File basename without file extension. |
Find common directory path. |
Get/set defaults for |
Create ZIP or TAR archive. |
Mark code as deprecated. |
Mark default value of keyword argument as deprecated. |
Mark keyword argument as deprecated. |
Download URL to destination. |
Extract ZIP or TAR file. |
Extract multiple ZIP or TAR archives at once. |
File extension. |
Flatten an arbitrarily nested list. |
Ensure a fixed length of text printed to screen. |
Log Python packages of activate virtual environment. |
Get a list of available git tags. |
Get a version number from current git ref. |
Install a Python package with pip. |
Check if given string represents a semantic version. |
Check if string is a unique identifier. |
List of folder names located inside provided path. |
List of file names inferred from provided path. |
Version numbering for anarchists and software realists. |
Calculate MD5 checksum of file or folder. |
Create directory. |
Move a file or folder independent of operating system. |
Move a file independent of operating system. |
Expand and normalize to absolute path. |
Progress bar with optional text on the right. |
Replace file extension. |
Remove directory. |
Run parallel tasks using multprocessing. |
Expand and normalize to absolute path. |
Folder in which caller of this function is located. |
Sort version numbers. |
Version numbering for anal retentives and software idealists. |
Convert to list. |
Create an empty file. |
Generate unique identifier. |
Unique values in its original order. |