Source code for audbackend.core.backend.artifactory

import os
import typing

import artifactory
import dohq_artifactory
import requests

import audeer

from audbackend.core import utils
from audbackend.core.backend.base import Base

def _deploy(
    src_path: str,
    dst_path: artifactory.ArtifactoryPath,
    checksum: str,
    verbose: bool = False,
    r"""Deploy local file as an artifact."""
    if verbose:  # pragma: no cover
        desc = audeer.format_display_message(
            f"Deploy {src_path}",
        print(desc, end="\r")

    if not dst_path.parent.exists():

    with open(src_path, "rb") as fd:
        dst_path.deploy(fd, md5=checksum, quote_parameters=True)

    if verbose:  # pragma: no cover
        # Clear progress line
        print(audeer.format_display_message(" ", pbar=False), end="\r")

def _download(
    src_path: artifactory.ArtifactoryPath,
    dst_path: str,
    chunk: int = 4 * 1024,
    r"""Download an artifact."""
    src_size = artifactory.ArtifactoryPath.stat(src_path).size

    with audeer.progress_bar(total=src_size, disable=not verbose) as pbar:
        desc = audeer.format_display_message(
            "Download {}".format(os.path.basename(str(src_path))),

        dst_size = 0
        with as src_fp:
            with open(dst_path, "wb") as dst_fp:
                while src_size > dst_size:
                    data =
                    n_data = len(data)
                    if n_data > 0:
                        dst_size += n_data

[docs]class Artifactory(Base): r"""Backend for Artifactory. Args: host: host address repository: repository name authentication: username, password / API key / access token tuple. If ``None``, it requests it by calling :meth:`get_authentication` """ # noqa: E501 def __init__( self, host: str, repository: str, *, authentication: typing.Tuple[str, str] = None, ): super().__init__(host, repository, authentication=authentication) if authentication is None: self.authentication = self.get_authentication(host) # Store ArtifactoryPath object to the repository, # when opening the backend. self._repo = None # Store request.Session as handed to ArtifactoryPath self._session = None
[docs] @classmethod def get_authentication(cls, host: str) -> typing.Tuple[str, str]: """Username and password/access token for given host. Returns a username and password / API key / access token, which can be used to authenticate with an Artifactory server. Note, API keys are deprecated and will no longer work with newer versions of Artifactory. To get the username, password/access token combination, the function looks first for the two environment variables ``ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME`` and ``ARTIFACTORY_API_KEY``. Otherwise, it tries to extract missing values from a global `config file`_. The default path of the config file (:file:`~/.artifactory_python.cfg`) can be overwritten with the environment variable ``ARTIFACTORY_CONFIG_FILE``. If no config file exists or if it does not contain an entry for the ``host``, the username is set to ``'anonymous'`` and the password/key to an empty string. In that case the ``host`` has to support anonymous access, when trying to authenticate. .. _`config file`: Args: host: hostname of Artifactory backend Returns: username, password / API key / access token tuple """ username = os.getenv("ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME", None) api_key = os.getenv("ARTIFACTORY_API_KEY", None) config_file = os.getenv( "ARTIFACTORY_CONFIG_FILE", artifactory.default_config_path, ) config_file = audeer.path(config_file) if os.path.exists(config_file) and (api_key is None or username is None): config = artifactory.read_config(config_file) config_entry = artifactory.get_config_entry(config, host) if config_entry is not None: if username is None: username = config_entry.get("username", None) if api_key is None: api_key = config_entry.get("password", None) if username is None: username = "anonymous" if api_key is None: api_key = "" return username, api_key
def _checksum( self, path: str, ) -> str: r"""MD5 checksum of file on backend.""" path = self.path(path) checksum = artifactory.ArtifactoryPath.stat(path).md5 return checksum def _close( self, ): r"""Close connection to repository. An error should be raised, if the connection to the backend cannot be closed. """ if self._session is not None: self._session.close() def _collapse( self, path, ): r"""Convert to virtual path. <host>/<repository>/<path> -> /<path> """ path = path[len(str(self.path("/"))) - 1 :] path = path.replace("/", self.sep) return path def _copy_file( self, src_path: str, dst_path: str, verbose: bool, ): r"""Copy file on backend.""" src_path = self.path(src_path) dst_path = self.path(dst_path) if not dst_path.parent.exists(): dst_path.parent.mkdir() src_path.copy(dst_path) def _create( self, ): r"""Access existing repository.""" with requests.Session() as session: session.auth = self.authentication path = artifactory.ArtifactoryPath(, session=session) repo = dohq_artifactory.RepositoryLocal( path, self.repository, package_type=dohq_artifactory.RepositoryLocal.GENERIC, ) if repo.path.exists(): utils.raise_file_exists_error(str(repo.path)) repo.create() def _date( self, path: str, ) -> str: r"""Get last modification date of file on backend.""" path = self.path(path) date = path.stat().mtime date = utils.date_format(date) return date def _delete( self, ): r"""Delete repository and all its content.""" with self: self._repo.delete() def _exists( self, path: str, ) -> bool: r"""Check if file exists on backend.""" path = self.path(path) return path.exists() def _get_file( self, src_path: str, dst_path: str, verbose: bool, ): r"""Get file from backend.""" src_path = self.path(src_path) _download(src_path, dst_path, verbose=verbose) def _ls( self, path: str, ) -> typing.List[str]: r"""List all files under sub-path.""" path = self.path(path) if not path.exists(): return [] paths = [str(x) for x in path.glob("**/*") if x.is_file()] paths = [self._collapse(path) for path in paths] return paths def _move_file( self, src_path: str, dst_path: str, verbose: bool, ): r"""Move file on backend.""" src_path = self.path(src_path) dst_path = self.path(dst_path) if not dst_path.parent.exists(): dst_path.parent.mkdir() src_path.move(dst_path) def _open( self, ): r"""Open connection to backend.""" self._session = requests.Session() self._session.auth = self.authentication path = artifactory.ArtifactoryPath(, session=self._session) self._repo = path.find_repository(self.repository) if self._repo is None: utils.raise_file_not_found_error(self.repository) def _owner( self, path: str, ) -> str: r"""Get owner of file on backend.""" path = self.path(path) owner = path.stat().modified_by return owner
[docs] def path( self, path: str, ) -> artifactory.ArtifactoryPath: r"""Convert to backend path. This extends the relative ``path`` on the backend by :attr:`host` and :attr:`repository`, and returns an :class:`artifactory.ArtifactoryPath` object. Args: path: path on backend Returns: Artifactory path object """ path = path.replace(self.sep, "/") if path.startswith("/"): path = path[1:] # path -> host/repository/path return self._repo / path
def _put_file( self, src_path: str, dst_path: str, checksum: str, verbose: bool, ): r"""Put file to backend.""" dst_path = self.path(dst_path) _deploy(src_path, dst_path, checksum, verbose=verbose) def _remove_file( self, path: str, ): r"""Remove file from backend.""" path = self.path(path) path.unlink()