
If you would like to add new functionality fell free to create a merge request . If you find errors, omissions, inconsistencies or other things that need improvement, please create an issue. Contributions are always welcome!

Development Installation

Instead of pip-installing the latest release from PyPI, you should get the newest development version from Gitlab:

git clone git@srv-app-01.audeering.local:tools/audmodel.git
cd audmodel
# Use virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt

This way, your installation always stays up-to-date, even if you pull new changes from the Gitlab repository.

Coding Convention

We follow the PEP8 convention for Python code and use ruff as a linter and code formatter. In addition, we check for common spelling errors with codespell. Both tools and possible exceptions are defined in pyproject.toml.

The checks are executed in the CI using pre-commit. You can enable those checks locally by executing:

pip install pre-commit  # consider system wide installation
pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files

Afterwards ruff and codespell are executed every time you create a commit.

You can also install ruff and codespell and call it directly:

pip install ruff codespell  # consider system wide installation
ruff check --fix .  # lint all Python files, and fix any fixable errors
ruff format .  # format code of all Python files

It can be restricted to specific folders:

ruff check audfoo/ tests/
codespell audfoo/ tests/

Building the Documentation

If you make changes to the documentation, you can re-create the HTML pages using Sphinx. You can install it and a few other necessary packages with:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

To create the HTML pages, use:

python -m sphinx docs/ build/sphinx/html -b html

The generated files will be available in the directory build/sphinx/html/.

It is also possible to automatically check if all links are still valid:

python -m sphinx docs/ build/sphinx/html -b linkcheck

Running the Tests

You’ll need pytest for that. It can be installed with:

pip install -r tests/requirements.txt

To execute the tests, simply run:

pytest tests/

To run the tests on the Gitlab CI server, contributors have to make sure they have an existing artifactory-tokenizer repository as described in the Artifactory tokenizer documentation.

Creating a New Release

New releases are made using the following steps:

  1. Update CHANGELOG.rst

  2. Commit those changes as “Release X.Y.Z”

  3. Create an (annotated) tag with git tag -a vX.Y.Z

  4. Make sure you have an artifactory-tokenizer project

  5. Push the commit and the tag to Gitlab