Source code for

import errno
import os
import typing
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import audeer
import audinterface
import audobject

from opensmile.core.config import config
from opensmile.core.define import FeatureLevel
from opensmile.core.define import FeatureLevelResolver
from opensmile.core.define import FeatureSet
from opensmile.core.define import FeatureSetResolver
from opensmile.core.lib import FrameMetaData
from opensmile.core.lib import OpenSMILE

[docs]class Smile(audinterface.Feature, audobject.Object): r"""OpenSMILE feature extractor. 1. You can choose a pre-defined feature set by passing one of :class:`opensmile.FeatureSet` 2. You can also provide a custom config file using the following template: .. code-block:: [componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[dataMemory].type=cDataMemory ;;; default source \{\cm[source{?}:source include config]} ;;; add components reading from reader.dmLevel=wave ;;; combine features [componentInstances:cComponentManager] instance[funcconcat].type=cVectorConcat [funcconcat:cVectorConcat] reader.dmLevel = <feat-1>;<feat-2>;... writer.dmLevel = features includeSingleElementFields = 1 ;;; default sink \{\cm[sink{?}:include external sink]} .. note:: The following arguments are not serialized: * ``keep_nat`` * ``loglevel`` * ``logfile`` * ``num_workers`` * ``multiprocessing`` * ``segment`` * ``verbose`` For more information see section on `hidden arguments`_. Args: feature_set: default feature set or path to a custom config file feature_level: default feature level or level name if a custom config file is used options: dictionary with optional script parameters loglevel: log level (0-5), the higher the number the more log messages are given logfile: if not ``None`` log messages will be stored to this file sampling_rate: sampling rate in Hz. If ``None`` it will call ``process_func`` with the actual sampling rate of the signal. channels: channel selection, see :func:`audresample.remix` mixdown: apply mono mix-down on selection resample: if ``True`` enforces given sampling rate by resampling segment: when a :class:`audinterface.Segment` object is provided, it will be used to find a segmentation of the input signal. Afterwards processing is applied to each segment keep_nat: if the end of segment is set to ``NaT`` do not replace with file duration in the result num_workers: number of parallel jobs or 1 for sequential processing. If ``None`` will be set to the number of processors on the machine multiplied by 5 in case of multithreading and number of processors in case of multiprocessing multiprocessing: use multiprocessing instead of multithreading verbose: show debug messages Examples: >>> sampling_rate = 16000 >>> signal = np.zeros(sampling_rate) >>> smile = Smile( ... feature_set=FeatureSet.ComParE_2016, ... feature_level=FeatureLevel.Functionals, ... ) >>> smile.process_signal(signal, sampling_rate).audspec_lengthL1norm_sma_range start end 0 days 0 days 00:00:01 0.0 Name: audspec_lengthL1norm_sma_range, dtype: float32 .. _`hidden arguments`: """ # noqa: E501 @audobject.init_decorator( borrow={ 'sampling_rate': 'process', 'channels': 'process', 'mixdown': 'process', 'resample': 'process', }, hide=[ 'keep_nat', 'logfile', 'loglevel', 'num_workers', 'multiprocessing', 'segment', 'verbose', ], resolvers={ 'feature_set': FeatureSetResolver, 'feature_level': FeatureLevelResolver, } ) @audeer.deprecated_keyword_argument( deprecated_argument='num_channels', removal_version='0.13.0', new_argument='channels', mapping=lambda x: range(x), ) def __init__( self, feature_set: typing.Union[ str, FeatureSet ] = FeatureSet.ComParE_2016, feature_level: typing.Union[ str, FeatureLevel ] = FeatureLevel.Functionals, *, options: dict = None, loglevel: int = 2, logfile: str = None, sampling_rate: int = None, channels: typing.Union[int, typing.Sequence[int]] = 0, mixdown: bool = False, resample: bool = False, segment: audinterface.Segment = None, keep_nat: bool = False, num_workers: typing.Optional[int] = 1, multiprocessing: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, ): self.feature_level = feature_level r"""Standard feature level or sink level in custom config file.""" self.feature_set = feature_set r"""Standard feature set or path to custom config file""" self.options = options or {} r"""Dictionary with options""" self.logfile = audeer.safe_path(logfile) if logfile else None r"""Log file""" self.loglevel = loglevel r"""Log level""" self.verbose = verbose self._check_deltas_available() super().__init__( self._feature_names(), name='smile', params=None, process_func=self._extract, num_workers=num_workers, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, resample=resample, channels=channels, mixdown=mixdown, segment=segment, keep_nat=keep_nat, multiprocessing=multiprocessing, verbose=verbose, ) self.params = self.to_dict(flatten=True) self._check_deprecated() @property def default_config_root(self) -> str: r"""Return root directory with standard config files.""" return os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), config.CONFIG_ROOT, ) @property def config_name(self) -> str: r"""Return name of config file (without file extension).""" name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.config_path)) return name @property def config_path(self) -> str: r"""Return file path of config file.""" if type(self.feature_set) is FeatureSet: config_path = os.path.join( self.default_config_root, self.feature_set.value + config.CONFIG_EXT, ) else: config_path = audeer.safe_path(self.feature_set) if not os.path.exists(config_path): raise FileNotFoundError( errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), config_path, ) return config_path def _check_deltas_available(self): r"""Raise error if deltas are requested for GeMAPS family.""" if self.feature_set in [ FeatureSet.GeMAPS, FeatureSet.GeMAPSv01a, FeatureSet.GeMAPSv01b, FeatureSet.eGeMAPS, FeatureSet.eGeMAPSv01a, FeatureSet.eGeMAPSv01b, FeatureSet.eGeMAPSv02, ]: if self.feature_level == FeatureLevel.LowLevelDescriptors_Deltas: raise ValueError( f"Feature level '{}' is not " f"available for feature set '{}'." ) def _check_deprecated(self): r"""Check if feature set is deprecated.""" deprecated_feature_sets = { # deprecated: recommended FeatureSet.GeMAPS: FeatureSet.GeMAPSv01b, FeatureSet.GeMAPSv01a: FeatureSet.GeMAPSv01b, FeatureSet.eGeMAPS: FeatureSet.eGeMAPSv01b, FeatureSet.eGeMAPSv01a: FeatureSet.eGeMAPSv02, FeatureSet.eGeMAPSv01b: FeatureSet.eGeMAPSv02, } if type(self.feature_set) is FeatureSet and \ self.feature_set in deprecated_feature_sets: warnings.warn( f"Feature set '{self.feature_set}' is " f"deprecated, consider switching to " f"'{deprecated_feature_sets[self.feature_set]}'.", UserWarning, ) def _extract( self, signal: np.ndarray, sampling_rate: int, ) -> (pd.TimedeltaIndex, pd.TimedeltaIndex, np.ndarray): r"""Run feature extraction.""" signal = signal.copy() signal *= 32768 signal = signal.astype(np.int16) ys = [] starts = [] ends = [] for x in signal: y = [] starts = [] ends = [] options = self._options() options['source'] = os.path.join( self.default_config_root, config.EXTERNAL_INPUT_CONFIG ) options['sampleRate'] = sampling_rate options['nBits'] = 16 smile = self._smile(options=options) smile.external_sink_set_callback_ex( config.EXTERNAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENT, Smile._sink_callback(y, starts, ends) ) smile.external_audio_source_write_data( config.EXTERNAL_SOURCE_COMPONENT, bytes(x) ) smile.external_audio_source_set_eoi( config.EXTERNAL_SOURCE_COMPONENT ) if not y: warnings.warn( UserWarning("Segment too short, filling with NaN.") ) y.append(np.ones(self.num_features) * np.nan) starts.append(0) ends.append(signal.size / sampling_rate) starts = np.vstack(starts).squeeze() ends = np.vstack(ends).squeeze() if starts.shape: starts = pd.to_timedelta(starts, 's') ends = pd.to_timedelta(ends, 's') else: starts = pd.TimedeltaIndex([pd.to_timedelta(starts, 's')]) ends = pd.TimedeltaIndex([pd.to_timedelta(ends, 's')]) y = np.vstack(y) ys.append(y) return starts, ends, np.concatenate(ys, axis=1) def _feature_names(self) -> typing.List[str]: r"""Read feature names from config file.""" options = self._options() options['source'] = os.path.join( self.default_config_root, config.EXTERNAL_INPUT_CONFIG ) smile = self._smile(options=options) num_elements = smile.external_sink_get_num_elements( config.EXTERNAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENT ) names = [ smile.external_sink_get_element_name( config.EXTERNAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENT, idx) for idx in range(num_elements) ] return names def _options(self) -> dict: r"""Fill options dictionary.""" options = self.options.copy() options['sink'] = os.path.join( self.default_config_root, config.EXTERNAL_OUTPUT_SINGLE_CONFIG ) if type(self.feature_level) is FeatureLevel: options['sinkLevel'] = self.feature_level.value else: options['sinkLevel'] = self.feature_level options['bufferModeRbConf'] = os.path.join( self.default_config_root, 'shared/' ) if 'frameModeFunctionalsConf' not in options: options['frameModeFunctionalsConf'] = os.path.join( self.default_config_root, 'shared/' ) return options def _series_to_frame( self, series: pd.Series, ) -> pd.DataFrame: r"""Convert series to frame. Usually, we need to figure out start and end times from ``win_dur`` and ``hop_dur``. But since openSMILE provides segment times, we can skip this step and use them directly. """ frames = [None] * len(series) if len(series.index.levels) == 3: for idx, ((file, start, end), values) in enumerate(series.items()): num = len(values[0]) files = [file] * num starts = values[0] + start ends = values[1] + start # override first and last timestamp starts._values[0] = start ends._values[-1] = end values = values[2] index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [ files, starts, ends, ], names=['file', 'start', 'end'], ) frames[idx] = pd.DataFrame( index=index, data=values, columns=self.column_names, ) else: for idx, ((start, end), values) in enumerate(series.items()): starts = values[0] + start ends = values[1] + start # override first and last timestamp starts._values[0] = start ends._values[-1] = end values = values[2] index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [ starts, ends, ], names=['start', 'end'], ) frames[idx] = pd.DataFrame( index=index, data=values, columns=self.column_names, ) return pd.concat(frames, axis='index') def _smile(self, options: dict) -> OpenSMILE: r"""Set up smile instance.""" smile = OpenSMILE() smile.initialize( config_file=self.config_path, options=options, loglevel=self.loglevel, log_file=self.logfile, debug=self.verbose) return smile @staticmethod def _sink_callback( y: typing.List[np.ndarray], starts: typing.List[float], ends: typing.List[float] ) -> typing.Callable[[np.ndarray, FrameMetaData], None]: r"""Return callback where features are collected.""" def callback(data: np.ndarray, meta: FrameMetaData): y.append(data.copy()) starts.append(meta.time) ends.append(meta.time + meta.lengthSec) return callback
[docs] def __call__( self, signal: np.ndarray, sampling_rate: int, ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Apply processing to signal. This function processes the signal **without** transforming the output into a :class:`pd.DataFrame`. Instead it will return the raw processed signal. However, if channel selection, mixdown and/or resampling is enabled, the signal will be first remixed and resampled if the input sampling rate does not fit the expected sampling rate. Args: signal: signal values sampling_rate: sampling rate in Hz Returns: Processed signal Raises: RuntimeError: if sampling rates do not match RuntimeError: if channel selection is invalid """ # process functions returns (starts, values, values) # but we only want to return values here y = self.process(signal, sampling_rate)[2] # reshape to (channels, features, frames) y = y.T.reshape(self.num_channels, self.num_features, -1) return y