepstrum .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> import librosa >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> x, sr = librosa.load(librosa.ex("trumpet")) >>> y = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=x, sr=sr) >>> hop_dur = 512 / sr # default hop length is 512 >>> image = cepstrum(y, hop_dur) >>> cb = plt.colorbar(image) >>> cb.outline.set_visible(False) >>> plt.tight_layout() """ ax = ax or plt.gca() cc_matrix = cc_matrix[channel] if cc_matrix.ndim == 3 else cc_matrix n_cc, n_cepstra = cc_matrix.shape extent = [0, n_cepstra * hop_duration, -0.5, n_cc - 0.5] ax.set_ylabel("Cepstral Coefficients") ax.set_xlabel("Time / s") ax.margins(x=0) image = ax.imshow( cc_matrix, aspect="auto", origin="lower", cmap=cmap, interpolation="none", extent=extent, ) # Adjust yticks to be located at real cepstral coefficient steps locs = ax.get_yticks() yticks_spacing = int(np.round(n_cc / len(locs))) locs = list(range(0, n_cc - 1, yticks_spacing)) ax.set_yticks(locs) # Remove axis lines sns.despine(ax=ax, left=True, bottom=True) return image
[docs]def confusion_matrix( truth: typing.Union[typing.Sequence, pd.Series], prediction: typing.Union[typing.Sequence, pd.Series], *, labels: typing.Sequence = None, label_aliases: typing.Dict = None, percentage: bool = False, show_both: bool = False, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None, ): r"""Confusion matrix between ground truth and prediction. The confusion matrix is calculated by :mod:`audmetric.confusion_matrix`. Args: truth: truth values prediction: predicted values labels: labels to be included in confusion matrix label_aliases: mapping to alias names for labels to be presented in the plot percentage: if ``True`` present the confusion matrix with percentage values instead of absolute numbers show_both: if ``True`` and percentage is ``True`` it shows absolute numbers in brackets below percentage values. If ``True`` and percentage is ``False`` it shows the percentage in brackets below absolute numbers ax: pre-existing axes for the plot. Otherwise, calls :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca()` internally Examples: .. plot:: :context: reset :include-source: false from audplot import confusion_matrix .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> truth = [0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2] * 1000 >>> prediction = [0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2] * 1000 >>> confusion_matrix(truth, prediction) .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> confusion_matrix(truth, prediction, percentage=True) .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> confusion_matrix(truth, prediction, show_both=True) .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> confusion_matrix(truth, prediction, percentage=True, show_both=True) .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> confusion_matrix(truth, prediction, labels=[0, 1, 2, 3]) .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> confusion_matrix(truth, prediction, label_aliases={0: "A", 1: "B", 2: "C"}) """ # noqa: E501 ax = ax or plt.gca() if labels is None: labels = audmetric.utils.infer_labels(truth, prediction) cm = audmetric.confusion_matrix( truth, prediction, labels=labels, normalize=percentage, ) cm = pd.DataFrame(cm, index=labels) # Set format of first row labels in confusion matrix with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Catch warning, # to still support older pandas versions. # See warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning) if percentage: annot = cm.applymap(lambda x: f"{100 * x:.0f}%") else: annot = cm.applymap(lambda x: human_format(x)) # Add a second row of annotations if requested if show_both: cm2 = audmetric.confusion_matrix( truth, prediction, labels=labels, normalize=not percentage, ) cm2 = pd.DataFrame(cm2, index=labels) with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Catch warning, # to still support older pandas versions. # See warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning) if percentage: annot2 = cm2.applymap(lambda x: human_format(x)) else: annot2 = cm2.applymap(lambda x: f"{100 * x:.0f}%") # Combine strings from two dataframes # by vectorizing the underlying function. # See: def combine_string(x, y): return f"{x}\n({y})" combine_string = np.vectorize(combine_string) annot = pd.DataFrame(combine_string(annot, annot2), index=labels) # Get label names to present on x- and y-axis if label_aliases is not None: labels = [label_aliases.get(label, label) for label in labels] sns.heatmap( cm, annot=annot, xticklabels=labels, yticklabels=labels, cbar=False, fmt="", cmap="Blues", ax=ax, ) ax.tick_params(axis="y", rotation=0) ax.set_xlabel("Prediction") ax.set_ylabel("Truth")
[docs]def detection_error_tradeoff( x: typing.Union[typing.Sequence, pd.Series], y: typing.Union[typing.Sequence, pd.Series], *, error_rates: bool = False, xlim: typing.Sequence = [0.001, 0.5], ylim: typing.Sequence = [0.001, 0.5], label: str = None, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None, ) -> typing.Callable: r"""Detection error tradeoff curve. A `detection error tradeoff (DET)`_ curve is a graphical plot of error rates for binary classification systems, plotting the false non-match rate (FNMR) against the false match rate (FMR). You can provide truth and prediction values as input or you can directly provide FMR and FNMR, which can be calculated using :func:`audmetric.detection_error_tradeoff`. The axes of the plot are scaled non-linearly by their `standard normal deviates`_. This means you have to scale every value by this transformation when you would like to change ticks positions or axis limits afterwards. The scaling is performed by :func:`scipy.special.ndtri` if :mod:`scipy` is installed, otherwise :func:`audmath.inverse_normal_distribution` is used, which is slower for large input arrays. .. _detection error tradeoff (DET): .. _standard normal deviates: Args: x: truth values or false match rate (FMR) y: predicted values or false non-match rate (FNMR) error_rates: if ``False`` it expects truth values as ``x``, and prediction values as ``y``. If ``True`` it expects FMR as ``x``, and FNMR as ``y`` xlim: x-axis limits with :math:`x \in ]0, 1[` ylim: y-axis limits with :math:`y \in ]0, 1[` label: label to be shown in the legend. The legend will not be shown automatically ax: pre-existing axes for the plot. Otherwise, calls :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca()` internally Returns: function to transform input values to standard normal derivate scale Examples: .. plot:: :context: reset :include-source: false import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from audplot import detection_error_tradeoff np.random.seed(0) .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> truth = np.array([1] * 1000 + [0] * 1000) >>> # Random prediction >>> pred1 = np.random.random_sample(2000) >>> # Better than random prediction >>> pred2 = np.zeros( ... 2000, ... ) >>> pred2[:1000] = np.random.normal(loc=0.6, scale=0.1, size=1000) >>> pred2[1000:] = np.random.normal(loc=0.4, scale=0.1, size=1000) >>> pred2 = np.clip(pred2, 0, 1) >>> transform = detection_error_tradeoff( ... truth, ... pred1, ... xlim=[0.01, 0.99], # use large limits for random ... ylim=[0.01, 0.99], ... label="pred1", ... ) >>> # Add pred2 to plot using transformed FMR and FNMR values >>> import audmetric >>> fmr, fnmr, _ = audmetric.detection_error_tradeoff(truth, pred2) >>> _ = plt.plot(transform(fmr), transform(fnmr), label="pred2") >>> _ = plt.legend() >>> plt.tight_layout() """ # noqa: E501 ax = ax or plt.gca() if not error_rates: x, y, _ = audmetric.detection_error_tradeoff(x, y) # Transform values to the normal derivate scale transform = inverse_normal_distribution g = sns.lineplot( x=transform(x), y=transform(y), label=label, ) ax.set_title("Detection Error Tradeoff (DET) Curve") ax.set_xlabel("False Match Rate") ax.set_ylabel("False Non-Match Rate") ax.grid(alpha=0.4) ticks = [0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.95, 0.99] tick_locations = transform(ticks) tick_labels = [f"{t:.0%}" if (100 * t).is_integer() else f"{t:.1%}" for t in ticks] g.set(xticks=tick_locations, xticklabels=tick_labels) g.set(yticks=tick_locations, yticklabels=tick_labels) ax.set_xlim(transform(xlim[0]), transform(xlim[1])) ax.set_ylim(transform(ylim[0]), transform(ylim[1])) sns.despine(ax=ax) return transform
[docs]def distribution( truth: typing.Union[typing.Sequence, pd.Series], prediction: typing.Union[typing.Sequence, pd.Series], *, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None, ): r"""Distribution of truth and predicted values. Args: truth: truth values prediction: predicted values ax: pre-existing axes for the plot. Otherwise, calls :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca()` internally Examples: .. plot:: :context: reset :include-source: false import numpy as np from audplot import distribution .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> truth = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=1000) >>> prediction = np.random.normal(loc=0.05, scale=0.5, size=1000) >>> distribution(truth, prediction) """ ax = ax or plt.gca() data = pd.DataFrame( data=np.array([truth, prediction]).T, columns=["Truth", "Prediction"], ) sns.histplot( data, common_bins=False, stat="frequency", kde=True, edgecolor=None, kde_kws={"cut": 3}, # hard code like in distplot() ax=ax, ) ax.grid(alpha=0.4) sns.despine(ax=ax) # Force y ticks at integer locations ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(integer=True))
[docs]def human_format( number: typing.Union[int, float], ) -> str: r"""Display large or small numbers in a human readable way. It replaces large or small numbers by no more than 3 significant digits and no more than 1 fractional digit. Instead it adds a string indicating the base, e.g. 12345 becomes 12.3k. The naming is according to: .. table:: :widths: 10 10 15 12 = =============== =========== ===== n :math:`10^{-9}` nano u :math:`10^{-6}` micro m :math:`10^{-3}` milli k :math:`10^{3}` thousand M :math:`10^{6}` Million Mega B :math:`10^{9}` Billion Giga T :math:`10^{12}` Trillion Tera P :math:`10^{15}` Quadrillion Peta E :math:`10^{18}` Quintillion Exa Z :math:`10^{21}` Sextillion Zetta Y :math:`10^{24}` Septillion Yotta = =============== =========== ===== Args: number: input number Returns: formatted number string Raises: ValueError: if ``number`` :math:`\ge 1000^9` or ``number`` :math:`\le 1000^{-4}` Examples: >>> human_format(12345) '12.3k' >>> human_format(1234567) '1.2M' >>> human_format(123456789000) '123B' >>> human_format(0.000123) '123u' >>> human_format(0) '0' >>> human_format(-1000) '-1k' """ sign = "" if number == 0: return "0" if number < 0: sign = "-" number = -1 * number units = [ "n", # 10^-9 nano "u", # 10^-6 micro "m", # 10^-3 milli "", # 0 "k", # 10^3 thousand "M", # 10^6 Million Mega "B", # 10^9 Billion Giga "T", # 10^12 Trillion Tera "P", # 10^15 Quadrillion Peta "E", # 10^18 Quintillion Exa "Z", # 10^21 Sextillion Zetta "Y", # 10^24 Septillion Yotta ] k = 1000.0 magnitude = int(math.floor(math.log(number, k))) number = f"{number / k**magnitude:.1f}" if magnitude >= 9: raise ValueError("Only magnitudes < 1000 ** 9 are supported.") if magnitude <= -4: raise ValueError("Only magnitudes > 1000 ** -4 are supported.") # Make sure we show only up to 3 significant digits if len(number) > 4: number = number[:-2] if number.endswith(".0"): number = number[:-2] return f"{sign}{number}{units[magnitude + 3]}"
[docs]def scatter( truth: typing.Union[typing.Sequence, pd.Series], prediction: typing.Union[typing.Sequence, pd.Series], *, fit: bool = False, order: int = 1, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None, ): r"""Scatter plot of truth and predicted values. Args: truth: truth values prediction: predicted values fit: if ``True``, fit a regression model relating the x and y variables order: if greater than 1, estimate a polynomial regression model (see ``fit``) ax: pre-existing axes for the plot. Otherwise, calls :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca()` internally Examples: .. plot:: :context: reset :include-source: false from audplot import scatter .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> truth = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] >>> prediction = [0.1, 0.8, 2.3, 2.4, 3.9, 5, 6.2, 7.1, 7.8, 9, 9] >>> scatter(truth, prediction, fit=True) """ ax = ax or plt.gca() sns.regplot( x=truth, y=prediction, fit_reg=fit, line_kws={"color": "r"}, order=order, ax=ax, seed=0, ) ax.set_xlabel("Truth") ax.set_ylabel("Prediction") ax.grid(alpha=0.4) sns.despine(ax=ax)
[docs]def series( truth: typing.Union[typing.Sequence, pd.Series], prediction: typing.Union[typing.Sequence, pd.Series], *, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None, ): r"""Time series plot of truth and predicted values. Args: truth: truth values prediction: predicted values ax: pre-existing axes for the plot. Otherwise, calls :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca()` internally Examples: .. plot:: :context: reset :include-source: false from audplot import series .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> truth = [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1] >>> prediction = [0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0] >>> series(truth, prediction) """ ax = ax or plt.gca() minimum = min([min(truth), min(prediction)]) maximum = max([max(truth), max(prediction)]) ax.plot(truth) ax.plot(prediction) ax.set_ylim(minimum, maximum) ax.legend(["Truth", "Prediction"]) ax.grid(alpha=0.4) sns.despine(ax=ax)
[docs]def signal( x: np.ndarray, sampling_rate: float, *, channel: int = 0, ax: plt.Axes = None, ): r"""Time signal. Args: x: array with signal values sampling_rate: sampling rate in Hz channel: channel index ax: pre-existing axes for the plot. Otherwise, calls :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca()` internally Examples: .. plot:: :context: reset :include-source: false from audplot import signal .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> import librosa >>> x, sr = librosa.load(librosa.ex("trumpet")) >>> signal(x, sr) """ ax = ax or plt.gca() x = x[channel] if x.ndim == 2 else x time = np.arange(len(x)) / sampling_rate ax.set_xlabel("Time / s") ax.margins(x=0) ax.plot(time, x) ax.grid(alpha=0.4) sns.despine(ax=ax)
[docs]def spectrum( magnitude: np.ndarray, hop_duration: float, centers: np.ndarray, *, channel: int = 0, cmap: str = "magma", ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None, ) -> matplotlib.image.AxesImage: r"""Plot spectrum. Args: magnitude: matrix with magnitude values hop_duration: hop duration in seconds centers: array with center frequencies channel: channel index cmap: color map ax: pre-existing axes for the plot. Otherwise, calls :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca()` internally Returns: Image object Examples: .. plot:: :context: reset :include-source: false from audplot import spectrum import numpy as np .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> import librosa >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> x, sr = librosa.load(librosa.ex("trumpet")) >>> y = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(y=x, sr=sr, n_mels=40, fmax=4000) >>> y_db = librosa.power_to_db(y, ref=np.max) >>> hop_dur = 512 / sr # default hop length is 512 >>> centers = librosa.mel_frequencies(n_mels=40, fmax=4000) >>> image = spectrum(y_db, hop_dur, centers) >>> cb = plt.colorbar(image, format="%+2.0f dB") >>> cb.outline.set_visible(False) >>> plt.tight_layout() """ # noqa: E501 ax = ax or plt.gca() magnitude = magnitude[channel] if magnitude.ndim == 3 else magnitude frequencies, times = magnitude.shape extent = [0, times * hop_duration, -0.5, frequencies - 0.5] ax.set_ylabel("Frequency / Hz") ax.set_xlabel("Time / s") ax.margins(x=0) image = ax.imshow( magnitude, aspect="auto", origin="lower", cmap=cmap, interpolation="none", extent=extent, ) # Add center frequencies as yticks labels formatter = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter( lambda val, pos: round(centers[min(int(val), len(centers) - 1)], 1) ) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) # Adjust yticks to be located at real center frequencies locs = ax.get_yticks() yticks_spacing = int(np.round(frequencies / len(locs))) locs = list(range(0, frequencies - 1, yticks_spacing)) ax.set_yticks(locs) # Remove axis lines sns.despine(ax=ax, left=True, bottom=True) return image
[docs]def waveform( x: np.ndarray, *, text: str = None, color: typing.Union[str, typing.Sequence[float]] = "#E13B41", background: typing.Union[str, typing.Sequence[float]] = "#FFFFFF00", linewidth: float = 1.5, ylim: typing.Sequence[float] = (-1, 1), ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None, ): r"""Plot waveform of a mono signal. Shows only the outline of a time signal without showing any axis or values. Args: x: array with signal values text: optional text to be displayed on the left side of the waveform color: color of wave form and text background: color of background linewidth: line width of signal ylim: limits of y-axis ax: pre-existing axes for the plot. Otherwise, calls :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca()` internally Raises: RuntimeError: if signal has more than one channel Examples: .. plot:: :context: reset :include-source: false from audplot import waveform .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> import librosa >>> x, _ = librosa.load(librosa.ex("trumpet")) >>> waveform(x, text="Trumpet") .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> import librosa >>> x, _ = librosa.load(librosa.ex("trumpet")) >>> waveform(x, background="#363636", color="#f6f6f6") .. plot:: :context: close-figs >>> import librosa >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> x, _ = librosa.load(librosa.ex("trumpet", hq=True), mono=False) >>> _, axs = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(8, 3)) >>> plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) >>> waveform( ... x[0, :], ... text="Left ", # empty space for same size as 'Right' ... linewidth=0.5, ... background="#389DCD", ... color="#1B5975", ... ax=axs[0], ... ) >>> waveform( ... x[1, :], ... text="Right", ... linewidth=0.5, ... background="#CA5144", ... color="#742A23", ... ax=axs[1], ... ) """ # Setting the figsize has to be done first # before requesting axis or figure. # If axis/figure exist already it will have no effect # Set default figsize if no existing figure is used default_figsize = plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (8, 1) fig = plt.gcf() ax = ax or plt.gca() x = np.atleast_2d(x) channels, samples = x.shape if channels > 1: raise RuntimeError("Only mono signals are supported.") x = x[0] # Set colors ax.grid(False) ax.set_facecolor(background) # Downsample long signals # to match pixels of figure # by using min and max of sub-arrays pixels = int(fig.get_figwidth() * fig.get_dpi()) if pixels < samples: factor = int(samples / pixels) splits = int(samples / factor) rest = samples % splits if rest > 0: x_split = np.split(x[:-rest], splits) x_split.append(x[-rest:]) else: x_split = np.split(x, splits) x_max = [x.max() for x in x_split] x_min = [x.min() for x in x_split] x_axis = (np.arange(len(x_split))) * (samples / len(x_split)) ax.fill_between( x=x_axis, y1=x_min, y2=x_max, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, ) else: sns.lineplot( data=x, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, ax=ax, ) ax.set(ylim=ylim) # Remove all axis sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True) ax.tick_params(left=False, bottom=False) ax.set(xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) # Add text before waveform if text is not None and len(text) > 0: space_around_text = 0.02 * samples text = ax.text( -space_around_text, 0, text, fontsize="large", fontweight="semibold", color=color, horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="center", ) # Get left position of text and adjust xlim accordingly fig = ax.get_figure() bb = text.get_window_extent(renderer=fig.canvas.get_renderer()) transform = ax.transData.inverted() bb = bb.transformed(transform) xlim = (bb.x0 - 1.5 * space_around_text, samples) else: xlim = (0, samples) ax.set(xlim=xlim) # Restore default figure size plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = default_figsize