Source code for audmetric.core.api

import collections
import typing
import warnings

import numpy as np

import audeer

from audmetric.core.utils import assert_equal_length
from audmetric.core.utils import infer_labels
from audmetric.core.utils import scores_per_subgroup_and_class

[docs]def accuracy( truth: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], prediction: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], labels: typing.Sequence[typing.Union[str, int]] = None, ) -> float: r"""Classification accuracy. .. math:: \text{accuracy} = \frac{\text{number of correct predictions}} {\text{number of total predictions}} Args: truth: ground truth values/classes prediction: predicted values/classes labels: included labels in preferred ordering. Sample is considered in computation if either prediction or ground truth (logical OR) is contained in labels. If no labels are supplied, they will be inferred from :math:`\{\text{prediction}, \text{truth}\}` and ordered alphabetically. Returns: accuracy of prediction :math:`\in [0, 1]` Raises: ValueError: if ``truth`` and ``prediction`` differ in length Examples: >>> accuracy([0, 0], [0, 1]) 0.5 """ assert_equal_length(truth, prediction) if labels is None: labels = infer_labels(truth, prediction) prediction = np.array(prediction) truth = np.array(truth) # keep where both prediction and truth contained in `labels` label_mask = np.nonzero( np.logical_or(np.isin(truth, labels), np.isin(prediction, labels)) ) truth = truth[label_mask] prediction = prediction[label_mask] if len(prediction) == 0: return np.nan else: return float(sum(prediction == truth) / len(prediction))
[docs]def concordance_cc( truth: typing.Sequence[float], prediction: typing.Sequence[float], *, ignore_nan: bool = False, ) -> float: r"""Concordance correlation coefficient. .. math:: \rho_c = \frac{2\rho\sigma_\text{prediction}\sigma_\text{truth}} {\sigma_\text{prediction}^2 + \sigma_\text{truth}^2 + ( \mu_\text{prediction}-\mu_\text{truth})^2} where :math:`\rho` is the Pearson correlation coefficient, :math:`\mu` the mean and :math:`\sigma^2` the variance.\ :footcite:`Lin1989` .. footbibliography:: Args: truth: ground truth values prediction: predicted values ignore_nan: if ``True`` all samples that contain ``NaN`` in ``truth`` or ``prediction`` are ignored Returns: concordance correlation coefficient :math:`\in [-1, 1]` Raises: ValueError: if ``truth`` and ``prediction`` differ in length Examples: >>> concordance_cc([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 1]) 0.6666666666666665 """ assert_equal_length(truth, prediction) if not isinstance(truth, np.ndarray): truth = np.array(list(truth)) if not isinstance(prediction, np.ndarray): prediction = np.array(list(prediction)) if ignore_nan: mask = ~(np.isnan(truth) | np.isnan(prediction)) truth = truth[mask] prediction = prediction[mask] if len(prediction) < 2: return np.nan length = prediction.size mean_y = np.mean(truth) mean_x = np.mean(prediction) a = prediction - mean_x b = truth - mean_y numerator = 2 *, b) denominator =, a) +, b) + length * (mean_x - mean_y) ** 2 if denominator == 0: ccc = np.nan else: ccc = numerator / denominator return float(ccc)
[docs]def confusion_matrix( truth: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], prediction: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], labels: typing.Sequence[typing.Any] = None, *, normalize: bool = False, ) -> typing.List[typing.List[typing.Union[int, float]]]: r"""Confusion matrix. Args: truth: ground truth values/classes prediction: predicted values/classes labels: included labels in preferred ordering. If no labels are supplied, they will be inferred from :math:`\{\text{prediction}, \text{truth}\}` and ordered alphabetically. normalize: normalize confusion matrix over the rows Returns: confusion matrix Raises: ValueError: if ``truth`` and ``prediction`` differ in length Examples: >>> truth = [0, 1, 2] >>> prediction = [0, 2, 0] >>> confusion_matrix(truth, prediction) [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]] """ assert_equal_length(truth, prediction) if labels is None: labels = infer_labels(truth, prediction) truth = np.array(truth) prediction = np.array(prediction) matrix = [] for row in labels: row_indices = np.where(truth == row) y_row = prediction[row_indices] row_matrix = [] for column in labels: row_matrix += [len(np.where(y_row == column)[0])] matrix += [row_matrix] if normalize: for idx, row in enumerate(matrix): if np.sum(row) != 0: row_sum = float(np.sum(row)) matrix[idx] = [x / row_sum for x in row] return matrix
[docs]def detection_error_tradeoff( truth: typing.Sequence[typing.Union[bool, int]], prediction: typing.Sequence[typing.Union[bool, int, float]], ) -> typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: r"""Detection error tradeoff for verification experiments. The `detection error tradeoff (DET)`_ is a graph showing the false non-match rate (FNMR) against the false match rate (FMR). The FNMR indicates how often an enrolled speaker was missed. The FMR indicates how often an impostor was verified as the enrolled speaker. This function does not return a figure, but the FMR and FNMR, together with the corresponding verification thresholds at which a similarity value was regarded to belong to the enrolled speaker. ``truth`` may only contain entries like ``[1, 0, True, False...]``, whereas prediction values can also contain similarity scores, e.g. ``[0.8, 0.1, ...]``. The implementation was inspired by pyeer.eer_stats.calculate_roc but has been accelerated by using numpy-arrays instead of lists. .. _detection error tradeoff (DET): .. _pyeer: Args: truth: ground truth classes prediction: predicted classes or similarity scores Returns: * false match rate (FMR) * false non-match rate (FNMR) * verification thresholds Raises: ValueError: if ``truth`` contains values different from ``1, 0, True, False`` Examples: >>> truth = [1, 0] >>> prediction = [0.9, 0.1] >>> detection_error_tradeoff(truth, prediction) (array([1., 0.]), array([0., 0.]), array([0.1, 0.9])) """ # noqa: E501 # Get mated scores # (genuine matching scores) # and non-mated scores # (impostor matching scores) gscores, iscores = _matching_scores(truth, prediction) gscores_number = len(gscores) iscores_number = len(iscores) # Labeling genuine scores as 1 and impostor scores as 0 gscores = np.column_stack((gscores, np.ones(gscores_number, dtype=int))) iscores = np.column_stack((iscores, np.zeros(iscores_number, dtype=int))) # Stacking scores all_scores = np.concatenate([gscores, iscores]) sorted_indices = np.argsort(all_scores[:, 0]) scores = all_scores[sorted_indices] cumul = np.cumsum(scores[:, 1]) # Grouping scores thresholds, u_indices = np.unique(scores[:, 0], return_index=True) # Calculating FNM and FM distributions fnm = cumul[u_indices] - scores[u_indices][:, 1] # rejecting s < t fm = iscores_number - (u_indices - fnm) # Calculating FMR and FNMR fnmr = fnm / gscores_number fmr = fm / iscores_number return fmr, fnmr, thresholds
[docs]def edit_distance( truth: typing.Union[str, typing.Sequence[int]], prediction: typing.Union[str, typing.Sequence[int]], ) -> int: r"""Edit distance between two sequences of chars or ints. The implementation follows the `Wagner-Fischer algorithm`_. .. _Wagner-Fischer algorithm: Args: truth: ground truth sequence prediction: predicted sequence Returns: edit distance Examples: >>> truth = "lorem" >>> prediction = "lorm" >>> edit_distance(truth, prediction) 1 >>> truth = [0, 1, 2] >>> prediction = [0, 1] >>> edit_distance(truth, prediction) 1 """ if truth == prediction: return 0 elif len(prediction) == 0: return len(truth) elif len(truth) == 0: return len(prediction) m0 = [None] * (len(truth) + 1) m1 = [None] * (len(truth) + 1) for i in range(len(m0)): m0[i] = i for i in range(len(prediction)): m1[0] = i + 1 for j in range(len(truth)): cost = 0 if prediction[i] == truth[j] else 1 m1[j + 1] = min( m1[j] + 1, # deletion m0[j + 1] + 1, # insertion m0[j] + cost, ) # substitution for j in range(len(m0)): m0[j] = m1[j] return m1[len(truth)]
[docs]def equal_error_rate( truth: typing.Sequence[typing.Union[bool, int]], prediction: typing.Sequence[typing.Union[bool, int, float]], ) -> typing.Tuple[float, collections.namedtuple]: r"""Equal error rate for verification tasks. The equal error rate (EER) is the point where false non-match rate (FNMR) and the impostors or false match rate (FMR) are identical. The FNMR indicates how often an enrolled speaker was missed. The FMR indicates how often an impostor was verified as the enrolled speaker. In practice the score distribution is not continuous and an interval is returned instead. The EER value will be set as the midpoint of this interval::footcite:`Maio2002` .. math:: \text{EER} = \frac{ \min(\text{FNMR}[t], \text{FMR}[t]) + \max(\text{FNMR}[t], \text{FMR}[t]) }{2} with :math:`t = \text{argmin}(|\text{FNMR} - \text{FMR}|)`. ``truth`` may only contain entries like ``[1, 0, True, False...]``, whereas prediction values can also contain similarity scores, e.g. ``[0.8, 0.1, ...]``. The implementation is identical with the one provided by the pyeer_ package. .. footbibliography:: .. _pyeer: Args: truth: ground truth classes prediction: predicted classes or similarity scores Returns: * equal error rate (EER) * namedtuple containing ``fmr``, ``fnmr``, ``thresholds``, ``threshold`` whereas the last one corresponds to the threshold corresponding to the returned EER Raises: ValueError: if ``truth`` contains values different from ``1, 0, True, False`` Examples: >>> truth = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0] >>> prediction = [0.2, 0.8, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5] >>> eer, stats = equal_error_rate(truth, prediction) >>> eer 0.16666666666666666 >>> stats.threshold 0.5 """ Stats = collections.namedtuple( "stats", [ "fmr", # False match rates (FMR) "fnmr", # False non-match rates (FNMR) "thresholds", # Thresholds "threshold", # verification threshold for EER ], ) fmr, fnmr, thresholds = detection_error_tradeoff(truth, prediction) diff = fmr - fnmr # t1 and t2 are our time indices t2 = np.where(diff <= 0)[0] if len(t2) > 0: t2 = t2[0] else: warnings.warn( "The false match rate " "and false non-match rate curves " "do not intersect each other.", RuntimeWarning, ) eer = 1.0 threshold = float(thresholds[0]) return eer, Stats(fmr, fnmr, thresholds, threshold) t1 = t2 - 1 if diff[t2] != 0 and t2 != 0 else t2 if fmr[t1] + fnmr[t1] <= fmr[t2] + fnmr[t2]: eer = (fnmr[t1] + fmr[t1]) / 2.0 threshold = thresholds[t1] else: # pragma: nocover (couldn't find a test to trigger this) eer = (fnmr[t2] + fmr[t2]) / 2.0 threshold = thresholds[t2] eer = float(eer) threshold = float(threshold) return eer, Stats(fmr, fnmr, thresholds, threshold)
[docs]def event_error_rate( truth: typing.Union[str, typing.Sequence[typing.Union[str, typing.Sequence[int]]]], prediction: typing.Union[ str, typing.Sequence[typing.Union[str, typing.Sequence[int]]] ], ) -> float: r"""Event error rate based on edit distance. The event error rate is computed by aggregating the mean edit distances of each (truth, prediction)-pair and averaging the aggregated score by the number of pairs. The mean edit distance of each (truth, prediction)-pair is computed as an average of the edit distance over the length of the longer sequence of the corresponding pair. By normalizing over the longer sequence the normalized distance is bound to [0, 1]. Args: truth: ground truth classes prediction: predicted classes Returns: event error rate Raises: ValueError: if ``truth`` and ``prediction`` differ in length Examples: >>> event_error_rate([[0, 1]], [[0]]) 0.5 >>> event_error_rate([[0, 1], [2]], [[0], [2]]) 0.25 >>> event_error_rate(["lorem"], ["lorm"]) 0.2 >>> event_error_rate(["lorem", "ipsum"], ["lorm", "ipsum"]) 0.1 """ truth = audeer.to_list(truth) prediction = audeer.to_list(prediction) assert_equal_length(truth, prediction) eer = 0.0 for t, p in zip(truth, prediction): n = max(len(t), len(p)) n = n if n > 1 else 1 eer += edit_distance(t, p) / n num_samples = len(truth) if len(truth) > 1 else 1 return eer / num_samples
[docs]def fscore_per_class( truth: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], prediction: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], labels: typing.Sequence[typing.Any] = None, *, zero_division: float = 0, ) -> typing.Dict[str, float]: r"""F-score per class. .. math:: \text{fscore}_k = \frac{\text{true positive}_k} {\text{true positive}_k + \frac{1}{2} (\text{false positive}_k + \text{false negative}_k)} Args: truth: ground truth values/classes prediction: predicted values/classes labels: included labels in preferred ordering. If no labels are supplied, they will be inferred from :math:`\{\text{prediction}, \text{truth}\}` and ordered alphabetically. zero_division: set the value to return when there is a zero division Returns: dictionary with label as key and F-score as value Examples: >>> fscore_per_class([0, 0], [0, 1]) {0: 0.6666666666666666, 1: 0.0} """ if labels is None: labels = infer_labels(truth, prediction) precision = precision_per_class( truth, prediction, labels, zero_division=zero_division, ) recall = recall_per_class( truth, prediction, labels, zero_division=zero_division, ) fscore = {} for label, p, r in zip(labels, precision.values(), recall.values()): if p * r == 0: fscore[label] = 0.0 elif (p == 0.0 and np.isnan(r)) or (r == 0.0 and np.isnan(p)): fscore[label] = 0.0 else: fscore[label] = (2 * p * r) / (p + r) return fscore
[docs]def linkability( truth: typing.Union[ typing.Union[bool, int], typing.Sequence[typing.Union[bool, int]] ], prediction: typing.Union[ typing.Union[bool, int, float], typing.Sequence[typing.Union[bool, int, float]] ], omega: float = 1.0, nbins: int = None, ) -> float: r"""Linkability for verification tasks. Let :math:`s` be the provided prediction score for the similarity of the tested sample. The clipped local linkability metric is then defined as: .. math:: \text{max}(0, p(\text{mated} | s) - p(\text{non-mated} | s)) The higher the value, the more likely that an attacker can link two mated samples. The global linkability metric :math:`D_\text{sys}` is the mean value over all local scores,\ :footcite:`GomezBarrero2017` and in the range :math:`0` and :math:`1`. Implementation is based on `code from M. Maouche`_, which is licensed under LGPL. .. footbibliography:: .. _code from M. Maouche: Args: truth: ground truth classes prediction: predicted classes or similarity scores omega: prior ratio :math:`\frac{p(\text{mated})}{p(\text{non-mated})}` nbins: number of bins of the histograms that estimate the distributions of mated and non-mated scores. If ``None`` it is set to :math:`\min(\frac{\text{len}(\text{mated})}{10}, 100)` Returns: global linkability :math:`D_\text{sys}` Raises: ValueError: if ``truth`` contains values different from ``1``, ``0``, ``True``, ``False`` Examples: >>> np.random.seed(1) >>> samples = 10000 >>> truth = [1, 0] * int(samples / 2) >>> prediction = [] >>> for _ in range(int(samples / 2)): ... prediction.extend([np.random.uniform(0, 0.2), np.random.uniform(0.8, 1.0)]) >>> linkability(truth, prediction) 0.9747999999999999 >>> truth = [1, 0, 0, 0] * int(samples / 4) >>> prediction = [np.random.uniform(0, 1) for _ in range(samples)] >>> linkability(truth, prediction, omega=1 / 3) 0.0 """ # noqa: E501 mated_scores, non_mated_scores = _matching_scores(truth, prediction) # Limiting the number of bins # (100 maximum or lower if few scores available) if nbins is None: nbins = min(int(len(mated_scores) / 10), 100) # Define range of scores to compute D bin_edges = np.linspace( min([min(mated_scores), min(non_mated_scores)]), max([max(mated_scores), max(non_mated_scores)]), num=nbins + 1, endpoint=True, ) bin_centers = (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1]) / 2 # Compute score distributions using normalized histograms y1 = np.histogram(mated_scores, bins=bin_edges, density=True)[0] y2 = np.histogram(non_mated_scores, bins=bin_edges, density=True)[0] # LR = P[s|mated ]/P[s|non-mated] lr = np.divide(y1, y2, out=np.ones_like(y1), where=y2 != 0) d = 2 * (omega * lr / (1 + omega * lr)) - 1 # Def of D d[omega * lr <= 1] = 0 # Taking care of inf/NaN mask = [True if y2[i] == 0 and y1[i] != 0 else False for i in range(len(y1))] d[mask] = 1 # Global measure using trapz numerical integration d_sys = np.trapz(x=bin_centers, y=d * y1) return float(d_sys)
[docs]def mean_absolute_error( truth: typing.Sequence[float], prediction: typing.Sequence[float], ) -> float: r"""Mean absolute error. .. math:: \text{MAE} = \frac{1}{n} \sum^n_{i=1} |\text{prediction} - \text{truth}| Args: truth: ground truth values prediction: predicted values Returns: mean absolute error Raises: ValueError: if ``truth`` and ``prediction`` differ in length Examples: >>> mean_absolute_error([0, 0], [0, 1]) 0.5 """ assert_equal_length(truth, prediction) prediction = np.array(prediction) truth = np.array(truth) return float(np.abs(truth - prediction).mean(axis=0))
[docs]def mean_squared_error( truth: typing.Sequence[float], prediction: typing.Sequence[float], ) -> float: r"""Mean squared error. .. math:: \text{MSE} = \frac{1}{n} \sum^n_{i=1} (\text{prediction} - \text{truth})^2 Args: truth: ground truth values prediction: predicted values Returns: mean squared error Raises: ValueError: if ``truth`` and ``prediction`` differ in length Examples: >>> mean_squared_error([0, 0], [0, 1]) 0.5 """ assert_equal_length(truth, prediction) prediction = np.array(prediction) truth = np.array(truth) return float(np.square(truth - prediction).mean(axis=0))
[docs]def pearson_cc( truth: typing.Sequence[float], prediction: typing.Sequence[float], ) -> float: r"""Pearson correlation coefficient. .. math:: \rho = \frac{\text{cov}(\text{prediction}, \text{truth})}{ \sigma_\text{prediction}\sigma_\text{truth}} where :math:`\sigma` is the standard deviation, and :math:`\text{cov}` is the covariance. Args: truth: ground truth values prediction: predicted values Returns: pearson correlation coefficient :math:`\in [-1, 1]` Raises: ValueError: if ``truth`` and ``prediction`` differ in length Examples: >>> pearson_cc([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 1]) 0.8660254037844385 """ assert_equal_length(truth, prediction) if not isinstance(truth, np.ndarray): truth = np.array(list(truth)) if not isinstance(prediction, np.ndarray): prediction = np.array(list(prediction)) if len(prediction) < 2 or prediction.std() == 0: return np.nan else: return float(np.corrcoef(prediction, truth)[0][1])
[docs]def precision_per_class( truth: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], prediction: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], labels: typing.Sequence[typing.Any] = None, *, zero_division: float = 0, ) -> typing.Dict[str, float]: r"""Precision per class. .. math:: \text{precision}_k = \frac{\text{true positive}_k} {\text{true positive}_k + \text{false positive}_k} Args: truth: ground truth values/classes prediction: predicted values/classes labels: included labels in preferred ordering. If no labels are supplied, they will be inferred from :math:`\{\text{prediction}, \text{truth}\}` and ordered alphabetically. zero_division: set the value to return when there is a zero division Returns: dictionary with label as key and precision as value Examples: >>> precision_per_class([0, 0], [0, 1]) {0: 1.0, 1: 0.0} """ if labels is None: labels = infer_labels(truth, prediction) matrix = np.array(confusion_matrix(truth, prediction, labels)) total = matrix.sum(axis=0) old_settings = np.seterr(invalid="ignore") recall = matrix.diagonal() / total np.seterr(**old_settings) recall[np.isnan(recall)] = zero_division return {label: float(r) for label, r in zip(labels, recall)}
[docs]def recall_per_class( truth: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], prediction: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], labels: typing.Sequence[typing.Any] = None, *, zero_division: float = 0, ) -> typing.Dict[str, float]: r"""Recall per class. .. math:: \text{recall}_k = \frac{\text{true positive}_k} {\text{true positive}_k + \text{false negative}_k} Args: truth: ground truth values/classes prediction: predicted values/classes labels: included labels in preferred ordering. If no labels are supplied, they will be inferred from :math:`\{\text{prediction}, \text{truth}\}` and ordered alphabetically. zero_division: set the value to return when there is a zero division Returns: dictionary with label as key and recall as value Examples: >>> recall_per_class([0, 0], [0, 1]) {0: 0.5, 1: 0.0} """ if labels is None: labels = infer_labels(truth, prediction) matrix = np.array(confusion_matrix(truth, prediction, labels)) total = matrix.sum(axis=1) old_settings = np.seterr(invalid="ignore") recall = matrix.diagonal() / total np.seterr(**old_settings) recall[np.isnan(recall)] = zero_division return {label: float(r) for label, r in zip(labels, recall)}
[docs]def unweighted_average_bias( truth: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], prediction: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], protected_variable: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], labels: typing.Sequence[typing.Any] = None, *, subgroups: typing.Sequence[typing.Any] = None, metric: typing.Callable[ [ typing.Sequence[typing.Any], typing.Sequence[typing.Any], typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[str]], ], typing.Dict[str, float], ] = fscore_per_class, reduction: typing.Callable[ [ typing.Sequence[float], ], float, ] = np.std, ) -> float: r"""Unweighted average bias of protected variable. The bias is measured in terms of *equalized odds* which requires the classifier to have identical performance for all classes independent of a protected variable such as race. The performance of the classifier for its different classes can be assessed with standard metrics such as *recall* or *precision*. The difference in performance, denoted as score divergence, can be computed in different ways, as well. For two subgroups the (absolute) difference serves as a standard choice. For more than two subgroups the score divergence could be estimated by the standard deviation of the scores. Note: If for a class less than two subgroups exhibit a performance score, the corresponding class is ignored in the bias computation. This occurs if there is no class sample for a subgroup, e.g. no negative (class label) female (subgroup of sex). Args: truth: ground truth classes prediction: predicted classes protected_variable: manifestations of protected variable such as subgroups "male" and "female" of variable "sex" labels: included labels in preferred ordering. The bias is computed only on the specified labels. If no labels are supplied, they will be inferred from :math:`\{\text{prediction}, \text{truth}\}` and ordered alphabetically. subgroups: included subgroups in preferred ordering. The direction of the bias is determined by the ordering of the subgroups. Besides, the bias is computed only on the specified subgroups. If no subgroups are supplied, they will be inferred from :math:`\text{protected\_variable}` and ordered alphanumerically. metric: metric which equalized odds are measured with. Typical choices are: :func:`audmetric.recall_per_class`, :func:`audmetric.precision_per_class` or :func:`audmetric.fscore_per_class` reduction: specifies the reduction operation to measure the divergence between the scores of the subgroups of the protected variable for each class. Typical choices are: difference or absolute difference between scores for two subgroups and standard deviation of scores for more than two subgroups. Returns: unweighted average bias Raises: ValueError: if ``truth``, ``prediction`` and ``protected_variable`` have different lengths ValueError: if ``subgroups`` contains values not contained in ``protected_variable`` Examples: >>> unweighted_average_bias([1, 1], [1, 0], ["male", "female"]) 0.5 >>> unweighted_average_bias( ... [1, 1], ... [1, 0], ... ["male", "female"], ... subgroups=["female", "male"], ... reduction=lambda x: x[0] - x[1], ... ) -1.0 >>> unweighted_average_bias([0, 1], [1, 0], ["male", "female"], metric=recall_per_class) nan >>> unweighted_average_bias( ... [0, 0, 0, 0], ... [1, 1, 0, 0], ... ["a", "b", "c", "d"], ... metric=recall_per_class, ... ) 0.5 """ # noqa: E501 if labels is None: labels = infer_labels(truth, prediction) if not len(truth) == len(prediction) == len(protected_variable): raise ValueError( f"'truth', 'prediction' and 'protected_variable' should have " f"same lengths, but received '{len(truth)}', '{len(prediction)}' " f"and '{len(protected_variable)}'" ) if subgroups is None: subgroups = sorted(set(protected_variable)) scores = scores_per_subgroup_and_class( truth=truth, prediction=prediction, protected_variable=protected_variable, labels=labels, subgroups=subgroups, metric=metric, zero_division=np.nan, ) bias = 0.0 denominator = 0 for label in labels: scores_subgroup = [ scores[subgroup][label] for subgroup in subgroups if label in scores[subgroup] and not np.isnan(scores[subgroup][label]) ] # compute score divergence only where more than 1 score per class if len(scores_subgroup) > 1: bias += reduction(scores_subgroup) denominator += 1 if denominator == 0: return np.nan return float(bias / denominator)
[docs]def unweighted_average_fscore( truth: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], prediction: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], labels: typing.Sequence[typing.Any] = None, *, zero_division: float = 0, ) -> float: r"""Unweighted average F-score. .. math:: \text{UAF} = \frac{1}{K} \sum^K_{k=1} \frac{\text{true positive}_k} {\text{true positive}_k + \frac{1}{2} (\text{false positive}_k + \text{false negative}_k)} Args: truth: ground truth values/classes prediction: predicted values/classes labels: included labels in preferred ordering. If no labels are supplied, they will be inferred from :math:`\{\text{prediction}, \text{truth}\}` and ordered alphabetically. zero_division: set the value to return when there is a zero division Returns: unweighted average precision Examples: >>> unweighted_average_fscore([0, 0], [0, 1]) 0.3333333333333333 """ fscore = fscore_per_class( truth, prediction, labels, zero_division=zero_division, ) fscore = np.array(list(fscore.values())) return float(fscore.mean())
[docs]def unweighted_average_precision( truth: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], prediction: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], labels: typing.Sequence[typing.Any] = None, *, zero_division: float = 0, ) -> float: r"""Unweighted average precision. .. math:: \text{UAP} = \frac{1}{K} \sum^K_{k=1} \frac{\text{true positive}_k} {\text{true positive}_k + \text{false positive}_k} Args: truth: ground truth values/classes prediction: predicted values/classes labels: included labels in preferred ordering. If no labels are supplied, they will be inferred from :math:`\{\text{prediction}, \text{truth}\}` and ordered alphabetically. zero_division: set the value to return when there is a zero division Returns: unweighted average precision Examples: >>> unweighted_average_precision([0, 0], [0, 1]) 0.5 """ precision = precision_per_class( truth, prediction, labels, zero_division=zero_division, ) precision = np.array(list(precision.values())) return float(precision.mean())
[docs]def unweighted_average_recall( truth: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], prediction: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], labels: typing.Sequence[typing.Any] = None, *, zero_division: float = 0, ) -> float: r"""Unweighted average recall. .. math:: \text{UAR} = \frac{1}{K} \sum^K_{k=1} \frac{\text{true positive}_k} {\text{true positive}_k + \text{false negative}_k} Args: truth: ground truth values/classes prediction: predicted values/classes labels: included labels in preferred ordering. If no labels are supplied, they will be inferred from :math:`\{\text{prediction}, \text{truth}\}` and ordered alphabetically. zero_division: set the value to return when there is a zero division Returns: unweighted average recall Examples: >>> unweighted_average_recall([0, 0], [0, 1]) 0.25 """ recall = recall_per_class( truth, prediction, labels, zero_division=zero_division, ) recall = np.array(list(recall.values())) return float(recall.mean())
[docs]def weighted_confusion_error( truth: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], prediction: typing.Sequence[typing.Any], weights: typing.Sequence[typing.Sequence[typing.Union[int, float]]], labels: typing.Sequence[typing.Any] = None, ) -> float: r"""Weighted confusion error. Computes the normalized confusion matrix, applies given weights to each cell and sums them up. Weights are expected as positive numbers and will be normalized by the sum of all weights. The higher the weight, the more costly will be the error. A weight of 0 means that the cell is not taken into account for the error, this is usually the case for the diagonal as it holds correctly classified samples. Args: truth: ground truth values/classes prediction: predicted values/classes weights: weights applied to the confusion matrix. Expected as a list of lists in the following form (r=row, c=column): ``[[w_r0_c0, ..., w_r0_cN], ..., [w_rN_c0, ..., w_rN_cN]]`` labels: included labels in preferred ordering. If no labels are supplied, they will be inferred from :math:`\{\text{prediction}, \text{truth}\}` and ordered alphabetically. Returns: weighted confusion error Examples: >>> truth = [0, 1, 2] >>> prediction = [0, 2, 0] >>> # penalize only errors > 1 >>> weights = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]] >>> weighted_confusion_error(truth, prediction, weights) 0.5 """ weights = weights / np.sum(weights) cm = confusion_matrix(truth, prediction, labels, normalize=True) cm = np.array(cm) if not cm.shape == weights.shape: raise ValueError( "Shape of weights " f"{weights.shape} " "does not match shape of confusion matrix " f"{cm.shape}." ) weighted_cm = cm * weights return float(np.sum(weighted_cm))
[docs]def word_error_rate( truth: typing.Sequence[typing.Sequence[str]], prediction: typing.Sequence[typing.Sequence[str]], ) -> float: r"""Word error rate based on edit distance. Args: truth: ground truth strings prediction: predicted strings Returns: word error rate Raises: ValueError: if ``truth`` and ``prediction`` differ in length Examples: >>> truth = [["lorem", "ipsum"], ["north", "wind", "and", "sun"]] >>> prediction = [["lorm", "ipsum"], ["north", "wind"]] >>> word_error_rate(truth, prediction) 0.5 """ assert_equal_length(truth, prediction) wer = 0.0 for t, p in zip(truth, prediction): # map words to ints unique_words = set(t).union(set(p)) map = {k: v for k, v in zip(unique_words, range(len(unique_words)))} t = [map[i] for i in t] p = [map[i] for i in p] n = max(len(t), len(p)) n = n if n > 1 else 1 wer += edit_distance(t, p) / n num_samples = len(truth) if len(truth) > 1 else 1 return float(wer / num_samples)
def _matching_scores( truth: typing.Union[ typing.Union[bool, int], typing.Sequence[typing.Union[bool, int]] ], prediction: typing.Union[ typing.Union[bool, int, float], typing.Sequence[typing.Union[bool, int, float]] ], ) -> typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: r"""Mated and non-mated scores for verification tasks. For verification task, predictions are usually separated in all predictions belonging to the matching examples, and all other predictions. The first are called mated scores or genuine matching scores, the second non-mated scores or impostor matching scores. For example, in a speaker verification task the mated scores are all similarity values that belong to the matching speaker. Args: truth: ground truth classes prediction: predicted classes or similarity scores Returns: * mated scores * non-mated scores Raises: ValueError: if ``truth`` contains values different from ``1, 0, True, False`` Examples: >>> truth = [1, 0] >>> prediction = [0.9, 0.1] >>> _matching_scores(truth, prediction) (array([0.9]), array([0.1])) """ truth = np.array(truth) allowed_truth_values = set([1, 0, True, False]) if not set(truth).issubset(allowed_truth_values): raise ValueError( "'truth' is only allowed to contain " "[1, 0, True, False], " 'yours contains:\n' f"[{', '.join([str(t) for t in set(truth)])}]" ) truth = truth.astype(bool) prediction = np.array(prediction).astype(np.float64) # Predictions for all matching examples # (truth is 1 or True) # In literature these are called # "genuine matching scores" # or "mated scores" mated_scores = prediction[truth] # Predictions for all non-matching examples # (truth is 0 or False) # In literature these are called # "impostor matching scores" # or "non-mated scores" non_mated_scores = prediction[~truth] return mated_scores, non_mated_scores