Developer guide

The aim of audbackend is to provide an abstract interface for any kind of file storage system. Even those, that have not been invented yet :)

This tutorial is divided into two parts. In Develop new interface, we show how to create a custom interface that manages user content. Under Develop new backend, we take a deep dive and develop a backend that stores files into a SQLite database.

Develop new interface

We can implement our own interface by deriving from audbackend.interface.Base. For instance, we can create an interface to manage user content. It provides three functions:

  • add_user() to register a user

  • upload() to upload a file for user

  • ls() to list the files of a user

We store user information in a database under "/". To access and update the database we implement the following helper class.

import os
import pickle

import audbackend

class UserDB:
    r"""User database.

    Temporarily get user database
    and write changes back to the backend.

    def __init__(self, backend: audbackend.backend.Base):
        self.backend = backend
        self.remote_file = "/.db.pkl"
        self.local_file = audeer.path(".db.pkl")

    def __enter__(self) -> dict:
        if self.backend.exists(self.remote_file):
            self.backend.get_file(self.remote_file, self.local_file)
        if os.path.exists(self.local_file):
            with open(self.local_file, "rb") as file:
                self._map = pickle.load(file)
            self._map = {}
        return self._map

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        with open(self.local_file, "wb") as file:
            pickle.dump(self._map, file, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        self.backend.put_file(self.local_file, self.remote_file)

Now, we implement the interface.

class UserContent(audbackend.interface.Base):

    def add_user(self, username: str, password: str):
        r"""Add user to database."""
        with UserDB(self.backend) as map:
            map[username] = password

    def upload(self, username: str, password: str, path: str):
        r"""Upload user file."""
        with UserDB(self.backend) as map:
            if username not in map or map[username] != password:
                raise ValueError("User does not exist or wrong password.")
            self.backend.put_file(path, f"/{username}/{os.path.basename(path)}")

    def ls(self, username: str) -> list:
        r"""List files of user."""
        with UserDB(self.backend) as map:
            if username not in map:
                return []

Let’s create a repository with our custom interface, and upload a file:

>>> import audeer
>>> host = audeer.mkdir("host")
>>> audbackend.backend.FileSystem.create(host, "repo")
>>> backend = audbackend.backend.FileSystem(host, "repo")
>>> interface = UserContent(backend)
>>> interface.add_user("audeering", "pa$$word")
>>> file = audeer.touch("local.txt")
>>> interface.upload("audeering", "pa$$word", file)

At the end we clean up and delete our repo.

>>> backend.close()
>>> audbackend.backend.FileSystem.delete(host, "repo")

Develop new backend

In the previous section we have used an existing backend implementation. Now we develop a new backend that implements a SQLite database.

A new backend should be implemented as a class deriving from audbackend.backend.Base. As can be seen in the file audbackend/core/backend/, we need to implement the following private methods:

  • _access()

  • _checksum()

  • _close()

  • _create()

  • _date()

  • _delete()

  • _exists()

  • _get_file()

  • _ls()

  • _open()

  • _owner()

  • _put_file()

  • _remove_file()

We call the class SQLite. and we add two more attributes in the constructor:

  • _path: the path of the database, which we derive from the host and repository, namely "<host>/<repository>/db".

  • _db: connection object to the database.

import os

import audbackend

class SQLite(audbackend.backend.Base):

    def __init__(
            host: str,
            repository: str,
        super().__init__(host, repository)
        self._path = os.path.join(host, repository, "db")
        self._db = None

Obviously, this is not yet a fully functional backend implementation. But for the sake of clarity, we will dynamically add the required methods one after another using a dedicated decorator:

import functools

def add_method(cls):
    def decorator(func):
        def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
        setattr(cls, func.__name__, wrapper)
        return func
    return decorator

For instance, to ensure the connection to the database is properly closed, we add a destructor method. This is not mandatory and whether it is needed depends on the backend.

def __del__(self):
    if self._db is not None:

Before we can instantiate an instance, we implement a method that creates a new database (or raises an error if it exists). And add a table data that holds the content and meta information of the files stored on our backend:

  • path: the (virtual) backend path

  • checksum: the checksum

  • content: the binary content

  • date: the date when the file was added

  • owner: the owner of the file

import errno
import os
import sqlite3 as sl

def _create(
    if os.path.exists(self._path):
        raise FileExistsError(
    self._db = sl.connect(self._path)
    query = """
        CREATE TABLE data (
            path TEXT NOT NULL,
            checksum TEXT NOT NULL,
            content BLOB NOT NULL,
            date TEXT NOT NULL,
            owner TEXT NOT NULL,
            PRIMARY KEY (path)
    with self._db as db:

Now we create a repository.

>>> SQLite.create(host, "repo")

Before we can access the repository we add a method to open an existing database (or raise an error it is not found).

def _open(
    if not os.path.exists(self._path):
        raise FileNotFoundError(
    self._db = sl.connect(self._path)

Now we instantiate an object of our backend and access the repository we created. We then wrap the object with the audbackend.interface.Versioned interface.

>>> backend = SQLite(host, "repo")
>>> interface = audbackend.interface.Versioned(backend)

Next, we implement a method to check if a file exists.

def _exists(
        path: str,
) -> bool:
    with self._db as db:
        query = f"""
            SELECT EXISTS (
                SELECT 1
                    FROM data
                    WHERE path="{path}"
        result = db.execute(query).fetchone()[0] == 1
    return result
>>> interface.exists("/file.txt", "1.0.0")

And a method that uploads a file to our backend.

import datetime
import getpass

def _put_file(
        src_path: str,
        dst_path: str,
        checksum: str,
        verbose: bool,
    with self._db as db:
        with open(src_path, "rb") as file:
            content =
        query = """
            INSERT INTO data (path, checksum, content, date, owner)
            VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
        owner = getpass.getuser()
        date ="%Y-%m-%d")
        data = (dst_path, checksum, content, date, owner)
        db.execute(query, data)

Let’s put a file on the backend.

>>> file = audeer.touch("file.txt")
>>> interface.put_file(file, "/file.txt", "1.0.0")
>>> interface.exists("/file.txt", "1.0.0")

We need three more functions to access its meta information.

def _checksum(
        path: str,
) -> str:
    with self._db as db:
        query = f"""
            SELECT checksum
            FROM data
            WHERE path="{path}"
        checksum = db.execute(query).fetchone()[0]
    return checksum
def _date(
        path: str,
) -> str:
    with self._db as db:
        query = f"""
            SELECT date
            FROM data
            WHERE path="{path}"
        date = db.execute(query).fetchone()[0]
    return date
def _owner(
        path: str,
) -> str:
    with self._db as db:
        query = f"""
            SELECT owner
            FROM data
            WHERE path="{path}"
        owner = db.execute(query).fetchone()[0]
    return owner

Implementing a copy function is optional. But the default implementation will temporarily download the file and then upload it again. Hence, we provide a more efficient implementation.

def _copy_file(
        src_path: str,
        dst_path: str,
        verbose: bool,
    with self._db as db:
        query = f"""
            SELECT *
            FROM data
            WHERE path="{src_path}"
        (_, checksum, content, _, owner) = db.execute(query).fetchone()
        date ="%Y-%m-%d")
        query = """
            INSERT INTO data (path, checksum, content, date, owner)
            VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
        data = (dst_path, checksum, content, date, owner)
        db.execute(query, data)
>>> interface.copy_file("/file.txt", "/copy/file.txt", version="1.0.0")
>>> interface.exists("/copy/file.txt", "1.0.0")

Implementing a move function is also optional, but it is more efficient if we provide one.

def _move_file(
        src_path: str,
        dst_path: str,
        verbose: bool,
    with self._db as db:
        query = f"""
            UPDATE data
            SET path="{dst_path}"
            WHERE path="{src_path}"
>>> interface.move_file("/copy/file.txt", "/move/file.txt", version="1.0.0")
>>> interface.exists("/move/file.txt", "1.0.0")

We implement a method to fetch a file from the backend.

def _get_file(
        src_path: str,
        dst_path: str,
        verbose: bool,
    with self._db as db:
        query = f"""
            SELECT content
            FROM data
            WHERE path="{src_path}"
        content = db.execute(query).fetchone()[0]
        with open(dst_path, "wb") as fp:

Which we then use to download the file.

>>> interface.get_file("/file.txt", audeer.path("local.txt"), "1.0.0")

To inspect the files on our backend we provide a listing method.

def _ls(
        path: str,
) -> list[str]:

    with self._db as db:

        # list all files and versions under sub-path
        query = f"""
            SELECT path
            FROM data
            WHERE path
            LIKE ? || "%"
        ls = db.execute(query, [path]).fetchall()
        ls = [x[0] for x in ls]

    return ls

Let’s test it.

[('/file.txt', '1.0.0'), ('/move/file.txt', '1.0.0')]
[('/file.txt', '1.0.0')]

To delete a file from our backend requires another method.

def _remove_file(
        path: str,
    with self._db as db:
        query = f"""
            FROM data
            WHERE path="{path}"
>>> interface.remove_file("/file.txt", "1.0.0")
[('/move/file.txt', '1.0.0')]

We add a method to close the connection to a database and call it.

def _close(
>>> backend.close()

Finally, we add a method that deletes the database and removes the repository (or raises an error if the database does not exist).

def _delete(
    if not os.path.exists(self._path):
        raise FileNotFoundError(
>>> SQLite.delete(host, "repo")

And that’s it, we have a fully functional backend.
