Example: API

You can include automatically generated API documentation from the doctsrings of your modules and functions. To provide this functionality you have to add the sphinx.ext.autodoc to your docs/conf.py file:

extensions = [

With sphinx.ext.autodoc you can automatically include the docstring of a module and all its members with the automodule directive, e.g.

.. automodule:: sphinx.theming

If you prefer to include only parts of that module and add headers yourself you could use:


.. autoclass:: sphinx.theming.Theme


.. autofunction:: sphinx.theming.extract_zip

Which results in:


class sphinx.theming.Theme(name: str, theme_path: str, factory: HTMLThemeFactory)

A Theme is a set of HTML templates and configurations.

This class supports both theme directory and theme archive (zipped theme).

cleanup() None

Remove temporary directories.

get_config(section: str, name: str, default: ~typing.Any = <object object>) Any

Return the value for a theme configuration setting, searching the base theme chain.

get_options(overrides: Dict[str, Any] = {}) Dict[str, Any]

Return a dictionary of theme options and their values.

get_theme_dirs() List[str]

Return a list of theme directories, beginning with this theme’s, then the base theme’s, then that one’s base theme’s, etc.


sphinx.theming.extract_zip(filename: str, targetdir: str) None

Extract zip file to target directory.