
To install audb run:

$ # Create and activate Python virtual environment, e.g.
$ # virtualenv --python=python3 ${HOME}/.envs/audb
$ # source ${HOME}/.envs/audb/bin/activate
$ pip install audb

audb uses audiofile to access media files, which supports WAV, FLAC, OGG out of the box. audiofile requires the libsndfile C library, which should be installed on most systems. Under Ubuntu you can install it with

$ sudo apt install libsndfile1

In order to handle all possible audio files, please make sure ffmpeg, sox, and mediainfo are installed on your system. Under Ubuntu this can be achieved with

$ sudo apt install ffmpeg mediainfo sox libsox-fmt-mp3

Under Windows you have to install those libraries manually, and ensure that they are added to the PATH variable.